This is an Alpha release of this translation project with some parts of it still unpolished and might contain translation errors, grammatical errors, and the likes.
We decided to release this alpha version of the translations due to the nearing vote closing date that is just a week shy.
As it turns out, three weeks is far too hard for us to finish all 64 members profile even with the massive and amazing help from our volunteers.
As the one who initiate the project, I took the whole responsibility for this and deeply apologize if somehow our translation quality this time is below par.
We are planning to polish everything up after the Election season.
And here we are, for the second time, JKT48 will got their own sousenkyo!
The girls had done their PR by doing a minute or so video to promote themselves. Thanks to all contributors and volunteers who translated all the videos.
Since the translation here is not in any particular order, please refer to the table of contents on the right for the video translation index.
So without further ado, the JKT48 2nd Sousenkyo Videos Translation!
Translation Team:
Elaine, Sisca, Shani, Okta, Nadse, Michelle, Manda, Gracia
English: Pitra, Tilly
English QC: Adi E.
Japanese: Wotaliano
Japanese QC: KouxFeb
Tya, Stefi, Sofia, Nina, Indah, Farina, Farin, Cia
English: Haddad, Ijul
English QC: WasshoiJ
Japanese: Wotaliano
Cesen, Dhike, Ghaida, Frieska, Ayana, Beby, Delima, Dena
English: Ria Ibo, Veranzzo
English QC: WasshoiJ
Japanese: Wotaliano
You do like chocolate, right? Aside of its deliciousness, chocolate can bring our mood back. Even though some chocolates taste bitter and sweet, you still like it, don’t you?
It’s just like life. There are bitter and sweet moments, but still you got to keep your spirit high. Gotta be thankful of what you receive, kay?
Hi everyone, my name is Ayu Safira Oktaviani, or Okta from JKT48 Team T.
Look at this, it’s my little blanket! I have to use this every time I go to sleep. And I have to take it with me whenever I go. When I sleepover, I also have to take it. If the blanket get washed, it has to be perfectly dry, clean, and leave no smell. If someone makes it dirty, I’m gonna be really mad. If someone hides it, I’ll be reaaally furious.
I can’t be without this blanket, as I can’t be without you. Thank you!
(Tries to break a package of wooden skewers, but fails.)
How come is it so difficult?
(Tries to break the skewers once more.)
Ah, I know! These skewers symbolize unity.
It’s just like the proverb that says, “united we stand, divided we fall”. If we unite as one, we shall have great strength. Like in our lives. We can achieve our goals with ease through cooperating and collaborating.
So, all of us, let’s go forward together, with me!
Just another lazy author for JKT48Stuff whom mainly working with translations and sometimes writing articles about JKT48 with an obvious grammar problem. Was living his life as a JKT48 DD until...
Little Mistake there !, the Dreamcatcher Is [ Frieska Anastasia Laksani] not Natalia
Dang! Fixed! Thanks Dudi!