Letters For Rena

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Message from Editor
One of our authors, Anon, is willing to volunteer as the messenger for your digital letters to Rena, by delivering the print out directly to the AKB48 theater. He will talk about it at the AKB handshake event on the 8th, 9th, 23rd of September and 19th October. Anon already has 2 tickets per-day for the occasion. Here are the details for it as Anon has written a couple of hours ago :
How to Submit your Digital Letter
All that you have to do is to write your short message to Rena via this article comment form.
The format will be :
Your Name/Nickname
Twitter Address:
Your Twitter address (optional)
This is optional.
Your Message:
Well, your message.
– Just a short message please, 5 lines is the maximum for this
– The contents can be either in Indonesian, English or Japanese
– We will filter out your messages to avoid profanity or insult and then compiled all messages and print it out for Rena. We will not print your email address, the one that you will need in order to reply to the comment form nor we will open up your email address to any third party.
– This is a non-profit project, so rest assured, you will not be charged any kind of money.
Method of Delivery to Rena
I will deliver it to the theater directly by printing out your messages. I will talk about it at the AKB48 Handshake event on either the 8th, 9th, 23rd of September and 19th October.
I have reserved Rena’s Handshake ticket for each date and I will then report to you guys after that, about her impression and many things.
Sample Card :
Regards and Godspeed,
Application is now closed! Thank you very much for your letters and messages. Please do wait a while for further updates!
I think I’m first
Name :
Message :
Heya Rena! How’s your days in AKB? I hope everything is going smoothly. We gonna miss you a lot here in Indonesia. As usual, Jakarta is still the land of traffic jam and uhm..well..the Nasi Goreng is still tasty as usual too. Kopitiam is still the place where the fans hanging out too in f(X). Not a lot of things happened during this month and Jakarta is still the same ‘ol Jakarta you knew.
That being said, do your best in AKB Rena! Show ’em what a Jakarta girl can do!
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Thank you for your hard-work all of this time in JKT48. We will always cheer for you wherever you are, and whatever team you are in. We love you and we will always welcome you back. Don’t worry about things, just do your best and I love you so much! xoxo
I’ll join in too~
Twitter Address:
Hey Rena~ So… ermmm… How’s it going in Japan ? Well of course you can’t actually answer that question, it’s not even sure you’ll actually read this, anyway XD. But I’d like to say one thing, please do your best in AKB48 just as much, actually even more than you did in JKT48. In AKB48, you won’t just be “Rena” but JKT’s “Rena”, so everything you do there will also impact the image of JKT48, eventually. No pressure…
Well, besides that, I’ve been thinking, now that you’re in AKB48… you should aim to be CENTER xD. No, seriously, cause you can at least become center through the Janken competition, right ? And that would be so cool, a JKT48 member as the center of an AKB48 single, I can already see the headlines, and fans protesting… X) *joking*
So, bottom line, GANBARENA !! There is nothing you aren’t able to do, so just face every obstacle with your hardwork and keep smiling !
name: andi fadhil abd
twitter: @andiifadhil
national: Indonesia-makassar
Buat Rena gimana kabarmu?kamu mau tau nga aku udah nyiapin uang buke jakarta agar bisa ketemu tpi kamu udah di Jepang tapi kamu tetap oshi aku kok selamanya.:-) #ganbarena family48mks
The previous message may have been a bit too long, so i shortened it XD
Twitter Address:
Hey Rena~ So… ermmm… How’s it going in Japan ? I’d like to say one thing, please do your best in AKB48 just as much, actually even more than you did in JKT48. In AKB48, you won’t just be “Rena” but JKT’s “Rena”, so everything you do there will also impact the image of JKT48, eventually. No pressure…
Now that you’re in AKB48… you should aim to be CENTER xD. No, seriously, cause you can at least become center through the Janken competition, right ?
So, bottom line, GANBARENA !! There is nothing you aren’t able to do, so just face every obstacle with your hardwork and keep smiling !
Your Message:
Hello Renakuma, I actually kind of confused on what to write/tell to you.
But, please know this, for us JKT48 fans, you’ll always be our cute renakuma from JKT48
Our cute renakuma who had spend and share so many with us, JKT48 fans.
Thank you for everything.
May you find your own way in your idoling career there in Japan :’))
Twitter add:
Rena, jangan lupa balik ke Indonesia, ya!
Mariska Lim / chef
Hi Rena-chan! Apa kabar?
There is a time that I really sad when I heard that you will go home to Japan forever. We gonna miss you and hardly seeing you here in Jakarta. But there is also a time that really happy for you that you now a member of AKB48. I will not stop to support you Rena-chan. Don’t forget to always smile. Our support and pray is always with you. Ganbarena~ ♥
Name: wealthyriver
Twitter Address: @wealthyriver
Nationality: Vietnamese
Message (I’ve stopped learning japanese for a while so I’m not really confident of those words’ accuracy, please check spelling & grammar for me, thank you
Name: yahya
Twitter add: @yahyajani688
Nationality: Indonesian
Message: bagaimana keadaanmu di jepang sana sekarang? mudah-mudahan baik ya. jangan lupa jaga kesehatan. tetap semangat dan tersenyum. Rena chan, nanti kalau ketemu oda sensei (pengarang one piece) nitip salam ya. XD. btw, nanti kalau ke indonesia, jangan lupa singgah ke kota gudeg ya. wkwkwk. kami akan mendukungmu Rena dari Indonesia. Semangat. ^_^
Twitter Address:
Hi Rena, I was there the night you told us that you’re going to Japan. I was quite shocked, I thought about it for several days.
You were always there, on the stage, in all RKJ stage I watched until today. I believe the next time I watch RKJ, it will be different without your presence.
Nevertheless, you are still young and very potential. I believe you can improve more and faster in AKB. Keep growing and improving, share your knowledge and experience to the members here.
Wherever you are, I will support you, Indonesia will always be your home. And I will wait patiently to watch the better Rena on the stage again someday
Name : valen
? .
. #GanbaRena #GanbaRena . Maaf kalau saya ada yang salah dalam penulisan , karena saya tidak terlalu pintar berbahasa inggris 
Twitter : @valernt
Nationality : indonesia
Message : apa kareba Rena-chan
Now , Rena transfer in AKB48 . I’m happy but I’m missing for you ! When I see you again ? Rena don’t forget , we allways support for you! Rena must be happy , kawai , and strong
Name : Matsu
Twitter : @MatsuThinks
Nationality : Indonesia
Message : Ganbarena! tapi…tapi..tapi…tapi jangan nyantuk!
Twitter Address:
Hi Rena, when I first saw that you were going to be a concurrent member of AKB48 I was really excited! This is mostly because lately i’ve stopped being interested in AKB when my kamioshi (Natsumi) announced her graduation. However I really love JKT48 and I think that JKT’s work ethic and potential surpasses current AKB by a lot, very similar to what old AKB was like. So I would like to see you bring back some of the initial “hardwork and charm” that first made me fall in love with 48. I think Rena could really learn a lot in AKB and also could teach AKB members many things. So good luck you have people from all over the world supporting you! Semangat! (P.S I REALLY WANT YOU AS JANKEN SINGLE CENTER!)
oops sorry it was 5 lines in the text box
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Hai Rena!!! I miss you! >.< Kangen Rena! Rena kangen Indonesia? Ayo datang lagi ke sini! Semoga sukses ya di AKB! Bisa ikut singlenya! Semuanya disini mendukung Rena! GanbaRenakkuma~!
Name : ririn
Twitter : missririn728
Nationality : Indonesian
Message : Rena apa kabar??? Rena setiap aku melihat kamu di youtube saat kamu pengumuman di theater mau pulang ke jepang selamanya, aku selalu sedih :'( tp di sisi lain aku bangga karena rena my oshi masuk AKB48 Team. I’m proud of you Rena Chan :’) Rena jaga kesehatan ya di Japan, rena semangat di AKB biar shining seperti kakak kelas AKB. Kalo liburan jangan lupa pulang kampung indonesia ya rena. GANBARENA
Haiii rena apa kabar???
Ganbarena semangaattt
Name : Kaca Luthfi
Twitter account : @KacaLuthfi
Nationality : Indonesian
Well Rena, how’s life in Japan? No offense, but which city did you like most? Jakarta or Tokyo? =)
By the way, since the double team status will made you stay in Tokyo often more than in Jakarta, I just want to sent my best personal regards to you. I haven’t go to theater to watch ur performance in JKT48, but I promise, someday I will go to Tokyo to see ur performance in AKB48 Theater. You were the first member that attracted me to 48 Family culture. Thanks a lot for that!
Wish you all the best and Ganba~ Rena! ^_^
Twitter Address:
Hi Rena-san, how does it feel to be back to your homeland? It must’ve feel weird after being abroad for so long.
I just want to thank you for getting me into the 48 Family Fever. I’ve been following for a while, but I finally become a fan after seeing you. Whichever team you end up with in AKB48 doesn’t matter. To me, you are and will always be Rena Nozawa, the cutest and most adorable of all JKT48 girls. It was such an honor to have spoken to you directly during RIVER Handshake event
Best of luck for you in Japan and Ganba-Rena
Name : Megaaleon
Twitter :
Nationality : Indonesian
Hai Rena!!
Honestly, I don’t know what I should say to you. I never go to theater
so I never really meet you in person. But when I see on Youtube about your transfer to AKB48 and I see you crying, it’s kind of saddening for me. You really love JKT48 and that really make me respect you. Even I who randomly watch JKT48 honestly want to support you, I’m sure all JKT48 fans really hope the best for you. Ganbarena, We will always support you, wherever you are…………
Name : Aam
Twitter : @renaminarin / @AAMinudin
Nationality : Indonesian (Bandung)
Rena chaaaan, kumaha damang? i’ve been following you since your debut with JKT48 and now you’ve become JKT and AKB member iin the same time, it feels great to came home to your homeland isn’t it? even though it’ll be more harder for me to see you again because you’ll be staying more often in Japan, but i’m so happy that now you’ve become a great, adorable iidol. i’m so proud of you rena chan. i think this is a new start for you to shine brighter than before. no matter what team you’ll belong in AKB, i’ll always support you. ganbarena!
semangat di Jepang sana! ganbatte! aku tunggu di Jakarta! i’ll always looking forward to every handshake event in jakarta because i’m so happy everytimes i could tell my feeling about you & cheer you up directly! aku tunggu juga JKT48 main lagi di bandung! hehe
greeting from bandung, Indonesia
*sorry, i end up using more than 5 lines
Name : Abe
Message : Hello Rena ^_^ First of all congratulations to your double position as JKT48 member as well as AKB48 member. A lot of people here (including me hehe) will support you even though there’s a distance problem. Maybe it’s a generic one but i wish you a good health and i hope to see you shine in AKB like you in JKT. So.. keep your spirit high Rena hehe ^^
Krist Inigo
I still can’t spell correctly my feeling after your return to Japan. Sadness and worry still shroud the bigger part of mine while happiness still flickers with some warmth of hope for your brighter future. Yet, I do understand that the sadness part sprout from my ego, while happiness sparked from my true care for you. I am sure that over time joy and happiness will overcome the darkness as you forge ahead toward your dream. I am looking forward for the days where you shine brightly on those stages across the sea.
Whenever you feel the burden of your idol life weigh beyond your strength, please take a short break and and remember many people across the sea that cheer and love you warmheartedly. Even though distance separates us, you will still be our beloved Rena-chan.
Name: Dai-kun
Twitter ID: @ddrrage
Nationality: Indonesian
EDIT: my Japanese is kinda poor tho. Please spell-and-grammar-check my message before sending it to Rena, thank you!
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Hi Rena-chan, howdy? All of us really really miss you after your transfer to AKB. Although our hearts may be shattered , at the same time we are also glad as this will definitely be a step forward towards your dream. I hope you enjoy your time there and please make us proud as you now represent JKT48! I wish you all the best and do not forget that we, fans, will and definitely always support you! Ganbarena!
Name: Joe Julian
Twitter id: @JyuriNii
Nationality: Indonesian
Hi, Rena-chan~ long time no see..
But it’s feel short tho cause I always could see u on tv program and video lately, lol.
Rena-chan..reading those messages from your fans made realize that you’re loved and supported by these people, many of them. So, answer they wish with your best hadwork and smiles
— I’m sorry, would you (editors) add this? coincidently I push the submit button —-
(contd)…answer their hope with your best hard works and smiles, okay? Please don’t skip any meals and take care of your health.
We’ll always wait for news from you =)
Ganba~ rena.
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
hello Rena, I am not the fans who used to come to the theater. but once you move to japan, i know JKT48 will seem less colorful. but don’t hesitate. just concentrate in AKB, just like you usually did in JKT. And don’t afraid of loosing fan *giggle , as long as you keep tweeting, we will not forget you. Janken tournament soon will be held. I pray you get in Senbatsu, or even a CENTER. Go for it Sweetgirl!
name :agni
message:please dont forget us.and aim higher.do the best god do the rest
Hello Rena-Chan.. ^_^.. Congratulations on your double position ^_^ .. how’s life over there? I hope everything is going great.. Do your best over there Rena-Chan.. GanbaRena! \(^_^)/ (ps : I want to see you as janken center Rena-Chan.. semangat.. semangat.. ^^)
sorry.. accidentally push submit before writing this ^^!
Twitter Address:
Indonesian (Jambi)
Your Message:
Definitely gonna miss you! I’m keeping this short because I know you’ll still come to Jakarta, so yeah. I’m wishing you good luck in whatever it is you do in Japan. But to be honest, I don’t think you need a wish of luck at all, I know you’re capable of anything as long as you work on it. But anyhow, good luck.
Twitter Address:
Name: Deri Gusnandi
Twitter Address: http://twitter.com/mangjahe (@mangjahe)
Nationality: Jakarta, Indonesia.

Hi Rena-chan? Kumaha Damang? Pie kabare?
Hmm, actually i’m confused on what to write/tell to you. Hmmm, When I heard you get a double position. I’m proud and glad to hear that. But since that I’m missing for you! Because, no one can replace Renakkuma in JKT48. Please dont forget us, Renaissace. Dont forget us as Fans JKT48. You have been proud of our country. And next i want to see you as janken center. Relax, I will support you, we will support you, Renaissace will support you, JKT48 Fans will support you whatever you are. Ganbarena. Sampai bertemu lagi di JKT48 Theater saat Individual Handshake Event nanti. God bless you
Maaf, Sorry. Before, it was 5 lines in the text box. Hope you accept that
Name: Bryan Manulelo
Twitter Address: @hechel
Nationality: Indonesian
Your Message:
Rena-chan ! Kumaha damang ? Piye kabare ? wkwkwkwk >..<
Name: Bryan Manulelo
Twitter Address: @hechel
Nationality: Indonesian
Your Message:
Rena-chan ! Kumaha damang ? Piye kabare ? wkwkwkwk :))
Selamat ya kamu bisa masuk AKB48. Semoga kamu bisa SHINING seperti member AKB48 yang lain, dan bisa jadi seksi juga wkwkwkwk :))
Sedih juga sih kamu harus jauh dari Indonesia, tapi kamu nanti rajin-rajin pulang ke Indonesia yaaa, rajin-rajin update Twitter dan G+ yaaa
Jangan bingung lagi kalau naik kereta di Jepang dan ati-ati neng ndalan yaaa (hati-hati di jalan yaaa).
Selalu GANBA-RENA yaaa ! Kami no shukufuku, Rena-chan !
Name: Fikrul
and do your best! Ganbarena!
Twitter: @sgtfikrul27
Nationality: indonesia
Hello rena-chan! I’m vey sad when I hear you’re going back to japan. I made a vow to myself that I’ll go to japan and watch your performance, wait for me okay rena-chan ^^ keep smiling
nizar k
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Ganbarena! From JKT48 fans in South Borneo! Don’t forget to visit Indonesia again yo! We all miss you.
Name: Richardson
Twitter Address: @rhkilis
Nationality: American
Your Message:
Rena, I was fortunate to have had the chance to watch your theater stage performance back in May. Even if it was only once, I had the impression that you would do well should you move to Japan and perform with the Japan 48 groups. I know how it feels to move abroad and having to leave your friends behind, but I hope you will realize that the friendships you make will last a lifetime. We will continue to support you as best we can from overseas, so I hope you will also do your best to succeed in Japan as you have in Indonesia.
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Chère Réna,
Félicitations pour être transferrée aux AKB48. Sois la star là au Japon, inspire les gens – notamment les filles – avec ton esprit et ton souris. Je suis fier de toi, et je sais que tu ne nous decevras jamais. Sois toujours la star, inspire les gens – notamment les filles – que rien n’est impossible. De plus, sois toujours la Réna que nous connaissons, une fille brillante avec perfection et énergie.
Nos souhaits et nos prières seront éternellement t’accompagneront.
Name: Erry
Twitter Address: @erryfp
Nationality: Indonesian
Your Message:
Hi Rena! I’m not a regular theater attendant. But almost everytime I watched theater, you always catch my eyes with your unique way of speaking, especially while MC-ing. Now you’ve gone to Japan (though in concurrent position), I think JKT48 theater will lose a bit of your charm. No need to worry though, because I’m sure your presence would add another charm to AKB48. And I’m sure you will be the perfect member to help bridging JKT48 and AKB48. Never lose your spirit, Renakkuma! GANBARENA!
Name: Ray
Twitter: @Ray021_48
Nationality: Indonesian (Bandung)
Piye kabare Rena? Hopefully you’re healthy and energetic as always :))
I see you had a new haircut, eh? That makes you look more mature >__< and hopefully you'll make it to the AKB newest single center by winning the janken! We'll send our luck from here lol
Name: Ray
Twitter: @Ray021_48
Nationality: Indonesian (Bandung)
Piye kabare Rena? Hopefully you’re healthy and energetic as always
I see you had a new haircut, eh? That makes you look more mature >__<
Oh yeah, looks like you also made lots of new friends, keep strong and i wish you can befriends all of AKB members :3
P.S.: maybe you could take a 2shot with my SKE oshi, Jurina Matsui? XD Hopefully you'll make it to the AKB newest single center by winning the janken! We'll send our luck from here lol GANBARENA!!!
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Rena-san congratulation for your transfer to AKB48 . . . I hope you doing well in AKB48. Just like Takahashi Manami`s words “Work hard will be rewarded!”. I also will work hard in chasing my daring dream and as a fan of AKB48GROUP. I hope in the future you and AKB48 member could come to Malaysia and perform some song. Until the time comes, I will be waiting here . . .
I am a member of MSA48 (via Facebook)
It’s just like a dream huh? When you join with AKB 48. shuyaku de iyouze. Please, be the best ever! I believe in you like i belive with myself.
“Ima made nandomo, nan toka akiramezu ni, ima made nandomo, tachi agatte kita janai ka? ima made nandomo, bokura, nandomo shinjite, nandomo yume mite, shuyaku de iyouze!”
Name : Setiawan Yunus
Twitter : @sdjoenoes
Nationallity : Indonesian
Message :
It’s just like a dream huh? When you join with AKB 48. Sore tte kiseki. Please, be the best ever! I believe in you like i belive with myself.
“Ima made nandomo, nan toka
akiramezu ni, ima made nandomo, tachi agatte kita janai ka? ima made nandomo, bokura, nandomo shinjite, nandomo yume mite, shuyaku de iyouze!”
Name: Stella
Twitter Address: @stellacat2412
Nationality: Vietnamese
Your Message:
“I was planning to visit JKT48 Theater when I heard you would back to Japan. That’s the worst news about JKT48 I had ever heard since I started becoming your fans. Visiting Japan is more difficult than visiting Indonesia because I’m in Vietnam. But don’t worry, I’ll try my best to see you in AKB48 theater soon.
I really want to see you with Oshima Team K. Don’t worry so much about your debut. You can do it. And you will be the best. You should believe that. Your fans always stay by your side. Just smile for us and everything will be ok.
From Vietnam with love, Stella”
how to make message? please help me
Hi,you just write your name and message for Rena(English or Indonesian is better).
Message is 5line or so is best.Because too long message can’t print on card or very small letter to write that.
Nationality and twitter address are optional,if you care no need to write about that.
1st comment(Angga)is our staff.Please refer to that.
I’m waiting your message.Thanks!!
Thanks for this project, it really helps us :”3
Name: Edea
Twitter: Edea_Syllisya
Nationality: indonesia
Hey Rena, it’s been a long time…
I missed the days where I could see you on stage performing and playing together on an event…
I hope you’re well there in Japan, in AKB48.
Miss you :”3
Nama : Gilang Maulana Iwanusa / GMiwanusa
Twitter Account?
: @GMiwanusa
Nationality : Indonesia
Hi Rena-chan! Long time no see.. but i think the last chance i meet you at Handshake event in Jakarta. Just remindering about GANBARENA! Hat i gave to you. I hope u can use it. And let me know. Have fun there, Take care. Bai bai
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
I went few times to watch JKT48’s theater and you happened to be always performing when I watched it so I already grew familiar to you. I was so shocked when I knew you were about to move back to Japan permanently this time and I became so sad because of that. I missed chance to HS with you when you were still in Jakarta but I hope I can do it someday in the future.
As a JKT48 fan as well as an AKB48 fan, I’m so proud of you that you can continue being an idol although I’m sure it is rather hard at the first try. Don’t worry about anything and keep striving because you have so much fans that believe in you. I am myself will try my best to support you because all JKT48’s members are precious to me.
so Rena, do your best in your new Team and I’m looking forward to see you perfoming with them!
I am also a member of MSA48 (via Facebook)
Name: Karunia Putri Z.S
Twitter Address:
Nationality : Indonesian
Your Message:
”Hello Rena-chan!”
how are you? I really miss you rena-chan..
I’m in 6th grade, maybe I was a naive girl and do not know anything
I hope you have fun there, we are the same hobby you know .. you love bears, I also love bears
want your dream to be a writer, I also wanted to be a writer. Because I’m going to support you because I want to be your small bear. Thank you because JKT48 already made an appearance more beautiful. I hope you read this letter … Believe in yourself, You can certainly ….. once again THANK YOU #GanbaRena!
Karunia Putri
Name : Faris
Twitter : @farisvanjava
Nationality: Indonesia (Malang)
Hi Rena! Gimana disana? Baik kan??
I’m so sad when i heard that you will be back to Japan
because when i planning going to theater you already
went back to Japan I miss your voice :'(
Stay healthy Rena goodluck in japan
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Rena-chan, apa kabar?
So.. You’re in Japan right now. A lot of people, even until the time you read this letter, will still miss you. We, Indonesian fans, think that you have left a lot of impression in our hearts. So please, do your best at AKB48! With Akicha-san too, please spread JKT48’s name all over Japan! And also, do your best at school too! Education is important!
Ganbatte, Rena-chan!
Twitter Address:
@Hadiruto the First
Your Message:
Konnichiwa Rena-chan, hisashiburi…
i miss you…No, we all miss you. i hope you’re okay in there.
Team K of AKB48…wow, congratulations Rena swannn.
well, i like to drawing, maybe sometime i will make picture of you wearing a Kebaya.
(Kebaya is a indonesian traditional blousedress)
Nationality: Peruvian-American
Your Message:
Hi Rena!! I’m sorry for not having been able to go see you in Jakarta, although I’m twenty years old I am quite useless and haven’t accomplished much but you give me hope and strength to try even harder. So I will work hard, study and save up money to go see you in Japan.!!! I follow your post on G+ and sometimes leave messages in English, I hope that you have seen them…it would be great to see a few posts in English from you too! Anyway don’t loose hope ever and keep tryin to accomplish your dreams and I will do what I can to help you get there!!!!
Ps:Maybe we will have Team Nozawa sometime in the future!
Name: Ayi Prayudha
Twitter Address: @ayiprayudha
Nationality: Indonesian (Bogor, Jawa Barat)
Your Message:
I hope u can fulfill ur dream rena
As a fans, I just can support u from far a way.. I miss u so much.. WE miss u so much.. I will attend to ur HS event on 14Sept. @Jkarta.. I’ll wear my chef uniform again and it’ll be only 10sec.. but I hope u’ll remember me.. Arigatou
Ohayou Rena-chan? O genki desuka? Well, I’m ur fans from indonesia.. I very2 sad, to be honest, I’m cry when I heard about u being transfered to AKB. Because, I didn’t have any chance to meet u directly. I started to like JKT48 and made u as my oshi from March 2013.. I come to ur last concert @Jakarta, and I sent a gift (4pictures of u that I made myself + photo of me wearing chef uniform).. U, ur face, ur voice, ur spirit give me the spirit to chase my dreams.. I want to become a chef n writer
Nationality: British
Hi Rena, I think you are pretty awesome being the first foreign exchange to AKB! You are in a very special role that not many others can talk about, so have confidence in yourself! There is literally no-one else in your position to compare yourself to so I hope you can enjoy your time in AKB with few worries. You are young, have a new best friend in Hillary (who is awesome by the way, please tell her that) and the world is always interested in a girl with linguistic talents like yours. There is literally a world of options for you out there if you keep working on your language skills, I really hope you would keep practicing, stay healthy and really wow the Japanese!
Name : Eunnie
twitter : @kawaiicrassis
Nationality : Indonesian
Hi, Rena! How are you doing? I was so sad after hear the news that you were going back to Japan. I heard from fans i’m following on twitter. I am so glad that I’ve met you once at the theater during Renai Kinshi Jourei stage show for ladies and kids
meeting you (even tho you’re not my oshi) was really great moment and saw you on stage, with your amazing dance, was a really dream come true for me! I cried during Nagai Hikari hehe xD
well, nuff said, soo…. Ganba rena!! 
I hope as JKT48 representative you can get into janken senbatsu!
Holla, Renakkuma!! ^^
Apa kabar? Gimana persiapan debut theater Oshima team K nya? Mudah-mudahan lancar dan performance kamu disukai oleh fans Jepang.
Semoga dengan bergabungnya kamu di AKB bisa mengembangkan talenta kamu sebagai Idol. Bawa nama baik JKT yaa! Kamu jangan takut. We will never forget you. Because you’re our beloved Renakkuma who always Joyful, Kawaii, and Try to be the Best!
Name: Bryan Manulelo
Twitter Address: @hechel
Nationality: Indonesian
Your Message:
Rena-chan ! Kumaha damang ? Piye kabare ? wkwkwk )
Selamat ya kamu bisa masuk AKB48. Semoga kamu bisa SHINING seperti member AKB48 yang lain, dan bisa jadi seksi juga wkwkwk )
Semangat terus ya selama di Team K. Semoga debut kamu di Team K bisa sukses dan SHINING ! Oh iya, jangan suka belajar terlalu malam ya, nanti jadi jelek hehehehe
Sampai ketemu di handshake event KFC di Jakarta ya ^^
Selalu GANBA-RENA ya ! Kami no shukufuku, Rena-chan ! #GanbaRena
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Haloo renaa! selamat ya kamu akhirnya bisa show disana dengan akb48.semua senang rena bisa sukses disana,tapi jangan lupa pulang ke Indonesia karena semua kangen kamu..semoga disana bisa senang dan sukses ya!Jangan lupa yang di Indonesia juga rena! kami menunggumu terus..SEMANGAT!
minna!!??? GANBARENA! :))
I’m not late right for make a project for renachan?
I hope not, maybe Anon will announce it on later date
for Rena:
Hi Rena, long time no see! (i’m not even sure that we have ever met, hehe…)
Rena, maybe i can’t say anything because we haven’t met before, tried to send a fan letter but i’m sure you haven’t received the letter yet. hahaha… but all i can say is this:
every step you take, every choice you made is your way to be wiser and wiser. Your family, your friends, your fans are not you, be free to choose any choice for your own happiness, because this is your life. Even you are an idol, be free to live!
Bali – Indonesia
…balik …woiii …balik … pada kangen neh …hahaha …
…Give u’r best shot in AKB48 ok …GANBARENA …
Mark Evan Ramotan Hasibuan
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Kepercayaan diri tidak dapat dipelajari melainkan didapatkan saat anda BERANI MATI menghadapi rasa takut & IKHLAS menerima hasil.
Name: Fitransyah Nugraha
Twitter: @yansevenfoldism
Nationality: Bandar Lampung – Indonesia
well i think i’m not the last people to write this letter for rena am i? *lol
Renaa-chaaan~!!! aapa kabar? baik kan? aku harap kamu disana baik2 aja yah dan selalu semangat!
jangna pernah lupa indonesia dan JKT48 yah, dan jangan pernah lupa siapa kamu sebelumnya. aku harap km disana terus berjuang demi masa depan km, dengan usaha keras pasti semua itu tak akan mengkhianati. i always appriciate your hardwork as part of JKT48 member and AKB48 member now~ your journey is start! “kalo aku gomong rena, kalian gomong ‘GANBARENA’. Minna~ ‘GANBARENA!’ Terimakasih! aku ingin menjadi teddybear punya kalian, i’m dreamer not yet a writer, i’m rena yoroshiku onegaishimasu” – Rena Nozawa catchphrase
Twitter Address:
@Yodhayod / http://twitter.com/yodhayod
Magelang – Jawa Tengah – Indonesia
Your Message:
Rena, apa kabar? aku sangat kangen! kangen lihat kamu perform di TV Indonesia, Good luck ya di AKB48 . Kita gabakal ngelupain kamu kok! kita selalu support kamu walaupun dari jauh! kamu sering-sering buka twitter fanbase indonesia ya! ( @Rena_issance @Renaissance_ID @Renaissance_JKT ) . Selalu beri kabar kita ya! banyak-banyak share foto yaa kalau bisa! Love you Rena! we miss you! GANBARENA–!
hallo rena semangat yah perfomenya di theater AKB48, Aku gak akan lupa sama rena & aku akan terus support rena sampai kapan mina Ganbarena
hallo rena semangat yah perfomenya di theater AKB48, Aku gak akan lupa sama rena & aku akan terus support rena sampai kapanpun mina Ganbarena
Nama : Rahman
Twitter : @Myoshimelody
Nationality : Indonesia
Haii rena aku rahman masih inget gak sama aku aku loh yg pernah handshake sama rena di JKT48 theater, oiya rena terus semangat yah perfomenya di AKB48 theater kami fans di indonesia akan selalu support rena di jepang #Ganbarena
Name : David Klemens
Twitter : @Davidklemens
National : indonesia – tangerang
Message : hi rena semangat ya buat debutnya di akb oh iya sangat juga sekolahnya . Kamu tambah lucu aja tiap hari makin cantik. Hehehe
Yaudah semangat terus ya
Rena apa akbar semoga baik2 aja ya…,terus kapan dateng lagi ke jakarta udah kangen nih sama rena semoga cepet balik lagi ya ke jakarta
Name: Bileam Erick
Twitter Address: @erckgts
Nationality: Indonesia (subang, jawa barat)
Your Message: halo rena! apa kabar? pasti senang ya udah gabung di akb48 , semoga sukses ya di akb48 ! cepat balik ke Indonesia ya, kangen rena!, kangen muka imutnya :3
tetep ganbarena yah ! :3
halo rena.. Apa kabar? Semangat ya buat debutnya!! GANBARENA!! Jaga kesehatan ya

Give your best..
Deri Gusnandi
@DeriGusnandi @Renaissance_KSK
Dear Rena,
Selamat ya rena sudah masuk oshima team K AKB48 jangan mau kalah sama, nanti pas handshake event 3rd Single JKT48 Kamu jangan sampai telat lagi kayak kemaren ya! hehe!! MISS U SO MUCH!!!!
Haloo Rena ^^ semoga kamu seneng ya di AKB48 hehe, hmm jangan pernah lupa juga ya sama JKT48 dan fans kamu di Indonesia :’) pokoknya semangat terus deh buat Rena
sukses yaa.. Ganbarenaaa!!
rena semangat yah buat debut’a
rena klo mw pulang ke indo januari aja, biar aku bisa liat rena di theater, coz aku juga mw pulang ke jakarta januari dari yogya
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Halo rena! Apa kabar? Semoga baik-baik aja disana. Oh iya sebentar lagi kamu ikut theater team K ya?. Selamat ya, mudah-mudahan di hari pertama kamu di theater AKB lancar ya. Dan di tunggu ya theaternya di jakarta :D. Semoga theater pertamamu menyenangkan
sorry about double post, I had connection problems here. You can remove my first letter and use my second letter. thanks
Adhi Rohmantoro/Adhi atau Toro
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Hai Rena!! Apa Kabar? semoga aja baik ya… aku kangen kamu,pingin liat kamu show disini… di surabaya…
semangat ya buat Debut nya!! GANBARENA!! jangan banyak makan makanan berlemak entar tambah gendut kayak haruka loh :)) udah segini aja yah :)) jangan lupa jaga kesehatan :)) Love You :*
Name :Afit
Twitter :@anakdekan
Halo Rena, apakabar? mudah mudahan rena selalu dalam keadaan sehat ya.Senang ketika dengar kabar kalau rena bakal debut di teater AKB,Semangat ya Rena ingat semua orang mendukung kamu, berikan penampilan yang terbaik ya. GANBARENA!!!
(Edited Messages)
Name :Afit
Twitter :@anakdekan
Nationality : Indonesian
Halo Rena, apakabar? mudah mudahan rena selalu dalam keadaan sehat ya.Senang ketika dengar kabar kalau rena bakal debut di teater AKB,Semangat ya Rena ingat semua orang mendukung kamu, berikan penampilan yang terbaik ya. GANBARENA!!!
Name: Handika
Twitter Address: @septianhandika
Nationality: Indonesia
Your Message:
Halo Renaaa!!! selamat ya udah masuk ke AKB48 tim K, sebenarnya agak sedih karena Rena harus ninggalin Indonesia dan pergi ke jepang, padahal belum sempat ke theater buat ngeliat Rena, Rena jangan sampe lupa sama Indonesia ya, karena fans Rena di Indonesia juga gak bakal ngelupain Rena. sukses ya buat debutnya bersama AKB48, semoga Rena sukses terus baik di JKT48 maupun di AKB48. GANBARENA!!!!!
Rena apa kabar??
hati – hati ya di jepang…
jaga kesehatan..
dan jangan lupain kita…
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Hi, Rena. I don’t know if you remember me or not, but I hope you do. To be honest, I didn’t want to write this short letter to you because I want to watch your AKB48 theater performance and deliver my message to you personally. However, I don’t think I can make it there in such a short notice, so with this letter I want congratulate you for making it into Team K. It’s going to be a new experience for you, but I know that you have the potential to be successful. Be yourself, be that hard-working girl, be the Rena that I know. Yes, I am sad that I can’t see you that often now, but I want you to know that I will always support you from here. We love you, Rena. Together, we will always shout it out loud for you: MINNA~ GANBARENA!
p.s. I hope you still keep the pink and blue Renakkuma shirt
Jovi, unfortunately, your message is a little bit too long and can’t fit the letter to be printed according to Anon. Any shorter message one? Thanks!
Name :Aulia
Twitter :@AuliazL
Nationality : Indonesian
Halo Rena! Apa kabar? semoga baik – baik saja ya disana. Oh iya tanggal 9 kamu ada theater di AKB ya?. Wah semoga sukses ya show pertamanya di AKB. Tampilkan penampilan terbaik kamu Ya!. Oh iya di tunggu juga Theaternya di Jakarta. Aku pengen denger suara kamu lagi, liat kamu lagi di RKJ. Jadi cepat ke Jakarta ya!!. Oke,segini dulu ya Surat dari aku
semoga dengan surat ini kamu tambah semangat buat theater pertamanya. Dadah.. GANBARENA!!
Twitter Address: @danny_warfield
Nationality: Indonesian
Wah Rena, tanggal 9 oktober, debut theater pertama kamu ya? Have a success and give your best performance
Selamat juga karena udah masuk dalam list recording single Heart Ereki
Oh iya, ada saran nih, kalo handshake di jepang kamu tetep pakai bathik ya atau kebaya modifikasi, hehe biar terus ingat sama Indonesia
Rena, congratulation for your theater debut. Keep healthy and energic! We all here always pray for your good. And remember, do not push yourself too hard because it will bring the bad things to you. If you are tired, rest. Remember that your life is not only your idol life but remember the other side of your life too, okay?
You are not alone, we all here are with you….
*sorry for my complicated grammar ^_^
Twitter Address:
Hei Rena, bagaimana kabarnya di Jepang? Selamat ya buat debut pertamanya di theater AKB, nggak sabar deh denger cerita dari kamu yang perform disana. Pokoknya semangat ya!!! Oh iya, kapan mau pulang ke Indonesia lagi? Kita disini udah kangen mau liat kamu perform lagi.
Yaudah yang penting kamu disana semangat, berikan yang terbaik buat fans di Jepang sana. Semuanya GanbaRena~
Anton Sujarwo
Twitter Address:
Your Message:
Maybe more than 2 years i know and following JKT48, and as long as that i never get chance to come in JKT48 Teather to meet you Rena, my home is so far in East Java Blitar. One thing why JKT48 is so unique is because ur contribution there. on First debut you are one and only Japanese Member and you couldn’t speak Indonesian fluently, Do you remember. He.he so proud of you, although you part of AKB now you never forgote JKT48, i saw on Twitter you used Kebaya on Janken Turnament, and it’s so cool. Ganbarenaaaa, Achieve ur Dream in AKB48, I wait your new single with AKB48.
Sidqi Mubarok
Twitter Address:
bagamaina kabarmu di Jepang Rena?Semoga baik-baik saja.aku fans kamu di Yogyakarta,aku hanya ingin mengucapkan selamat buat kamu karena udah di terima di AKB48 di Team K,semoga debut kamu di AKB48 berjalan sesuai rencana kamu…#GanbaRena
Twitter Address:
Halo, Rena! お元気ですか? Selamat ya buat debut theaternya di Jepang! おめでとうー!
Walaupun sudah gak tinggal di Indonesia, tapi jangan pernah lupain Indonesia ya~
Kalau sempat main2 ke Indonesia lagi dong.. We all miss you here! (>.<)
Sebagai penutup aku kasih riddle juga.. hehe.. Rena masih ingat kan?
ongratscjk orfhk ourybj heaterthj ebutdjk! ewjk nowkhj ouybj anchj odkj tihk!! (hint: bahasa inggris)
If you read Rena’s twitter, you know how to solve that riddle
Name: Nadhira Sekarputri
Twitter address: @nadonat48
Nationality: Indonesian
Dear Rena-chan,
Ogenki desu ka? Baik-baik aja, kan? Aku Nadhira. Umurku sebelas tahun. Iya, aku kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar (>-<) Aku tinggal di Yogyakarta. Ini pertama kalinya aku nulis fanletter.
Selamat ya sudah masuk Team K. Di Jepang menyenangkan, kan? Fans Indonesia kangen banget, lho sama kamu. Terutama aku..
Pertama kali aku dengar kamu pindah ke AKB48 itu rasanya campur aduk~ Sedih, senang, bangga, tapi sedikit kecewa. Soalnya kamu itu oshimen pertama aku. Aku terus berdoa semoga kamu baik-baik aja disana. Oh ya, waktu itu aku juga lihat video kamu di theater AKB48. Kamu terlihat senang sekali^^ Melihat kamu senang, aku juga ikut senang.
Aku dan lainnya di Indonesia akan selalu mendukung kamu. Berusahalah, Rena! Jaga kesehatanmu, jangan sampai sakit. Jangan lupa dengan kami disini, ya. Tunjukkan apa yang kamu bisa kepada mereka semua! (´ω`★)
sorry, think this letter its too long.
Name: Nadhira Sekarputri
Twitter address: @nadonat48
Nationality: Indonesian
Ogenki desu ka? Baik-baik aja, kan? Aku Nadhira. Umurku sebelas tahun. Iya, aku kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar, Aku tinggal di Yogyakarta. Ini pertama kalinya aku nulis fanletter.
Selamat ya sudah masuk Team K.Di Jepang menyenangkan, kan? Fans Indonesia kangen banget, lho sama kamu. Terutama aku .Oh ya, waktu itu aku juga lihat video kamu di theater AKB48. Kamu terlihat senang sekali^^ Melihat kamu senang, aku juga ikut senang.
Aku dan lainnya di Indonesia akan selalu mendukung kamu. Berusahalah, Rena! Jaga kesehatanmu, jangan sampai sakit. Jangan lupa dengan kami disini, ya. Tunjukkan apa yang kamu bisa kepada mereka semua!
Name: Muhammad Nur Ikhsan
Twitter Address: @bintangpelangi
Nationality: Indonesian
Your Message:
Senang sekali pada kesempatan ini aku bisa mengirim pesan untuk Rena, walau keberadaan Rena sekarang di Jepang. Walaupun telah terpisah jarak beribu-ribu kilometer tidak menghalangi semangatku untuk terus mendukung Rena. Aku sangat penasaran dengan penampilan Shonichi Rena di teater AKB48 bersama Oshima Team K pada hari Rabu besok (09/10). Semoga saja aku bisa mendapatkan link streaming untuk bisa menyaksikan perform Rena pada saat itu. Jangan ragu menampilkan performa terbaikmu, karena yakinlah bahwa kami fans dari Indonesia selalu mendukungmu. GanbaRena!
Twitter Address:

Congratulation Rena Chan for your debut on AKB48 Team K stage…
Kayanya akan semakin sibuk nih,tapi jangan lupa, harus lebih SEMANGAT ngejalaninnya yaaaa ren…