Author: Angga

Bye Afa

JKT48 Official have just announced Shaffa Nabila (Afa, from the trainee line up) graduation. As per official website stated: Well then, bye Afa. But at least, AFA-ID is coming to town soon. Source

Memories Will Never Fade

I still remember the first time we met at the training ground when I said “Who’s this? Japanese?” and you still don’t know how to speak Bahasa Indonesia and still relying on your English to communicate (laugh). Since you have a very long hair at that time, you always ended up with a pigtail. You still remember don’t you?

Gingham Check Special Page

JKT48 officials have launched the Gingham Check Special Page with information for the CD/DVD type they will be selling. Currently there are three types of the EP itself with the same front cover. [column...

One Last Request

@Yona_JKT48 Holla (≧∇≦)Smangat bu theater'nya..skip dulu hari ini..masih ga enak badan nih :((Nanti share foto yukata donk yon..hehe :3 — Azhar (@SyaoranInDzone) June 9, 2014 each happiness of yesterday is a memory for tomorrow.....