K3PoinOshi Translation Project
Well, here it is. K3PoinOshi a web series created by both Yona and Lidya to promote K3 more to the public. It features both of them promoting the K3 members while featuring some cameo from other members such as Della and Chikariina.
We usually uploaded our hardsubbed translations to YouTube, but this time, we gonna try to use a different method by using direct download with MediaFire/Mega as well as softsub embedded within the MKV container. I personally understand that my grammar quality is not really up to par without help in QC by RHKilis or Kurisu, so I chose softsub so that you may change the translation’s grammar to your needs aka scrubbing it.
Unlike our transcript translation, I decided to omitted all kinds of honorifics in the softsub translation this time. So please refer to the translation glossary/notes here for any kinds of honorifics such as Ka/Kak.
Cast for the web series:
– Lidya as #MinLid
– Yona as #MinYon
Min is short for Admin.
We’ll start at the 2nd Episode of the web series and will try to translate more after that.
K3PoinOshi Translation
– Episode 01
The episode about lame jokes. The lame jokes are totally untranslatable to English so I have to make some adjustments to the jokes translation. Feel free to scrub it to make a better translation out of the lame jokes.
One example is the joke about the differences between the Sun (Matahari in Indonesian) and the rain. Matahari is a local brand of department store as well with numerous discounts, thus the literal translation of the joke is: Matahari gave you discounts while the rain’s not.
I like it, from here I know jkt48