JKT48 6th Single Post-Election Analysis
by Richardson Kilis · April 27, 2014
It has been seven weeks since I wrote an article introducing JKT48’s 6th single election and the possible consequences of its outcome. As fans around the world held their breath yesterday during the two-part announcement of the results, there was a palpable sense of excitement and anxiety in the air among members and fans alike.
Seven weeks—exactly 49 days—and three rounds of voting built up to yesterday’s crowning moment. Almost exactly two and a half years since JKT48 was revealed to the public, its first elected senbatsu would stand on the stage that Indonesians have previously only seen on Japanese television. While the final result is all that matters at the end, we should still look back at what happened along the process.
For the purposes of this analysis, I will make the assumption that 40 members—19 from Team J, 16 from Team KIII, and 5 Trainees—truly participated in the election. This excludes the 31 third generation members, who entered the race midway through the voting period and had a marginal effect on the results. Of these 40, 22 received a top 16 position at least once in the three announcements made during the voting period.
Phase 1 (March 5–11)
The graphic above displays the result of the first phase of the election that was announced on March 15. This reflects the total number of votes submitted in the first week of election, which ran from the release of “Flying Get” on March 5 to the seventh day of March 11. In this period, a total of 5,372 votes were received for the top 16 members.
Analysis of field reports from the first few days indicate that sales of the “Flying Get” single, each containing a unique serial number for voting, were sporadic because CDs were not yet available at all Alfa Group convenience stores. Furthermore, it became evident that each outlet was limited to 15 copies of the single at a time. This prompted a guerrilla war among fans as they hunted for CDs already in circulation. When excluding possible votes submitted by theater attendees and Official Fan Club members, we can estimate that approximately 1,500 copies of the single were sold in the first week.
Such sales figure is quite dismal when considering that Alfa Group boasts more than 7,000 outlets around the country. Fans were afraid that the unavailability of CDs would carry on through the rest of the election, prompting attempts to secure them by all means possible. Allegations of side dealings with distributors who were tasked with delivering the singles to the outlets were common in the early days of the voting period.
Consider also the difference in votes between first place and 16th place in this first phase—264 votes. This gap could be closed with votes from 88 CDs, whose serial numbers could be used to submit three votes each. Perhaps accounting for this slow escalation of votes, management announced that serial numbers could be acquired through text message in the second phase. This move was met with outrage among some fan circles instead of excitement because the nature of text message submissions meant that votes submitted were not limited by availability of stock. It turned the election into a competition of which fans had the most money and time to send text messages for the serial numbers.
The right graphic above depicts what happens to the first phase rankings when they are reordered according to the second phase rankings. Describing it as a mess may be the most accurate way of assessing the situation. It meant that senbatsu positions were still open to competition from anyone.
Phase 2 (March 12–25)
The graphic above displays the result of the second phase of the election that was announced on March 25. This reflects the total number of votes submitted through the third week. This phase includes the period in which management allowed votes to be submitted using serial numbers acquired from mobile content downloads by text message, a program that ran March 16–25.
On the left graphic, votes from the second phase are now added to the picture. It is evident that text message votes were able to change the game for many members, allowing them to secure top 16 positions in this phase. One particular example is Rica, who we can assume received fewer than 200 votes in the first phase. Strong showing in the second phase eventually gave her seventh place in the final senbatsu rankings. She had the third highest gain in votes in this phase, after Melody and Jessica Veranda.
There were reports that many fans shifted their focus from acquiring CDs to submitting as many text messages as possible in order to secure serial numbers before the voting window closed. It should be noted that although text messages had to be submitted between March 16 and 25, the serial numbers acquired from them could be submitted after that time window. Vote gains by five members were higher than cumulative number of votes received by top 16 members of the first phase. These were Melody (+7,494), Jessica Veranda (+6,095), Rica (between +5,704 and +5,914), Beby (+5,644), and Kinal (+5,617).
On the other hand, Nabilah (+2,216), Haruka (+2,258), and Shania (+2,399) were among the lowest gainers in this phase. This puzzled observers because they are members of high stature in the eyes of management and fans. It is unthinkable that they could fall to the bottom of the top 16 rankings with such weak turnout. Of particular concern is Nabilah, who is the only member to have more than one million followers on Twitter. Her popularity on the field does not match the turnout in this phase. The same goes for Haruka, as center of JKT48’s 3rd single, and Shania, who is generally seen as the top non-center member.
Angga has written on the cost difference between submitting votes by text message and by CD purchases. This resulted in an inflation of the vote totals in the second phase. Instead of a race in the hundreds, it became a race in the thousands.
Phase 3 (March 26 – April 22)
The graphic above displays the result of the third and final phase of the election that was announced on April 26. This reflects the total number of votes submitted in all seven weeks of the voting period. When taking into account known vote figures from all three phases, we know at least 159,227 votes were submitted overall.
Again, on the left graphic, votes from the final four weeks of the election period are added to the picture. When the announcement of Jessica Vania’s position as senbatsu gatekeeper in 16th place was made on early Saturday afternoon, it set the threshold for which members could secure top 16 positions. This meant that any member who had received more than 4,718 votes in the second phase were guaranteed senbatsu positions. They were Rica, Kinal, Beby, Jessica Veranda, and Melody. Recall that these five are also the top gainers of the second phase, which meant that they had already secured senbatsu positions as of March 25, one month before voting closed. It emphasizes the ability of text message voting to change the picture of the race.
Meanwhile, the lowest gainers of the second phase became the highest gainers of the third phase. Nabilah, Shania, and Haruka gained a cumulative 29,961 votes. If these votes were all acquired through CD purchases at full price, it would have cost almost Rp350 million, equivalent to approximately US$30,400 or ¥3.09 million. This is not a likely scenario. What most likely happened was that fans decided to deceive rivals by saving their text message votes for submission after the second phase results were announced. This appears to true, as many Nabilah fans admit to a “vote-bombing” effort in the final phase of the election.
Excluding the outliers of Nabilah, Shania, and Haruka, the senbatsu members gained on average 47.7 percent of their total votes in the third phase. This is actually quite an impressive showing, especially considering that most votes from this phase should come from CD sales, which cost more per vote than the text message method. Achieving nearly the same amount of votes as the first and second phases combined with a higher budget requirement is no small feat.
These results were certified by the notary office of Tjhong Sendrawan. While there is little publicly available information on the Internet regarding his background, he appears to have signed off on a number of transactions involving companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Therefore, it is my judgment that the election results are valid and without error. Allegations of fraud can be seen as unwarranted defamation of the election process until concrete proof is brought forward.
We will never know the total number of votes submitted for the election. A management official with one of the Alfa Group store affiliates had reportedly revealed that approximately 180,000 votes had been submitted as of Wednesday, April 16. In context, this is higher than the 150,570 votes Rino Sashihara received in AKB48’s 32nd Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo. If JKT48 fans amass their buying power toward a single member in the 48 Group, they can potentially place her in senbatsu position. Overseas fans also contributed to this election, with reports of votes coming in from Japan, Malaysia, and the United States.
We will also never know the true cost of this first JKT48 election. However, we can make an estimate based on computation using some of the figures already mentioned above. (I will spare you the intricate calculations.) Our estimate is that the JKT48 6th single election cost as much as Rp1.5 billion, equivalent to US$129,000 or ¥13.2 million. This could vary depending on how many votes were submitted through theater attendance or Official Fan Club membership.
7週間前に、この記事にJKT48の6枚目シングルの選抜総選挙の紹介とその考えられる結果について書きました。全世界のファンが昨日の2回(昼と夜)の分けられた 結果発表を固唾を飲んでいた中で、メンバーとファンに漂う緊張感と不安が目に見えるようでした。
期間 1 (3月5日~11日)
期間2 (3月12日~25日)
左側のグラフには第二期間の票数を加えました。SMS票数が多くのメンバーにとって逆転劇になったのは明らかです。第一期間での得票数が200以下とみられるリカは分かりやすい一例でしょう。 第二期間に見せたこの強さで、リカは最終的に選抜7位を獲得できました。メロディーとフェランダに次いで3番目の大きな票数増加です。
CDを買うよりも、できるだけたくさんSMSを送って締め切りまでにシリアルナンバーを集める方向に多くのファンがシフトしているという現場レポートがありました。注意すべきポイントは、3月16日~25日の間にSMSを送らなくてはなりませんでしたが、手に入れたシリアルナンバーを使っての投票は25日以降でもできたのです。5人のメンバーのそれぞれの得票数は、第一期間の上位16人の合計票数(5,372)をも上回ります。メロディー(+7,494)、フェランダ(+6,095)、リカ(+5,704~+5,914)、ベビー(+5,644)とキナル (+5,617).
一方で、ナビラ(+2,216)、ハルカ(+2,258)とシャニア(+2,399)はこの期間で一番票数が伸びなかったグループです。運営とファンにとって重要なメンバーだけに、摩訶不思議な空気が漂ってました。選抜16人の中の下位に落ちてしまうなんて考えられません。特に、唯一100万人以上ツイッターフォロワーを誇るメンバーであるナビラは注目すべし。 現場の人気とこの期間の結果はまったくマッチしていませんでした。JKT48の3rdシングルのセンターを務めたハルカ、フロントメンバーのシャニアも同様です。
CD購入とSMSによる投票のコストの違いについて以前本サイトで 記事 をUPしました。従って、第二期間の票数が増大し、百単位から千単位のレースになりました。
期間3 (3月26日~4月22日)
総選挙の投票結果はTjhong Sendrawan (ジョン・センドラワン)公証人事務所によって認証されました。この事務所についてネットでは情報が少ないのですが、インドネシア上場会社を含む多くの企業の会計を認証しているそうです。従って、投票結果に誤りや不正はなかったと判断します。具体的な根拠もなく不正を主張することは不当中傷と見做される可能性もあります。
総選挙の合計投票数は今後も発表されないでしょう。(JKT48)オフィシャルマネージメントの一人がアルファグループ店舗運営の一人とともに、4月16日の時点で約18万票が投票されたと明かにしました。去年のAKB48 32ndシングル選抜総選挙で指原莉乃が集めた150,570票を上回る数字です。JKT48のファンが購買力を結集して48グループの一人のメンバーに集中すれば、そのメンバーを選抜入りさせることができるでしょう。また、JKT48の総選挙には海外(日本、マレーシア、アメリカなど)からも投票者がありました。
JKT48初めての総選挙開催にかかった費用も明らかにされないでしょう。しかし、上記の数字から推測すると(細かい計算は割愛させていただきます)JKT48 6thシングル選抜総選挙の開催でかかった費用はなんと1,500,000,000ルピア(約1320万円)。ただし、劇場公演鑑賞票や公式ファンクラブ会員票の票数によって変動の可能性があります。
Japanese Translation by Wotaliano
Japanese QC by Japarta
The fact that we could save the SMS voting codes untill the very end of voting period makes the CD sales really hard to calculate. Some members fanbase that gain enormous votes at the third phase admitted to use the postponed SMS voting codes, rather than CD votes codes.
Nice article!
“If JKT48 fans amass their buying power toward a single member in the 48 Group, they can potentially place her in senbatsu position”
You comparing Rp.3300 for a JKT sousenkyo vote to Rp.112000 / 1000 yen ( theatre edition CD ) for an AKB sousenkyo vote????? Lol…
Lol this guy totally missed the point by miles
Rp3300 is only the price for SMS vote, while there is also the Rp35000 CD. Your argument works if the sosenkyo is only based on SMS, but there is also a considerable push from CD votes.
True that the “cost of vote” from AKB48’s single cannot be compared to JKT48’s, since JKT48’s single is far more cheaper and you can vote 3 times through it. However, if the fans effort is on the same level – in this case spending the equal money spent on JKT48 senkyo on AKB48 senkyo – you certainly can put a JKT48 member into the senbatsu.
Easily put, IF the ¥13.2 million is allocated to AKB48 sousenkyo, the thought of a JKT48 member ranked among the AKB48 Group members is not impossible. All they need to do is going all out like they did in the local sousenkyo.