Eagle Documentary Series: My Idol, My Body and Soul
by Haddad · April 28, 2014
Ah… Yossha ikuzo! Fire! Cyber! Fiber! Diver! Viber! Ja-ja!
Tora! Hi! Jinzou! Sen’i! Ama! Shindou! Kasen tobi jokyo!
Chape! Ape! Kara! Kina! Rara! Tusuke! Myo-hontusuke!
Person 1: J-pop? Umm… I like it, but I don’t understand [the language].
Person 2: Not really.
Person 3: Not really.
Person 4: Nope.
Person 5: I like it.
Person 6: I like it because it’s really good.
My Idol, My Body and Soul
Sandy Suwandi, J-pop fan: My name is Sandy. I’m 19 years old. Um… I really like JKT48. I like them more than other girl groups because they’re pretty unique. Their group performances on the stage are what draws me to them. As I follow their growth until now, I… I feel closer to them. They hold events that make fans get to know them better.
Friend: Hey, San! Are you still going to the [JKT48] Theater?
Sandy: Of course! Come on in.
Friend: Are we going now?
Sandy: I don’t know, man. I haven’t showered.
Friend: Oh, what? You should shower. You’re going to see your oshimen.
Sandy: At that time, we went to the Theater. I queued for the waiting list from 7 a.m. just to be able to watch her performance and birthday celebration. I did all I could to get inside the Theater. Whatever happened, I had to get inside to join the celebration.
Friend 1: Say ‘hi’ for me.
Friend 2: To who?
Friend 1: You know who.
Friend 2: Okay.
Sandy: It’s really hot today.
Friend: It is.
Mulyati, Sandy’s mother: That’s how he is. Sometimes, he comes home and asks for food. I ask him, “Did you not eat anything?” “No, I didn’t.” He does it for something like this. There are times when he comes home very late and says, “Yeah, I ate. I ate once.” It’s like he comes home to eat. I thought, “How did it become like this?” Well, what can you do? He holds back on eating not because he doesn’t have any money, but because he is really got into [JKT48]. I don’t know. As a parent, I only know that this is what he does outside.
Sandy: What do you think is fun with wotagei?
Sandy: I haven’t really counted my expenses for idoling activities because I’m not that… I don’t spend money that often to support them. I know I have priorities in life.
Emil Chandrawisesa, J-pop fan: My name is Emil. Among fans, I’m known as “ecwx”, Bang Emil, or Bang Em. I’m in my forties, and I work in IT.
When I first became interested in JKT48, there were fans who questioned me. “Why is someone your age following idols? Don’t you have something better to do?” Come on, man, take it easy. I mean, take Doraemon for example. Adults still like to watch Doraemon. It’s entertainment. I don’t take it too seriously. It’s just having fun. There are many who mock me, but not my friends. It usually comes from the younger fans.
Emil: At one point, my oshimen was Kaoru Hayano of Team K, AKB48’s second generation. In around March or February [2009], she announced her graduation from AKB48. At the time I was short on money. I had told my friend, who invited me to go to Japan with him, that I couldn’t meet the budget for the trip. [Hayano’s] announcement was either Friday or Saturday. On the following Monday, I booked an airplane ticket to Japan. I was there two weeks later. That’s the story of my most impulsive and unplanned trip.
If you ask whether there have been conflicts of interest, I would say there have been some, but they never escalate too far. I try to keep a balance. I don’t want the people around me become unhappy because of my idoling activities. There are times when we lose control and forget ourselves, but they never turn into big conflicts.
Emil: I want this to be a hobby that I can enjoy for a long time, so I don’t want to ruin my relationships. If we ruin our social circle because of this hobby, then it won’t last very long.
Sandy: This is my first CD [by JKT48]. I got it at their first anniversary event for free.
Emil: I don’t have a big collection. This is a fan of Haruka Nakagawa when she was still in [AKB48] Team A.
Sandy: Then I have this fan.
Emil: This is a T-shirt made by the AKB48 Fan Community when AKB48 came to Indonesia.
Sandy: These are their CDs—their single releases.
Emil: My first AKB48 single, “Skirt, Hirari”. It was released 2006 when they weren’t signed with any record label yet.
Sandy: Magazines.
Emil: There are two posters that I like. The first is of Cindy Gulla, along with her autograph. And then, this is a poster from the release event of “Chance no Junban” with Haruka Nakagawa’s autograph.
Vivi Sofiana Marisca, Emil’s wife: I don’t mind his interest in JKT48 because… Actually, it’s very different from my interest in music. He often accompanies me to watch concerts and other music events.
Emil: I like to invite friends and fellow fans to visit my house to get to know each other better. Sometimes when there’s a fan gathering, I’ll ask my wife to come. That way, she knows what [JKT48] fans do together.
Sandy: Here we are at fX Sudirman.
Sandy: I’ve been scolded [by my parents] before. I bought so many CDs and was scolded. “This is a waste of money that’s better used to buy books or other things.”
Mulyati: He brings home new CDs—those ones in his room. Even when he already owns one, he would buy another. He said it’s because… “Yeah, there are [handshake] tickets,” he said. Why does he need to do that?
Sandy: I’ve borrowed money once. It was from my class’s activities fund. There was a new single being released that day… Uh, wait. Concert tickets, not CD singles, were being released that day. I was considering whether I should use the money or not. In the end, I used it to buy the ticket and replaced it three days later with my own money.
My mother once told me, “If you want to watch, go during weekends or holidays. Don’t go on a weekday when you have to go to school. Don’t force yourself and come home so late when you have things to do the following day.”
Emil: The reason I bring my wife is to familiarize her with it. It’s easier to build trust when my wife knows what my hobby is like. Sure, the girls are pretty, but that’s all there is to it. She knows what I’m spending my money for and what it’s like to watch theater performances, socialize with other fans, and attend handshake events. She won’t get jealous if she knows the boundaries in this hobby, and it doesn’t become a big deal.
Emil: Today, I’m watching Team J’s performance of the Demi Seseorang (Dareka no Tame ni) set list. It’s really crowded, and you can see there are many banners on display there because today is the birthday celebration for two members, Rachel and Gaby. As a fan of Rachel, I have to watch it.
Emil: I’ve enjoyed listening to Japanese artists such as Hikaru Utada and Ayumi Hamasaki for a while. They’re great artists. Honestly, AKB48’s musical quality was a far cry from their songs at the time. Why, then, did AKB48 catch my attention? When I first saw AKB48—when my friend showed me their videos—I thought to myself, “Wow, these are middle school teenager, but they’re trying to become big stars.”
Vivi: I’ve seen and listened to his stories. “[One of the members] was wearing this hairpin today.” That’s usually girls’ talk, but it’s now guys talking about it.
Sandy: My source of income is…allowance from my parents. I would save some for idoling. The rest would go toward my other expenses, such as tuition fees or daily expenses.
Sandy: Hello, Bang.
Emil: Are you going to the two-shot event?
Sandy: Who are you getting a two-shot with?
Emil: Rachel.
Sandy: Oh, Rachel. Is she going to be in the sixth single?
Emil: I don’t know. We’ll see.
Friend: Are you buying CDs?
Emil: I don’t have any money right now.
Sandy: The cost… Since I don’t have my own source of income yet, sometimes when there’s an event or concert, I was like, “Oh, well. If I can’t go, then I won’t force myself. There are other chances for me to meet them.”
Mulyati: He would come home with CDs or T-shirts, ones that he bought online. He keeps buying them one after another. “You keep spending money on this and neglect your the other needs.” He would then say, “That’s my own business, Mom, not yours.”
Sandy: I promised my mom before I started college. “Don’t worry, Mom. When I start classes, I won’t be following JKT48 anymore.” But I got to know many friends and became crazier in following them. It’s not that I hope for one of them to become my girlfriend. I understand and realize who I am and who they are.
Emil: There are people who like JKT48 simply because they’re pretty. There are also people who see them as ideal girlfriends. Others sometimes ask me, “What are your intentions? Are you trying to become their boyfriend?” One person’s mindset is different from another. You don’t have like JKT48 just because of their appearance. Some think if you like an idol, then you are trying to date them.
It might be because I don’t have a younger sister or a daughter. It’s like watching your daughter or little sister. It’s fun to see them grow. I can’t fantasize about them because I see them as kids, so it’s unthinkable. It’s probably the age difference.
「僕のアイドル 僕のボディ・アンド・ソウル」
アー よっしゃ行くぞ!タイガー!ファイヤー!サイバー!ファイバー!ダイバー!バイバー!ジャージャー!
「僕のアイドル 僕のボディ・アンド・ソウル」
サンディ・スワンディ Jポップファン:
友人: おい、サン(ディ)!お前JKT48劇場行くんだろ?
サンディ: 行くさ!まあ上がれよ
友人: すぐ出かけるかい?
サンディ: まだわかんないよ。シャワー浴びてないし。
友人: うわ、何だって?シャワー浴びろよ。推しメンに会いにいくんだろ。
サンディ: あの時僕は劇場に行って推しメンのパフォーマンスを観るのと誕生日のお祝いができるってことで朝7時からキャンセル待ちに並んだんだ。何とかして劇場の中に入ろうとした。何があっても推しメンの生誕祭を見てお祝いするのに中に入らなきゃならなかった。
友人1: 頼んだぞ
友人2: 何を?
友人1: 知ってるだろ
友人2: オッケー
サンディ: 今日はホントに暑いなぁ
友人: まったくだ
サンディ: ヲタ芸って楽しいのかな?
サンディ: アイドリング活動にかけてる支出を計算したことは無いよ。だって僕はそんな頻繁に応援に行ってないから。自分の人生で優先しなきゃいけないことがあるのは知ってるよ。
エミル・チャンドラウィセサ Jポップファン:
エミル: 以前僕の推しメンはAKB48の二期生、チームKの早野薫だった。2009年の3月、いや2月だったかな?彼女はAKB48からの卒業を発表したんだ。その時僕にはお金が無かった。いつも僕を日本に行くのに誘ってくれる友達がいるんだけど、その彼に僕は今年は旅費が無いって話してたんだ。でも(早野さんの卒業は)発表が金曜か土曜で、次の月曜には日本行きの飛行機チケットを予約し2週間後には日本にいたよ。僕の中で一番衝動的で無鉄砲な旅行だったって話さ。
エミル: 僕はこれを長い間楽しめる趣味にしたいんだ。関係を壊したくないし。この趣味のせいで社会的な結びつきが壊れてしまなら、それは長くは続かないだろうね。
サンディ: これは僕にとって最初のJKT48のCD。JKT48の1周年記念イベントで無料で配られたヤツ。
エミル: 僕のコレクションはそんなに多くないよ。これは仲川遥香がまだAKB48のチームAにいた時の団扇だよ。
サンディ: 団扇もあります。
エミル: これはAKB48がジャカルタに来たときにAKB48ファンの仲間が作ったTシャツ。
サンディ: これがCD。彼女たちのシングルCDだね。
エミル: 僕がはじめて手にしたAKB48のシングル「スカートひらり」。2006年まだ彼女たちがインディーズだった時の。
サンディ: これは雑誌。
エミル: 僕が好きなポスターが二つ。一つ目はシンディ・グラでサイン入り。こっちは「チャンスの順番」発売イベントの仲川遥香サイン入りポスター。
フィフィ・ソフィアナ・マリスカ エミルの妻:
エミル: 僕は友達やファンを家によく呼ぶんだ。ファンの集いがあるときには妻を誘うよ。それで彼女がJKT48ファン活動ってのは何をやってるか知れるしね。
サンディ: さあfXスディルマンに着いたぞ
サンディ: 前に(両親に)ひどく怒られたことがあるんだ。CDをたくさん買っちゃって。「ムダ遣いだ。本とか他のものを買うのに使った方がいい。」って。
ムルヤティ: 息子が新しいCDをもって帰ってきたんです。部屋にあるアレ。もう買ったのが1枚あるのにまた同じのを買って。「だってクーポン(握手券)があるから」って言うんです。「そんなことやめてよ。もう持ってるじゃない。」って言うと、「ホラ、これがクーポンだよ」って。
サンディ: お金を借りたことも一度あった。クラスの行事のために貯めてるお金から。今日はニューシングルが発売されるってんで。あ、ちょっと待った。CDじゃなくてコンサートチケットだった。今日はコンサートのチケットが発売されるってんで。そのお金を使うべきかどうかを悩んでいたよ。結局そのお金を使ってチケットを買って、3日後に自分のお金から払ったよ。
エミル: 僕が妻を連れて行ったのは馴染んでもらうため。僕の趣味がどんなのかを知ってもらうことは、信用してもらうのに手っ取り早かったから。それで「ああ、これが楽しみなのね。カワイイ娘たちを見るんだ。こういうことなのね」と確認した。趣味のためのお金って何か、何を買うのか、劇場公演を観ることや握手会に参加するってことがどういうことかも知った。「もうそんなこと知ってるわよ」ってことで、彼女が焼もちを焼くことはないし大きな問題になることもない。
エミル: 今日はチームJの「誰かのために」を観るんだ。すごく混んでるよ。あそこにバナーがたくさん飾られてるのがわかる?今日はメンバーの2人、ラヘルとゲビーの生誕祭。ラヘルが僕の推しメンだから今日は絶対に観るんだ。
エミル: 僕は前から宇多田ヒカルと浜崎あゆみのような日本のアーティストが好きだった。彼女たちはすばらしいアーティストだよ。正直いってクオリティって面ではAKB48は彼女たちにはとうていかなわない。じゃあどうしてすごく好きなのか?僕がはじめてAKB48をみた時、その時は僕の友達がAKB48のビデオを見せてくれたんだけど、「おぉ、まだ子供。中学生だな。でもみんなが何か大きなものになるためにがんばっている」と思ったんだ。
フィフィ: 「(推しメンの)ヘアピンが今日は何だった、何色だった」って話してるのを見たり聞いたりしたの。え?そんなこと話すの・・・って。それって普通はガールズトークでしょ。男の子がねぇ・・・。
サンディ: 僕の収入源は・・・両親からのお小遣い。そのうち少しをアイドリングのために貯めておいて。残りは授業料、交通費とか他の使いみちに。
サンディ: こんにちは、兄貴!
エミル: 今日2ショットする?
サンディ: 誰と2ショット?
エミル: オレはラヘルだよ
サンディ: ラヘルかぁ。彼女は6枚目のシングルに入るかな?
エミル: わからないね。いずれわかるさ。
サンディ: 費用ねぇ・・・僕は自分自身の収入源がまだ無いから、時々イベントやコンサートがある時には行けないんだったら無理はしない。今回だけじゃなくてまた彼女たちと会えるイベントはあるから。
ムルヤティ: 息子はCDやTシャツを買って帰ってきたり、オンラインで注文したり。次から次へと買うんです。「あんたはこればっかりにお金を使って、他のことのためには全然使わないのね」と言うと、「お母さんに関係ないじゃん。僕自身の問題だよ。」って言います。
サンディ: 大学に入る時にお母さんと約束したんです。「お母さん、僕は大学に入ったらもうJKT48は追いかけないよ」って。でも、友達がたくさんできちゃってもっとのめりこんでしまった。彼女たちのだれかが僕のガールフレンドになったらなんては思っていません。僕は自分の立場と彼女たちの立場をわかってます。
エミル: 単純にJKT48がカワイイから好きだって人たちがいます。理想のガールフレンドだってみてる人たちもいます。僕がファンなのを見て時々「何してるの?(メンバーの)彼氏になりたいの?」と聞かれます。人によって考え方は違いますね。そういう人たちは、JKT48を好きってのはカワイイからだけじゃないようだということも見れます。僕たちがアイドルを好きなのは彼氏になりたいからだって思ってる人もいますから。
Video courtesy of Metro TV (PT Media Televisi Indonesia), via Vincentius Kresna Bayu.
Translation by Haddad. Quality check by RHKilis.
Japanese Translation by Japarta
I copy-pasted it: “I want this to be a hobby that I can enjoy for a long time, so I want to ruin my relationships. If we ruin our social circle because of this hobby, then it won’t last very long.”
What is the meaning of the first line that says he wants to ruin his relationships by wanting to make this to be a hobby that he can enjoy for a long time?? Is it a typo from the author of this article?
Thank you for pointing out that mistake. The correct translation should have been “I don’t want to ruin my relationships.”
Already at his forties, has wife and kids but still doing idolling activities. Is that ok? Or…weird?
well, it’s depend or your definition of what’s “OK”, or “weird”
generally.. yes it’s weird or you may assume it as inappropriate, but look up, if our society accustomed with this idoling culture, it isn’t likely that the middle-aged in great measure will do it, just like 48’s fans in Japan did.
it is just a matter of perspective bre
look at Bro Yamada, what do you think about him?
in my perspective, he is the epitome of awesomeness :the man: :the man:
Who’s Yamada?
He is a peace loving, easy money spender, men of the members..
A man among men who always ahead of others..
he is the solemn light of all wotas..
He is…what we called…Cahaya Wota
To be truthful, few years ago, seeing an adult read comic and play videogame is awkward. But nowadays, after those teenagers grow up and become another adult, it is quite common to see adult read comic and play videogame now. Maybe, for next few years, it will be normal to see and adult do idoling.
So what? As I posted before, I have 3 daughters.
No one call me “Mad Man”
I wouldn’t say anyone would comment old people who support idol/girl band/ any pop singer really as a mad man but generally it is considered to be a youngsters thing in Indonesia. Old people who like those should have a thick skin else they will be pressurize to convert to other “mature” things to do.
Also considering that Indonesian population consist of youngsters, the preassure build up. So either man up against the comment or “man up” by doing what a ‘real’ man should normally do.
That being said as the population grows older and people are getting more educated, people would be left to do whatever they want. I guess that is the differance with Japan. Indonesian is a nozy kind of people but at the same time those nozy factor leads to a better bonding within the rt (community within a road).
Whether it’s weird or not depends on each individual. If you are japanophobia, the answer is indeed weird and perhaps annoying. But, if you are a japanophile, the answer is no problem. However, there is no the perfectly correct answer.
In the end, idolling is just a hobby. Actually, Bang Emil in that documentary makes me really happy. When he said that he want it to be a hobby that he can enjoy for a long time and it won’t ruin his social relationship. And his wife looks pretty lax about his hobby.
I’m on my late 20’s now. And everyday I wonder, until when I’ll keep listening to japanese bubblegumpop music, watch anime, read manga, play video games evey night before I go to bed. And after I watch this documentary (especially Bang Emil), I know that I can do it as long as I want and keep my social relationship intact. It’s all about life balancing I guess. Hmm.
OTOH, the boy makes me a little sad…somehow, “borrowed” money from class fund is taking it a bit too far…and his mom seems really worried about her son idolling activities…
Watching Emil, makes me realize: he lost orientation in his life.
what do you mean he lost his life orientation? For me he is showing the maturity in this idoling hobby. Beside that, his everyday life is pretty normal and great : have a steady job with pretty good income (look at his house and car), wife whom understand about his hobby (and they are supporting each other hobbies), and healthy children.
I even can relate my life to his :p I’m on my late twenties, already married with a child, my wife knew i was into this idoling and j-pop culture since we were dating, she’s also still into K-Pop idoling and its helping her to be more closer with her students (She’s working as a junior high school counselor)
間もなくアップします。 ^^