Category: Opinions
Compilation: JKT48 in Business and Marketing Perspective
The growth of JKT48 has attracted the attention of many people, not without exception those who came from commercial business and marketing area. There are already a few people from this area who’ve had...
My personal reunion – Renai Kinshi Jourei (25 May 2013)
So a couple of friends and I flew over from Singapore to Jakarta again this last weekend to catch JKT48 again. It was the best time to come over because my college’s summer break...
Renai Kinshi Jourei (25 May 2013) – 2nd POV from The Back
My sin confession : This is my first time watching team J on stage. After a few weeks of co-ordination with JKT48Stuff authors, we (RHKilis, Red, djt, me) met at last that day together...
Renai Kinshi Jourei (25 May 2013) First-Time Report
Exactly four months after I began sporadically watching 48 group performances with January’s Request Hour Set List, I found myself sitting inside JKT48 Theater for my first theater show experience of any 48 group....
How to Convert the River DVD to 16:9
I already got my River single along with the DVD today and finds the 4:3 aspect ratio very annoying on my PC monitor and TV. Not only 4:3, all of the videos also gave...