[HS & OGB Sign Event Story] – For Shan..
by Angga · June 2, 2013
Yesterday was the Handshake and Official Guide Book signing event where I was lucky enough to have some spare time to executed the “Jadilah Nekad Preview” project together with Japarta who will act as the trigger for the soon -we hope- more organized “Jadilah Nekad” project in September with more overseas fans coming to see JKT48 Theater.
So here’s my story for the first part of my more than 12 hours journey yesterday, For Shan..
昨日は「握手会」と「公式ガイドブックサイン会」の日で、ラッキーにも僕はJapartaと一緒に進めている企画の予行演習“Jadilah Nekad Preview”※に参加することが出来た。
※訳注/これは、JKT48劇場観覧を希望する海外在住ファンを、Japartaさん(当サイトの寄稿者。インドネシア語、英語可能な日本人)と現地ファンが“100%ボランティア”でガイドしようという企画。原則、個人でチケット宿泊手配、現地集合だが無論ガイドは無料。*Jadilah Nekad=ジャディラー ネカッドとはRiverの歌詞にもある「かむしゃら」の意味。こんかいはリハーサルみたいなもの。
Japartaはこの企画の発案者で、彼の尽力でこの9月には、多くの海外ファンを誘って一緒にJKT48劇場を楽しむ“Jadilah Nekad”企画の本番を実施したいと思っている。で、以下は12時間にも及んだ僕の旅の話の最初のパート。実はこれはシャン(シャニア)のための物語でもあったのだ・・・
I was able to met Japarta at 9 AM Sharp on a coffee shop in f(X) after his arduous long hours of flight the day before yesterday from Japan. We decided to enter f(X) and queued at around 11 AM or so after a very fun morning coffee session (hot chocolate for me though as my heart can’t stand coffee).
We were kinda overwhelmed at how far the queue was. But luckily, a security guard then guided us for the shortest and fastest route to enter the signing event for the official guide book due to the soon to be over 1st session which is fortunately our target for today.
We didn’t bought our book when it first released two days ago, so we decided to buy it on spot. I bought 3 books which I thought will be enough. One for a friend who really loves Shania, two for me. Three was my maximum budgeting plan since the day the book released.
Well..I think it is not a secret that I don’t have a particular favorite member. With that in mind, I thought it will be better if I just get all these books signed by Shania with the reason of why obviously stated from the previous paragraph. I also wanted to give Shan a perhaps mundane words of support for the strength she need after a few hours before ruckus made by irresponsible fans in which I will never ever again mentioned in this article due to how sick minded those irresponsible beings were.
Already got my target locked, I walk with confidence to the queuing area for signatures which leaves me in an utter state of shock. Shania’s line was empty. But I regained my composure in a very short time thinking that it was perhaps due to the soon to be over 1st session.
I walked up to her and she welcomed me with a smile which I really appreciate. A very gracious smile with an unfortunate empty stare. I kind of worried whether she still not regained her spirit up back, but maybe that was just me being a little bit delusional facing a horde of angels in front of me so I decided to wipe it away.
I was playing with the book plastic cover to buy more time while I listened to her conversation with Japarta and another fan who queued behind me which I gave access first. It was just your usual greetings and all, but suffice to say that she looked kind of down. Not your usual happy go lucky Shania which I saw a few weeks ago together with RHKilis.
Long story short, it was my turn to ask for the signature. I told her that this one is for a friend of mine from the United States who really loved her and boy how happy she was when she heard that. She even insisted that it is my call of duty to drag him to Jakarta one day.
She said sorry for not being able to wrote my friend’s handle name on that book, but that was just some trivial matters so I nodded to her request. The next two book now in which she asked whether those two books coming as a request from another fan or not in which I said “No”.
We have some small talk at this point but it seems like her mind was on somewhere else, thinking about a burden she carries out by herself. She really was good with the direct eye contact when listening, never did any tight lipped smile but after a lot of instance of her left shoulder rise up very slowly and slightly added with gripping her own upper arms in one short instance was pretty much telling the me that she was indeed felt insecure and not really confidence at that time.
I couldn’t bring myself to tell the truth when she asked me with your regular textbook “Who will you handshake with?” So what I did was a big fat lie about whom I chose to handshake with (which I got from a series of random picking with a randomizer application). I think she knew about my lie from my pretty obvious body language.
Although that question was just your regular textbook questions every single girl asked that day, it brings me to crumble. Wasn’t I there to gave her some words of support even with how mundane those words are to her ear? Wasn’t I there to make sure that she feels well after that “Thing”? And now what did I do? Told an innocent 14 y.o a frickin’ lie? I was so mad at my indecisive self.
I got out from the signing event feeling lost to my own self. Japarta was still queuing at that time, so I decided to go downstairs and grab some iced tea and a puff of smoke. I tweeted and tweeted trying to remove my guilt and to justify my action by saying “This was all I could afford to gave her some sort of support” until…a DM came from a close friend of mine whom I’ve known for years : “This isn’t you. You never tweeted about something like that”
I grab my bag, ran as fast as I could to the fifth floor while praying that even just for one day, God if you really do exist; Please make Shan my favorite member from the bottom of my heart and not with my logic or with any kind of stupid body language reading. All I asked is just one single day.
Without thinking I grab another Official Guide Book, paid it in cash, and walked to Shan in a very fast paced steps. I was nearly out of breath at that time (Although I rested for a while outside while resting my old sorry back to the nearest wall) and my sweat was pouring like a flood. I could only utter one simple word : “Stay strong Shan,” a mundane sentence uttered by possibly every single fan of her.
After that, I was like lost in a trance. I frantically searched for someone who would kind enough to exchange my Handshake ticket with Shan’s by using contacts a friend of mine knows with no avail. After a short meeting with friends and some tummy fill-in time with Japarta, I gave up with my hidden plan of exchanging my ticket and went with the member stated on my handshake ticket.
So I went with it while thinking perhaps it was fated for me to never have any favorite member even for just a mere single day which makes me did one of the most stupid decision : Giving the security all my tickets at once. Rather than 30 seconds, I got perhaps 10-20 on my clock and that’s it, out of topic and good bye. I’m really sorry Sora for wasting the tickets you earned so hard.. it was my mistake.
I slumped. I almost gave up. Until I knew that the officials were going to sell some CD again for handshake event! I look at my wallet, still got some money left and decided to went with a couple of Shania’s tickets. At long last!
Ran back downstairs, another iced tea, another puff of smoke relaxing my anxious self while waiting for the other JKT48Stuff’s authors. We exchanged our experiences at that time in which I told them about mine. I joked around to ease my tension by tweeting how fast my wallet got thin or telling the guys my funny work related experiences while agreeing with Japarta when he said he also feels the same when he asked for Shania’s signature, he feels that Shania looked kinda down.
Time was running fast as I sipped my tea. It was the time for my final task, to see Shan’s smile more than once again while giving her the best support I could without thinking, without any logic, without any stupid reading method. Just a bare naked feeling of wanted to support someone so precious to you.
I walked slowly to Shan’s line. Trying to get a gist of how the handshake went. Going good so far, she was laughing a lot and in one instance, she joked with a Stella fan that went handshaking with her at that time by saying : “Have you got Ci Stella’s permission?” which able to make me laugh. I didn’t even care at that time whether it was a pure joke or an irony one. All that I care was that I could see her laugh again.
I almost have a thought of to just went back downstairs without doing the handshake with her since she looked well enough for me with the fans able to make her laughed. I felt that my encouraging words wasn’t needed anymore and I have felt more than enough satisfaction seeing this kid laughed again. I don’t know if it was a good luck or a bad luck that I was born with this indecisive nature; but without realizing, I already stand in front of the security officer.
I handed the security officer a piece of my ticket. I walked to Shania with her recognizing that it was me, the odd guy back at the signing event.
“At last, you able to bought some CD (for this handshake with her),” was the first thing came out from the lips of this gorgeous yet fragile girl.
“Yeah,” I said short.
“Are you the admin of the uh..what was it again? JKT48Sss?” She asked about this very website which I told her after she asked my connection with Japarta.
I replied with “No I’m not, I’m one of the authors there”
Times up.
At this time, I knew that my stoic approach was just stupid. At my second chance I tried to liven up the situation with the tips I mentioned a few articles back with that “AULDEY GO FOR SPEED!” kind of thing. But what stupid was, I said that while maintaining my stoic and boring personality which was the polar opposites of my online persona.
After a couple of seconds more of failure attempts to crack some stupid jokes, my last try..my very last piece of ticket, I need to say something meaningful to her, something that could not be easily said in real life but easy to think first and then tweeted. Say what? Tweeted? I remember I tweeted something for Shan that day…which was a rarity for me to even mention a member (although I ended up mistyping her Twitter username..)
“You know that what you have there are a handful of helping hands behind your back as your pillar”
Times up.
As I went back home, As I looked at that night barely visible stars with horn blaring from a nearby bus that probably tried to tell me to speed ahead or get the heck out of his lane, I tried to reconcile with my logic. How in the world, me, spend that much for a kid I barely known still baffles me. How in the world, me, worried so much for a kid that doesn’t even know my name still baffles me. How in the world, me, that usually spends my time more to mingle with servers and bass guitar rather than visiting the theater run through floors hoping I could sincerely support Shan as my favorite member even just for one day still baffles me.
My logic could only told me this in a display I recognized the best coming from the world of CL : Error 503 – Logic Overload. For Shan.
ところで僕に特定の推しがいないのは公然の秘密だし、さっきのような理由もあって、全部シャニアのサインをもらおうと決めた。それと数時間前に、一部の心無いファンの例のシャニア・バッシング騒動があったので、彼女 に少しなりとも激励の言葉を伝えたい気持ちもあったのだ。あのことは口にすることさえ不愉快なのでここでは言及しないでおく。
この時、このストイックなアプローチは間抜けだと自分でも分かっていた。二回目はなんとか盛り上げようと、彼女がその昔リポーターを務めたTV番組「AULDEY GO FOR SPEED!(ミニ四駆大会)」の話題を持ち出すことにした。しかし情けないことに、僕のネット上のキャラとは対極をなす、自分のこのストイックで退屈なトーンはどうにも変えようがなかったのだ。
“Error 503 – Logic Overload. For Shan”(表示出来ません — シャンに関するロジックはオーバーロードしました)
Thanks to Japarta, Haddad, djt, Ryan, Ijul, Bas, Rangga, Dewi, Lindsay who laughed at me for being too soft spoken to the waitress and the security guards
Thanks to Sora for the additional handshake tickets for Japarta and Me! And sorry I wasted it by giving it all at once…
Kata…you heard that right, Shan will wait for your appearance one day in the theater! Oh and she promised to visit your web someday
And Ki, thanks for slapping some sense via the DM
※Japarta, Haddad, djt, Ryan, Ijul, Bas, Rangga, Dewiに感謝します。そして僕がウエイトレスや劇場のセキュリティに丁重過ぎる言葉を使うと言って笑ったLindsayにも感謝を。
At last, Angga got an oshimen ^^
hip hip hurray!!!!
i don’t think i’ve met anyone who has ever not liked shanju
she may not be my oshi but i love her too… shanju for center!!
and good job angga!
we’re proud of you for the stuff you’ve been doing for JKT48
only right you be acknowledged by the girls
in time to come
thanks guys. I was hoping just for one day but ended up still fighting with my logic and how I feels right now.
Anyway, one thing to note : Don’t drink too much tea… I now know the side effect of it after I arrived home
Courtesy of the tannin.
I had a stupid grin on my face as I was reading this. There are times when we just need to go with our gut feeling, and this time, you went with yours. As I’ve mentioned before, there’s something about Shania that makes you just want to smile when you see her smile. The fact that she can be so expressive with her face on stage, especially that wrinkle between her eyebrows, shows that she’s trying to live her life to the fullest as a 14-year-old. If Beby hadn’t left such an impression on me, I would probably choose Shania as an oshimen as well.
Hopefully there will be a RKJ performance for Shania’s birthday when I’m in town.
It really happened Richard, you ought to be there yesterday so that I could screamed : HALP!
Should I say congratulation?
There is saying, you fall in love with no good reason. And by the action itself you show us how much you love Shan. I am moved, Angga.
Thanks! Sorry it was a long article one
LOL , this is worth a movie , the gap between the idol and the fans , and the world behind them
Every fans experience yesterday worth a movie I believe, ranging from slapstick comedy to horror
Poor girl..
Just watched rcti, She really lost her spirit..
No more bright and cheerful shania because of that matter..
She will overcome that sooner or later, many fans were doing their best in encouraging her I believe and I was just a very small fraction of those great guys.
we never knew what’s going on inside her head. but one thing i knew is, when you start liking someone, it’s kinda natural for you to do unlogical things. hope you dont regret for what you’ve did..
Nope, it was a very satisfying experience.
It seems Shania already know about this sites. You should made special article for Shania. Everyone in this sites should write words of encouragement to cheer her because it’s real man duty to help pretty girl who feel sad. I’m sure Shania will happy when she read it.
Although my bitter for the world customer service brain thinking that it was just a lip service rather than a sincere curiosity (about her trying to get some knowledge of this site)…. Hell yeah! my heart wanted to believe her! Let’s give her some words of encouragement here guys! this isn’t about me finding a fave member, this is about Shan! For Shaaan
nice story angga
by the way sorry i couldn’t catch up with you guys since my HS schedule is busy form 1st session until 6th session after that i stumbled across my friends who asks me to join them at the coffeeshop in FB
Thanks! and that’s okay mate! Next time we will meet then!
Finally, Angga have an oshimen
In the end, you’ll find your oshi in 48 anyway, be it sooner or later. Each of us will have our own journeys and adventures until we can find one that fit our hearts. And you’ll know that your oshimen is special, even when you don’t know the real reason.
That’s the strange link of idols and fans.
For Shania… well, Shania is not in her best condition right now, thanks to one thing and another. It’s never been good to see her like that, as she’s always cheerful and noisy at times (almost at Nabilah’s level). Thanks to Angga for the encouragement. It also represents the words I would like to convey to her.
Hopefully, she’ll retain her usual self soon. I don’t like it when a member, even when they’re not my oshi, go down because of something unimportant.
“Stay strong, Shan.”
I think there are no such as “rational” fans which exist, but always emotional yet reasonable fans (sorry).
Guys, please write your encouragement words for Shania here http://www.jkt48stuff.com/contact-us/ just write Shania name in the “subject” and write all your encouragement words to Shania in “message”. Angga will made article dedicated to Shania later. I’m sure your motivation words will help Shania whenever she feel sad or discouraged not only now but also in the future when she read it. I can’t guarantee Shania will read it but i beleve there is nothing is in vain in this world especially when we do good thing.
it will be good if you can write your words in very long sentence like one paragraph.
When the deadline?
There is no deadline but it would better if you can send your message it as soon as possible. Angga will put all message in 1 article soon if he already got a lot of message. Then we can send JKT48 stuff link to Shania twitter or G+ later so she can read this article.
what actually happened to shania??what made her looks worried of smthng? can anyone tell me??
She’s heavily disappointed because the images that she tried to convey are ruined, since some of the fans mind are full in the gutter.
Since now you know, Let’s bury that deep down under the hatchet now shall we?
Enjoyed reading it, bravo. Bravo.
Awwwwww Annga is finally in love
Hmm I’ve been thinking to change the title to Rona recently….
Guys, if I went without news for days, you know where the investigation should begin with
“… gorgeous yet fragile girl.”
Typical Solo girl, just like my mom ..
this story is so touching, glad to read it
Naah, that was just me being delusional in one special day
Wow, a really heart-warming story, but i still don’t get it, why are people saying so many negative things about shanju’s picture, i mean it’s not that bad, and it’s not in any way her fault, so why all the bashing ?
btw, this is my first post here, turns out lots of people from s48 are here too
I love how you compose each word in your articles, Anga-san.
Sometimes I almost oshihen after reading your article. Nice work and congratulaiton for got an oshimen
Where was Melody there? Did not she participate into HS event and signing event? Is she still busy?
Melody did participate!! She wasn’t appeared in this article only because this is an article for Shania!! lol
woohooo at last ^^ nju Oshi
Nice article, almost looks like a novel for me..
Though, I still don’t understand what happened to Shanju..but still as a fans we are responsible to support all of the members when they are down..
Nice story you’ve got there
I’ve kinda got a tears read your story LOL.
ShanJu is my Oshimen as well and at handshake event I encouraged her that no matter what happened there’s always be everyone to support her.
And she looks so happy when I said that. She hold my hand so tightly and keep saying thank you.
And congratulation
Finally you found your Oshimen ^^
Angga bro is a true reflection of “heavy metal face, heavy rotation heart”..
You Sir, for having encouraged a 14 yo fragile girl, deserve a medal.. (me sure she read this)
btw, still un-confident with your face bre? (don’t answer this one, just a rethorical question )
Hi, first time posting here
Very touched with your story angga-san! You know, I’ve been surfing about as many JKT fan pages I could find. And it feels like every story (fiction and non fiction) relating to Shania is always… ALWAYS… heartwarming and touching. Seems weird doesn’t it? Or is it just me?
Note, I’m also a DD but there’s something special about this girl that people could transform her aura to a world class story.
So is finally Shanju back to ordinaly Shanju? With charming smiles
From the latest report I’ve heard, yeah
And her latest tweet shows how happy she is with her school grades.
Glad to hear that . Even if there are not any graceful smiles, I strongly support Shanju as like as Melo. But if with illustrious smiles, Shanju is the best member of the members to be yearned by so many fans
very nice article, I’m Shanju-Oshi too btw, cheers