But First, Let Me Take A Selfie
AKBxJKT concert is now in the past, but then again, the girls left us with some mementos other than the concert itself. Well, as the title implies, it was those overwhelming selfies! So here are some of those selfies!
PS: If you see any photos that is not a selfie, please let us know in the comment form below. It was really hard to sort all of those staggering numbers of photos and took one that is a selfie.
Featured image taken from DreadOut. DreadOut, Linda Melinda, Irisphone, and Lady in Red are all registered name of PT. Digital Semantika Indonesia. Usage under fair-use rule.
これはDreadOutから特集したものです。DreadOut、 Linda Melinda、 Irisphone、 Lady in Redは全てPT. Digital Semantika Indonesiaの登録名称です。写真使用は公正なルールに従っています。
Japanese Translation by Japarta
if somebody can please print these out and make a bedsheet for me
me too hahahaha
you don’t post your selfie pics bre?
it will be interesting if there is also an article about the authors that attending the event (like the one you made every HS event)
Are you sure? Hokay then
maybe you will not believe this..
but me just right click, and save-as that yuhuu pic of yours..
who knows we can replace the infamous “di situ saya merasa geli..” meme
btw, no article about the authors gathering on the event? you usually made it (the one where you and several other cool, mature and wealthy dudes gather together, discussing the event)..
(the one where you and several other
cool, mature and wealthylazy ass dudes gather together, discussing the event)No, not this time. We only spent a short time gather….errr..eating actually , decided to leave for the gate queue early.