VIVA JKT48 Updates

JKT48 up and coming movie, Viva JKT48, has started shooting since Monday, 17-March-2014.
In a recent interview with the director by C&R Digital, Awi hinted a little bit about the movie synopsis and premise:
Miss Kejora (Cut Mini) has an evil plan to disband JKT48. She tries various things such as forming a new group, BKT48, and seized JKT48 theater.
“Today they started to shoot their first scene for the movie. (In this movie) They were abandoned. The theater name was changed into BKT48. They were confused. And the security guard they met everyday forbade them to enter (the theater),” told Awi.
The movie itself will be released on 4-August-2014 in five countries : Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, China (Including Hong Kong).
My Personal Take
It seems like they change the direction of the movie into a fantasy comedic one with Cut Mini on the list. While the short synopsis failed to pique any interest in me, it is worth a wait to see whether the movie can live up to its comedic category. A category that is very hard to shoot that even someone very apt in visual entertainment like Gareth Evans from The Raid franchise fame refuse to do due to its nature.
I personally don’t have any high expectation towards this movie after reading the synopsis, nor do I think this movie deserves to be the right representative of the selected JKT48 members capability in acting. But all in all, I think this is a good first step for the girls to delve into another aspect of entertainment. A good training ground for them.
Finger crossed, this will be a musical comedy with an everlasting impact like “Singin’ in the Rain” for at least the locals. Worst case scenario the movie will be like crap in terms of everything; I hope there will be one single scene that can hold a candle even just a little bit to the beautifully shot Gene Kelly’s dancing in “Singin’ in the Rain”. THAT will undoubtedly left a smile on my face when I go out of the movie theater door.
Finger crossed…
While I don’t really familiar with Awi Suryadi (in fact, I don’t know anything about him or his past movies) so I can’t say anything. That said, I hold no expectation whatsoever. After I read that synopsis, I think I’ll just skip this movies…I don’t really like that kind of over-the-top comedy. BKT48? Seized the theater? Really? Oh God…
For me, I want a semi documentary of JKT48. Their (exaggerated) history with some funny moments here and there. Sprinkle some fan services with cherry on top.
It sounds very “sinetron”. I hate sinetron. Pass…..
MUST SEE –> The Raid 2: Berandal, www[dot]imdb[dot]com/title/tt2265171/
yes it’s a remarkable movie, you will never regret to watch it again and again!!
So VIVA JKT48 wouldn’t have qualities to win Academy Awards or Golden Globes? That would be shame isn’t.
Alan Smithee should be the director if you all want this movie have over the moon expectation.
Imagine the girls singing Shonichi mournfully after their rejection from their own theater though. And when they seized the day, JKT Sanjou. And as they face their fans after so much hardships, Aitakatta, with proud tears streaming down their faces.
Really, a musical is the way to go.
Is this plot real???? Are u kidding me??? I’m not really interested in the movie reading the synopsis like that. I’m afraid this isn’t going to work.They should have plot something like in the anime Wake Up Girls!. I like the storyline in the anime. If they want to show JKT48 struggle, they should have something like that. I don’t know and hoping that the movie turned out to be good.
Finger crossed…..
this is gonna be bad..bad
i think the plot and story line is acceptable for the girls related their acting skill. i assume they couldn’t manage their expression very well at this rate. i don’t see the boldness or rude-girls image if they make majisuka theme, even it look funny and weird to me. somehow, i’m sure most of fans will pay for ticket when released despite the qualities is not good enough.
its so average
plot. comedy?? in the first place i never imagine that. will showing in other country for this genre? think twice.
why the director are not hanung bramantyo, like changcuter one. or every director who has win some nominee award? why?
budget dude.. budget..
Just another ordinary movie…
Um. Wow. Okay. Is this for real? But it DOES kind of sound like an Indonesian movie, something an idol group would do. Competitiveness, overthrowing.. Similarly different to the Coboy Jr. movie, am I right? Ha. I don’t mean to bring JKT48 down here but seeing that none of them really has an acting experience, well.. I guess it’s an okay move? To be honest, I am quite shocked at the fact that this movie will be released in 5 countries. 5? Really? I understand that they do have overseas fans but really? All the way to China? Why not start in South East Asia and replace China and Taiwan with um I don’t know, Thailand? Philippines? I do know they have some fans over in Thailand? Let’s be realistic, this is their first movie and it’s not a documentary.
To be honest I was expecting a lot more from JKT48 for this movie, seeing as this movie has been discussed for quite a while now. At the very least, shouldn’t they be doing cheesy high school stories instead of this… “Orang sirik cari sensasi” kind of movie? Lol. This is… Not going to pull any attention in Indonesia imho, because the plot is too “pasaran”. Why not make a movie that’s rarely done in Indonesia? A unique yet doable plot for them? Graduation themed movies are also cool seeing as they have the high school faces lol.
So many question marks. Apologies for this incoherent comment because are you kidding me, Jakarta? You can do better than this! You have the potential GOD DAMN IT.
Right, um, sorry. End of rant.
Come on, that Awi Suryadi even thinks JKT48 is just kind of joke for run his Production House. He just made kind of cheessy story that had been made for many his stupid semi-horror movie in the past. Trust me, one of myfriends from the PH tell me how sucks the way they works.
Well, i’ve watch street society
and it was good
that is one of the movie that was directed by awi
but take a note of this
please check these movie out
well at lease the trailer
#pengantin topeng
#sumpah pocong di sekolah
these movie are sucks ass
and directed by him
since the film will be release in 6 country which is still in asia
we still quiet same sense of humor
and base on this article
i think he was just trying to make this movie kind of Thailand comedy
with the sprinkle of drama
these are some good quality director
#Upi Avianto
#Nia Dinata
#Fatimah Rony
#Lasja Fauzia Susatyo
#Riri reza
#Nia dinata
#Angy umbara with his first movie comic 8
that was a really good one
i just have no idea
why JOT always making sloppy decision
with awi suryadi track record of making not so good film
why his still get picked anyway?
street society was made after he watch NFS the movie trailer.. and both of them (for a gearhead like me), were actually sucks
NFS the movie supposed to counter FnF popularity (but it did not turn out very well).. and mr. Awi seems only sell the flashy sportscar and cheesy romance to the audience..
Not hoping for miracle, it’s a low budget movie but i hope the girls can hone their skill despite the bad production
sorry for my bad english
fans seems have too high of expectation from a tight budget movie that been directed by a person who is famous for his work on cheap-local ghost-semi porn
if you want to imagine how this will turn out; just take a look at Chibi the movie or Chobo the movie.. they supposed to aim the non-fans also..
me personally will not spend me money to watch this on theatre..
I personally won’t expect much from this movie.
The limited budget.
The director.
The time constraint given by management for members to shoot.
Though I wonder, what kind of gimmicks that the movie will be accompanied with.
JKT48 is all about gimmicks.
The movie probably won’t sell, but the gimmicks could be something else.
What’s sad is that they probably know this movie won’t sell so they’ll probably add ‘interesting’ gimmicks here. And lots of them.
I understand that the budget plays a huge role in every movie, but have you seen indie movies in high school with very /very/ limited budget? They’re awesome! Tbh, a good plot doesn’t need a huge budget.
Man, I wish they’d hire a legit scriptwriter who knows how to create great plots. Even if they can’t afford one, don’t they have a lot of fans with a lot of ideas? They can collect ideas..
another movie shot on a budget by a doubtful director was reservoir dogs by the (hitherto) unknown Quentin Tarantino. it went on to become a cult classic and cinema school cimpulsory viewing material
this could have the same fate. NOT
oooooohhh please don’t launch it in 6 countries or at least keep the cast & story but drop the “JKT48” from the title!
i don’t think 20 years from now the members would’ve viewed this fondly.
“auntie i heard you played in that movie back then?”
“oh sorry what were you saying?” *fumbling to change the subject*
for this movie, i make a very low expectation so if the movie good it will became surprise
and if it bad and not worthed to watched in theater, it will not dissapointed because i already set a low expectation
just forget it for now and wait for the result
LOL to the author who hoping there’s a scene like Dancing in the rain, like one of any member can pull that off.
Sometimes I just wish JKT stop using their fake monotonous sound while MC-ing like Bagus Ga lagunya (some times I hope people say Nooo, so JOT will cover a better song), Yeeeee (after song ended) or Bagai Matahari yang selalu bersinar aku .., it sounds too fake to me and general audience.
About JKT acting , remember Ghaida on BSG ( overacting , too dramatic). Well I really hope JOT has class of acting or smtg, because sometimes as a fans I get embarrassed by their bad acting
Talk about synopsis I can Imagine JKT will sing JKT Sanjou at final competition with BKT48 with flashing light on, win that Basic competition
I pray to God that Cleo will star BKT48 evil leade
Regarding the “yeeee” routine in each MC session (after song ends), they actually imitate their sister group in Japan. Just take a look at AKB48 concert, the girls also do that “yeeee” routine.
For its budget, let ask SUZUKI, YAMAHA, Otsuka, HONDA. LAWSON and ISHIMORO PRO. to invest for this VIVA JKT 48.
Oyeah, if ISHIMORI PRO. will be satisfied with this movie, we have to see BIMA in this movie 
They will be satisfied with when they will see several products of them in this movie. Is may saying too rugh? Even though, I am the powerful fan
for JKT48
Tomo-san, I think base on one of interview session to the director in a free magazine that cover JKT48 activities there are indicates that Dentsu Indonesia just accepted the proposal from MAXIMA (the local Production House) so I think Dentsu almost doesn’t do anything for the movie budgeting. BTW the name of the magazine is “Ankoru” August 2013 edition and maybe you can download it in their official site. I think it is ok to mention the magazine name since there was a review about the magazine in this site.
BTW, the language that is used in the magazine offcourse in Indonesian/Bahasa Indonesia.
Hmm, IMO i think the management should make a script competition from the fans ….
I believe there are many good idea from the fans
Well, hopely this is the first step for JKT48,. There are a long road for them
low budget + low quality director + low experience actors/actresses = good movie
hmmm.. sometimes it happen if there is a very very good script/story for the movie, but based on the hint, i don’t think this movie has a good one.
i saw cleo ex-jkt48 at sarah sechan show on NET TV
she hasnt change i think still “too much” but maybe she is happier.
movie belum juga tayang tapi komentar pesimis sudah keluar. ini nunjukan perlu perbaikan di management jkt48. kelemahannya adalah potensi anggota belum cukup memuaskan penggemar dan timbul ancaman berkurangnya penggemar (terutama penggemar yang sudah bosan dengan “pura-pura”). walaupun begitu kekuatan utama dari jkt48 adalah lirik lagunya yg semangat (kadang-kadang) dan masih punya peluang karena sasaran utama penggemarnya adalah para jombloisme dan orang-orang teraniaya oleh lawan jenis.xixixi…
your whimper is so miserable
, but we dont want to know your private matter 
Forever alone guy is detected.
damai bang, pastinya ada problem hingga keluar komen-komen pisimis.kesan komen yg ada, para penggemar jkt48 mudah sekali pisimis entah penyakit pesimistis kronis thdp dirinya ato dengan anggota jkt48 ato bla bla bla maka aku kasih analisa dari komen yang ada kq. (kalo thdp sutradara sptny tidak pas krn movie belum keluar). sbaiknya tonton dulu movienya baru komen keluar. damai itu indah bang..xixixi
Hahahaha Lawak =))
or the final circus scene in Fellini’s 8 1/2. all members celebrating their being idols, thinking it’s fine after all, to have a double life… it’s showbiz after all…….
no shit.. BKT48?
i just can’t believe it, they’re gonna make a cheesy jokes with.. BKT48?
a few years ago there’s so many parody related to JKT48 brand name. peoples start make their own jokes such as BDG48, TGR48, etc. that was so last year, is not funny anymore i guess. oh well.. just like the others, i’m not pretty sure this could be a good one. and personally.. the sucks thing is, there’s no Devi Kinaru in main role
enough said
I think it sounds like fun. But younger people would probably enjoy it more, I think.
I don’t understand what BKT stands for, or what it means, so I’m a little confused…
If they made it just like This Is Us movie by One Direction I think it’d be good enough. But how can? Its a low budget movie.
Hey my friend who is WOTA (JKT48 fans) said that Zayn Malik is a RIC(Resident Identification Card) Moeslem that mean he’s just use moeslem as his identification but didn’t do it right. I hate who said that OMG!!!