VIVA JKT48 Reviews
by Angga · June 6, 2014
This is intended to be a compilation of VIVA JKT48 reviews from fans and non-fans alike. I will keep updating this post with reviews I got.
ファンとファンではない人両方からのVIVA JKT48鑑賞レビューをまとめてみます。この記事は、レビューが入ってくるたびに更新していきます。
Review by Febry (Fans)
Eight bright colored suitcases in a silent park. Suddenly, the suitcases open themselves and hands started to reaching out of it. Soon after, a number of teenagers emerged from those suitcases. They looked confused and their makeup were all screwed.
No, this not a horror movie with dramatic opening. And you guess it wrong too if you think that this is a movie about illegal human trading. That scene was from the opening of VIVA JKT48, that people have arguably dubbed as the Indonesian’s holiday movie of 2014.
When I heard that the movie will be released at June 5th, there’s this cloud of concerns hanging on my head. In just two weeks of shooting and very short editing time, my expectation was rock bottom for this movie. Added with the fact that most of the girls from JKT48 have a less than impressive track record as actresses.
But apparently, the director of the movie (Awi Suryadi) is sufficiently good at covering some of the obvious weakness of this movie. Just like how to cover the weak acting of some JKT48 members, Awi chose to concentrate for the supporting casts character building that is strong, unique, fresh, and entertaining.
For me, the main cast for this movie is the fans trio. They nailed it accurately, funny without any trait of a satirized story, depict the craziness of the fans that is known to be loyal to their idols.
VIVA JKT48 is full of funny dialogs that is known coming from JKT48 fans, such as Muhadkly Acho as one of the JKT48 fanatic fans who nailed his part when he quivered at the handshake event.
I think non-fans will also finds that the dialog really nailed their target market, the teenagers. I was laughing a lot when I heard the dialog from the zoo keeper about JKT48’s costume.
But then again, the weak script as well as the short shooting time does no help to the very bad editing of this movie. I felt a very rough transfer between scenes that sometimes I raised my eyebrows thinking what the heck is the purpose of some scenes.
Just like the scenes of how JKT48 members and the fans trio realized the main reason why JKT48 is suddenly disbanded. This scene that is inspired from Hangover felt badly executed, resulting in a dragged down pace of the movie.
And not to tell the annoying voice of the character Miss Kejora. She really looked like Cruell De Vil going even more bananas with Lady Gaga’s costume, which actually pretty cute. But truth to be told, her high pitch screaming makes her dialog sounded like a razor blade coming out of your speakers. I can barely understand a single word she said.
Unfortunately, not every musical segments on this movie nailed it right. Especially the Heavy Rotation on the park which is just full of bad editing. I like their Michal Bay-esque (Blame the flag, blame the flag) scene on top of the building with River as the BGM though.
Conclusion? This movie is a pretty fun ride for me. There are still a lot of weaknesses such as the undeniably bad script, acting, and editing, but I think people can still enjoy the movie if they can take it not too seriously. Especially for the fans, there are lots of internal jokes that perhaps only they can understand such as the “Hope” scene between Melody and Bobby Samuel.
いや、これはドラマチックな幕開けで始まるホラー映画ではない。もしかして違法な人身売買の映画か?と思った人がいるならもっと違う。このシーンは2014年のインドネシアの夏休み映画、VIVA JKT48のオープニングだ。
VIVA JKT48は、JKT48ファンなら知っているおもしろい場面で一杯。JKT48の狂信的なファンであるムハックリー・アチョ自身が、JKT48の握手会で手を震わすファンの役になりきった。
*クルエラ・ド・ヴィル: アニメ映画『101匹わんちゃん』に登場する架空の人物
Review by FlickMagazine (Neutral)
With lots of their colleagues in the music arena went to the cinema stage, It is just a matter of time before JKT48 follow suit. Having a big, loyal, and strong fanbases, then there’s no reason for Indonesian film producer not to hired them as the main star in a movie.
Just after less than 3 years after their debut, JKT48 got their chance to star in a movie. Taking a different clue from what their colleagues have done before, VIVA JKT48, the title of their Maxima Pictures produced movie, is based on a fiction and not a biopic.
That being said, what do you expect from a movie with only a month for both production and editing time combined? Well, drop your expectation as low as possible to minimize your disappointment. The chaos from the short and hurried production time does indeed shows on screen; bad script, jumpy editing, as well as some of the members acting that is way below the par. Without a thorough and good handling, all this chaos will ended up with a pile of crap.
Fortunately, Awi Suryadi, the director, realize well the potential of the movie and the market target. Even without a perfect “dream team” of actor and actresses, Awi succeeded in making VIVA JKT48 as a big spectacle that is full of fun. The fans will love the movie while non-fans might have some trouble to understand the internal jokes that only fans could understand. But rest assured, there are some scenes that will make non-fans laugh as well.
The humor is consistent – all due to the effort of Ayu Dewi as the antagonist and the fans trio, makes all the chaos that is VIVA JKT48 can be forgiven. In the end of the day, While VIVA JKT48 is still far from being perfect, Awi Suryadi main aim for the movie as an entertaining spectacle is well achieved. VIVA JKT48 will be a fun ride for the fans as well as informative for non-fans who would like to know more about the phenomenal idol group.
Rating: 3 Stars
Review by (Neutral)
JKT48 is a phenomenon in Indonesia. The birth of this group in 2011 proved to be a success with lots of fanatic fans.
Relying on the fame of the group itself, there’s nothing wrong with Maxima Pictures decision to make a movie based on the group. Unfortunately, after seeing the end result, VIVA JKT48 is no more than a facade for profit with an abysmal effort shown on screen.
Awi Suryadi succeed in making the movie such a beautiful feat (Aside from the gorgeous JKT48 members) with attractive editing and familiar soundtracks such as Heavy Rotation, River, Gadis Remaja. Unfortunately, aside from the cliche-fest, the script by Cassandra Massardi, Alim Sudiro, and Raditya is a total mess with plot holes here and everywhere.
Fans are more than welcome to be lulled by their idols on the big screen. But without a good and solid script, what’s the point? The acting is atrocious as well.
If only they work more on the script with longer production time and with acting class for Melody and friends, perhaps VIVA JKT48 can be more than this pile of mess. Because it’s true, this movie got a very big potential to become a good one.
It is such a pity that it ends up like this.
Review by Matsu (Fans)
Come to the theater not as a movie critic, but watch it as a fans or just watch it as a form of entertainment for your weekend.
If you thought this movie is going to be all about JKT48 with lots of the members screentime, then you are wrong. I strongly agree with Awi Suryadi’s treatment of this movie.
Before I watch it, I’ve read some bad review of the movie itself due to short production time. But overall, this movie as a form of entertainment really delivers.
There are few of fan services scene involved here with some dramatization of scenes involving vegetables. I really can’t review the acting of the members due they have so little of dialogue to deliver. The only memorable part for me was Melody’s acting with Bob in a certain dialogue that I need not to spoil here.
Overall, the three main cast (the fans) do their job well. While the members really need to upgrade their game plan in the terms of acting so that one day, they can become the real star of their own movie.
デビューから3年も経たず、JKT48は映画で主役になるチャンスを手に入れた。(音楽業界の)仲間たちが以前にやったこととは違う切り口で、マキシマ・ピクチャーズ製作のタイトル「VIVA JKT48」は、ドキュメンタリーではなくフィクションがベースである。
幸いにも、監督のアウィ・スルヤディはこの映画のポテンシャルとターゲット市場をよく心得ている。アウィは、(本職の)男優・女優によるパーフェクトな「ドリームチーム」無しでも、VIVA JKT48を楽しさ一杯の壮大なショーに作り上げた。ファンはこの映画が好きだろう。一方、ファンでない人はファンにしかわからない内輪のジョークを理解するのに問題があるかもしれない。しかしファンでない人たちも笑えるシーンがあるのも確かだ。
ユーモアは一定してあった。これは悪役のアユ・デウィ、ファン3人組のおかげであり、VIVA JKT48のまとまりの悪さを帳消しにしてくれる。要するに、VIVA JKT48は完全なものにはほど遠い一方、この映画でアウィ・スルヤディが主目的とした娯楽ショーという面では、それがよく成し遂げられている。VIVA JKT48はファンにとっては楽しみなものになるだろうし、飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いのアイドルグループをもっと知りたいというファン以外の人たちには情報として価値があるものになるだろう。
評価: 星3つ
このグループが有名になったことに乗っかり、Maxima Pictureがこのグループをベースにした映画を作ろうと決めたことは間違いではない。結末を観終わって、残念なことにVIVA JKT48は、スクリーンで空しい努力を見せてただ利益を狙ったものにすぎないと言える。
もっと長い制作期間、メロディとその仲間たちへの演技指導と一緒により脚本作りに取り組んでいたら、おそらくVIVA JKT48はこんなグダグダじゃないはずだ。だからこそ、この映画はすばらしいものになるとても大きなポテンシャルがあったのだ。
Japanese Translation by Japarta
Oh My, Oh My.
Did you already enjoy VIVA JKT48, Annga-san?
What do you think this movie will be DVD soon?
If so, I wll ask my friends in Indonesia to buy it.
But I worry Region Code difference….
Nope, I haven’t seen it yet Tomo-san.
I think if this movie manage to get enough audiences, it well get a DVD or better, a Blu release. While region code is a troublesome features for DVD Players, you can get past through it using PC and a region unlocker apps available in various forms on the net
I’ve read the review which AdI-san recommneded.
I think this review tells me that VIVA JKT48 is not good…
Does it depend on the limited production period?
Well, after reading that review (Which is also on it seems like the reviewer does have some problem with the movie but still enjoying the ride. So it’s an “okay” rating I guess.
I’ll post my review too Tomo-san after I watch the movie.
Actually, I think it depends on how familiar you are with JKT48 and its fandom. The more you are, then the more enjoyable it will be. That’s why I concluded that this movie is created for the fans and not for the general public. If you are a non-fans, maybe you won’t understand the whole story. But if you are a JKT fan, perhaps you can find it pretty enjoyable.
I’d say it’s worth a watch though. Especially if you are watching with your fellow fan friends
I’ve bought some DVD from Japan and it’s true that i have to change my player region code so it can be played (maximum 4 times in my laptop). But after that, i never change my region code whenever i want to watch any JKT48 DVD or any Indonesian original movie DVD. I played those DVD in japanese region code player without problem.
Let’s hope that Viva JKT48 DVD doesn’t have any region lock.
you could try vlc media player and hope it pass the region block.
VLC Media Player does bypass the region restriction. It is also free to download.
shan looks so pretty in this movie >.<
Another review here in bahasa Indonesia –>
Pedophilia …..
you lost? on high?
try reduce the dosage of whatever metamphetamine you just used..
LOL… you came to this site just to say that
Copy-pasting from what I wrote on Stage, here is my own rating for the movie:
I have watched the movie yesterday, and I can roughly give a score of 6.5 – 10. Pretty average and close to disappointing, if only the members and the comedy didn’t save the day.
Honestly, I find that the story of the movie is far too rushed. The alternation from one scene to another is too quick that it is a bit confusing, and the whole story doesn’t really make sense. I admit that I had fun watching it, but I’m not sure that non-fans would get the idea since the story mostly revolved around the things inside the fandom. I’m also a bit bothered at how they portray the wotas as a load of overacting peoples. Though I’m fine with it, I don’t know how outsiders will see it. I’m afraid that they will view JKT48 Fans even more negatively after this.
If this movie was made to satisfy the fans, then it worked out nicely. But if it is also meant for the general public, I’d say that they’ve failed. Too many inside jokes ruined the movie’s potential to reach even greater audience.
So my score is still 6.5 – 10, with the good point being the comedy and the mini-live parts. Other than that, I’m not sure.
Another review and ‘serious’ notes in Indonesian from one of my friend =>
holy s*#ts!
so it was a crappy movie then??
glad my oshi-menba was not involved.. at least not as the main character..
Well… Tbh, it’s a crap. Indonesian-movie stereotype, I think. But, if you are a fan of JKT48, then it’s a nice movie to watch.
At least, we can see the member on a big screen……
That has been the funniest review I’ve read on “Viva JKT48”. Reading the reviews of “Vivia JKT48”, (not being physically in Jakarta, I highly doubt I’ll ever watch it unless a DVD comes out) I think this review is probably funnier than the movie itself.
I think this line from the review seems to summarise the movie: “Saya menemukan film ini memiliki unsur komedi yang cukup menghibur walaupun tidak masuk di akal.” (I feel that this film does have comedic elements which are entertaining enough, even if they don’t make sense and defy logic”
Sounds like a typical Indonesian sinetron movie then.
tl;dr: Suspend your understanding of logic and reality watching “Viva JKT48”.
i think i will give 8/10 start because i’m fans.
but i think the director actually have good purpose to inform in 5 country about phenomeon jkt48
new-fans recommended to watch this movie.
non-fans maybe can informed about phenomenon “jkt48” it’s not very bad movies being watched in indonesia.
via jkt48 :v
sorry for my bad english
I think this movie not bad,really enjoyable watch this with my friends
Funny scene like : The zookeeper told about their seifukus,HS scene LOL , and then transvestite Jiko”Jauh-jauh dari Jepang jalan kaki” wkwkwkw
and don’t forget about Haruka bumped the car door
Cool scene : River at roof top , Concert scene and “Harapan” ^^d
The last boss is “Pawang Hujan” LOL
Cool scene for me: when Veranda cs arrived at the apartment, the beginning of concert scene when the fans coming around, and blooper scene especially Veranda’s part.
Is this film as “Promotion Movie” of JKT48 to whole Asia (especially South Eastern Asia region, with Taiwan, excluding Japan)? I heard this film will be released in those countries in the region sooner. If it will be started, so many young boys and girls will watch it out side Indonesia. For example, when I watched some documentary films of AKB, I was knocked out by their loud Dolby sound in the theater. And it was easy for me to bring my self to be in Tokyo Dome. So I guess many teenagers also will be brought to the illusional JCC for JKT48 performance easily. Once this movie will get a lot of …. Oh, I see this film would be a test marketing for JKT48 operation toward next step in Asia? Did Dentsu Indonesia invest funds to this moive? Oh, no…I stop to say something like that. Maaf From my point of view, I can see Akimoto san and AKS gave up the expantion of original AKB48 overseas, as you can see, even though they tried to perform some cities outside of Japan. JKT48 is their flagship 48 unit in Asia. Please spread on all over the Asia!
1) Well, I think they were a bit over-optimistic in saying that “Viva JKT48” would be released simultaneously in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and China (Source: (“film ini juga akan ditayangkan secara serentak di Malaysia, Singapura, Hongkong, Taiwan dan China.”)
I can say for Malaysia and Singapore, even the highest grossing Indonesian films rarely get a screening in Malaysian pawagam’s. Much less something as niche as this. At best you get a few screenings in the few cinema’s which screen foreign films.
2) As I said in an earlier post:
“While I appreciate the PR for JKT48 in Malaysia, I suspect JKT48 will have trouble getting a foothold in Malaysia. They are not Japanese enough to get a foothold in the Malaysian-Chinese community, but not Indonesian enough to be an alternative to Amy Mastura. For the Malaysian-Chinese they are too Malay to be considered a Japanese pop idol franchise group, and for the Malay’s it is alien enough from what they usually associate with the Indonesian entertainment industry.”
3) From the POV of AKS, I think they have seen the limits to the international franchising of the 48 Family model. SNH48 is not doing well, and JKT48 is still very much very alien in Indonesia, never mind their closest neighbour, (culturally, linguistically, geographically) Malaysia. It is an experiment, keeping in line with the history of AKB48, but while I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it has failed, the international franchisee’s are probably not viable in itself.
4) That being said, Indonesia is a HUGE market, and with the majority of the population below 30. For the short term the domestic Indonesian market would probably be enough.