Open Critics to the Management

Pitra Satvika

An interactive communications guy who loves to explore the possibility of mixing technology, social media, and branding (almost) everyday. Also a JKT48 fan. Check my own blog at and

29 Responses

  1. 30oshi says:

    The first point must be underlined. We dont go to theater for free, we pay for watching the show. Especially for securities, we pay them for watching the show not get yelled! :-| :-|

    • Angga says:

      Actually, that first point is the one I need to stressed. To be honest, We are pretty lucky that our guests from overseas got into the theater first before an incident I mentioned briefly in this article happened.

      Since some of our overseas guests able to speak Indonesian, -as one of the host- I really don’t know how to hide my face if they ever heard that threat from one of the security team (“Gua tabok lo”/”I’ll punch you in the face”) spewed around like it was nothing

  2. abaone94 says:

    All that is left is to send this to the management’s email or mail account.

    JOT had been improving a lot, but there is still flaws that are considered fatal (some are mentioned here). It’d be good if they could hear fans’ aspirations at one time.

    Even though there is high possibilities that they won’t give a damn, it’s still worth a try.

  3. dit says:

    oh, boy! I just love the header :lol: :lol:

    sorry OOT :oops:

  4. arifnpm says:

    wah, kalo kritik ini didengarkan mending manajemennya daftar ISO9001 saja.
    JOT sudah layak dapet itu sekarang, apalagi dengan continuous improvement seperti itu.

  5. Argon riadi says:

    Mungkin perlu dibuat urutan nonton sesuai tinggi badan :-P / kursi penonton dibedain tingginya. Secara badan gw termasuk pendek kalo dibandingin anak sekarang yang tinggi, suka ketutupan orang yang duduk didepan.

  6. HERMAN says:

    JOT guys should have had the “preman” security fired for good. Such a disrespectful behavior cannot be tolerated. Whatever its reason.

  7. Wish new says:

    My suggestion is to have japanese contributors translate this article and spread it via socmed to all JKT48’s fans in Japan and hopefully the AkiP will notice about this.

  8. Tomo says:

    Is JOT attitude so bad?
    Is this idea wishful, JOT has been still on the way
    to the establishment like JKT48?

  9. Cl4p Trap says:

    JOT need even more stricter to provocative and “hobo”fan, i am agree with punching treatment to them.
    For the theater i don’t have any idea ( 0x visit), but no money no honey bunny.

    • abaone94 says:

      But instead of yelling, they can do other method, don’t they?

      For example, when seeing those misbehavior, they can do these set of things:
      Firstly, approach the troublemaker.
      Secondly, take them somewhere off the others’ line-of-sight.
      Thirdly, teach them a lesson or two.

      And that’s better than yelling across the damn F4 and creating another ruckus.

  10. lkp82 says:

    I think JOT need to teach/guide fans about “queuing etiquette” so we can have a proper line when we get in to the theater during bingo. Sometimes i feel ashamed to some overseas guests coz we couldn’t queue in a straight line and sometimes (all the times actually) they also cuts into other people’s line. Just a thought :D

  11. Fahma Shadrina says:

    Menurut saya pelayanan dari JOT kurang memuaskan. Seperti saat HS Event. Pelayanan saat pembelian dan penukaran CD sangat lamban. Belum lagi ada fans baru yang belum mengerti tata caranya, saat bertanya kepada salah satu security malah dibentak oleh security tersebut. Saat antrian pembelian CD sesi 5, saat pembeli sesi 5 hampir habis, pembelian CD dan tiket HS sesi 5 malah ditutup. Padahal para fans sudah mengantri sangat lama. HS sesi 7 juga ditutup saat masih banyak fans yang mengantri. Dan ada satu hal yang membuat saya kecewa, saya memesan 2 CD versi Theater. Dan saat CD sudah sampai di rumah saya, salah satu CD tidak ada Trump Cardnya. Harusnya 1 CD versi theater mendapatkan 1 trump card. Semoga kritik dari semua fans bisa dipikirkan dan dicari jalan keluarnya. Terima kasih

  12. ahmad maulana says:

    Untuk JOT, tolong member yang sedang sakit jangan terlalu di paksakan untuk tampil. Dan perhatikan member yang sudah kelas 3 SMU.

  13. Adam Nergal says:

    the first point was true
    BUT i think the security guys wouldn’t yell if the fans are cooperative to the situations and conditions out there

    the first time i went to the theater, it was CHAOS, unfortunately it’s not from the security, but the FANS
    frankly, it was just like a bunch of people pushing each other from behind forcing to get in to a shelter from a zombie apocalypse

    i think JOT needs more media relations/fan relations
    but the FAR fans were waiting for a tv show for JKT48 with the concepts like the AKBingo!

  14. dennix says:

    Will JOT read this for sure???
    i’m kinda sceptical about it

    btw, i wanna JOT do everything on Time. If it stated to be done on 7pm then do it on 7pm. Dont waste my precious Time!

  15. ebudist says:

    Overall, the opinion and critiscm by the writter is already same as my idea. Some point must be underlined.
    1. Treat fans as customer, this is the main point for JOT to be considered. You can see the fact, some securities even the bingo-man (you know who) always showing a not pleased face. You can see the securities on AKB and other sister group in Japan, there are even named as OJS48. Very well treatment to customer, apparently they have a mindset that “Customer is a King”. In japan we don’t seeing like this case, fans over there is very respect to the securities even to the staff. Very well as the feedback for nice treatment from the staff to the fans. Overall I’m not going to compare JKT48 management to their other sister group management as well. But please learn from them

    2. “Removing the student price”, IMHO this is a nice idea to stablish the the ticketing matter. I’m pretty sure as the writer said that theater is not becoming empty if this system to be applied.

    3. “Bingo announcement is not clear”. Some fans from foreign countries always complained for this. The announcement is always using Indonesian. Using some Display Panel or even using the LED TV to showing the Bingo Number lottery is very appreciated.

    4. “Underage member must be considered for not doing any activity over 9PM”, you know this rules is very important matter in other countries like Japan and Korea. Press-media also very strict into this matter

    5. “Bad sound system inside the theater”, Yes this is the fact, some fans even foreign guests complaining that some side on the right and left front of the main speaker system is being too loud and pretty hurt on ears. I think the audioman should’ve to balance the loudness entire inside the theater. Not must to be loud, just to be comfort on people ears are better.


    So, that was some of my opinion. Hopefully the JOT could be to considering all of opinion inside this thread.

    Thank you

  16. Fahma Shadrina says:

    Oh iya, ada hal lain yang ingin saya sampaikan. Untuk perilisan single jaraknya jangan terlalu dekat. Itu menguras uang para fans yang ingin membeli CD dari JKT48. Dan ada 1 pertanyaan lagi. Untuk Handshake Nasional kapan akan diselenggarakan? Karena pengumuman Handshake Nasional sudah sangat lama. Dan sampai sekarang belum ada informasi lagi mengenai Handshake Nasional. Banyak fans yang sudah memiliki tiket Handshake Nasional karena sudah membeli CD Heavy Rotation. Tapi sampai sekarang keinginan para fans belum terwujud karena pihak JOT yang terus mengulur waktu

    • Kopral Jono says:

      Kalau untuk rilis single yang menurutmu rilis terlalu dekat itu subyektif, karena di Jepang sono pun juga begitu, jadi kalau mau cari jalan yang bijak, ya kalau belum ada duit ga usah beli dulu, nabung dulu, toh juga bakal dijual lama di toko kaset. Jadi santai aja tak perlu memaksakan.

      • KageTora says:

        This post is meant to deliver critics toward management, not to argue between fans. Please direct your opinion / critics toward management, not toward the other fans. Thank you for your cooperation.

  17. poptart says:

    Hello, first time poster here. Excuse me for posting a critics on my first time :D I don’t know who responsible with my critics, is it JOT or HITS (I believe it’s HITS but I will post it here anyway) hehe
    As a person who’ve never been to theater and only saw JKT LIVE performance once on my city which not Jakarta, my only problem is JKT CD distributing system. I would like to experience the hype of buying new single/album on its very release day just like Jakarta fans when the buy the Theater Version of single. I know, I should be thankful with the delayed release but after these 3 single released, I feel the excitment of waiting the CD release decrease eventually, which it’s only on their 3rd single and I don’t know if i can keep my excitement with another single if one will coming. My point is I would like JOT/HITS/the one who responsible for this to distribute their CDs much more faster or on its very release date.

    And my other concern is, we all know even our fandom still growing, but it’s pretty much stable, I really hope JOT will promote JKT to a wider audience, to gather more casual fans/listener. It’s good to see JKT already had a hell lot of fans but wouldn’t it be great if we see JKT loved by Indonesian people in general? :)

  18. archy says:

    You guys are pointing many good insights and I hope JOT will consider it. :lol:

    I’m sorry if someone said this already, but I wonder if JKT48 will ever have LOD for their theater performance.
    As an overseas fan, I hardly go to watch theater and as for someone who love theater so much, it making me to follow many people in twitter just to see the live report of the theater performance. I really don’t mind paying for it if they can make LOD for their theater performance as iI believe it will surely help those who for example lost the verification and especially overseas fan & maybe “fans luar kota” too. :wink:

  19. dennyxm says:

    since most point already stated by commenters above me..

    i’ll say my greatest concern about jkt48,

    Is it JOT who decides the girl either do the lipsync or singing live??
    because you know, i believe most Indonesian prefer live singing, rather than awesome dancing + lipsync.. and my instinct said that this is one of the barriers that makes jkt48 fandom from being adopted by a wider , non otaku young adult audiences…

    Yet, I still believe that those girls, are able to do it, live singing + awesome dancing…

    I want jkt48 to be known in Indonesia, not as group of dancing lipsynchronizer, but also as a good singer with awesome dancing ability, who overturn most people negative sentiments toward them..

    well, I believe that i am not the only one who concern about this, am i ? :roll:

  20. anonymous says:

    Point pertama perlu disoroti tuh, perlakuan staff ke fans (apa lagi yg ga dikenalnya) bener-bener bikin kesel.
    saya pernah nemenin temen yg mau nanya wl tp dijawab ketus sambil ga liat muka, si staff sekuriti bilang “besok kesini lagi!”, padahal wl belum dibagikan. Dan saat pertunjukan justru banyak kursi yang belum keisi penuh, sebegitu sombongnya kah mereka ga butuh penonton? apa susahnya sih tinggal bilang nanti dibagikan atau klo habis yah bilang habis. Waktu saya cerita sama teman saya disalah satu forum, ada yang bilang dia juga diperlakukan hal yg sama dengan yg teman saya alami, bedanya staff ini bukan sekuriti, yah kita kenal lah siapa staff ini, emang klo cerita di forum itu belum bisa dibuktikan kebenarannya tapi klo emang bener sempet mikir emang gitu yah prosedur mereka nanggepin pertanyaan customer? dengan bilang ketus “besok kesini lagi” sambil ga liat muka..
    Lain kasus waktu saya nganterin teman saya yang non fan mau beli DVD Heavy Rotation (di hari peluncuran saat itu) tapi lagi-lagi dijawab ketus sama si sekuriti “habis!” tanpa liat muka, terus ditanya kapan restock dijawab “ga tau!” (padhal teman saya ini dari luar kota). Gimana mau narik fans baru klo mereka aja bersikap kaya gitu.
    Kayanya emang perlu meja informasi khusus dengan staff yang ramah buat ngelayanin customer deh, mungkin si sekuriti merasa dia dibayar bukan buat ngelayanin pertanyaan fans,pfft.
    Sama sekuriti kalau didalem theater kerja lah, jangan ikutan nonton pertunjukan. karena yang saya lihat sekuriti (terlebih disamping panggung) justru berdiri menghadap panggung, bukannya mengawasi penonton yang bisa aja berbuat jail.

    satu lagi untuk pengumuman launching sesuatu atau event jangan mendadak..

  21. Hideko Ikuta says:

    Nice suggestions, lots of things that I’d like to complaint is already on this article.

    One more suggestion from me, I think they have to change the chairs. Well… I don’t want to complaint a lot about the chairs and I think I’m also don’t mind with the current chair (although it’s TOO SMALL and makes some part of my body aches).

    But, could they just make some stages for the chairs so that everyone who’s come to theater would see the stage clearly. I am not suggest them to change the chairs so that it would turn out to be a Cinema XXI Theater, but at least, think about some way to make people who sit on the back of the theater would see the stage clearly although the person in front of him/her is taller than him/her.

    As a woman (whose watching JKT48 show’s quite frequent and sometimes didn’t get the ‘student and woman tickets’ & pay the regular one), sometimes I can’t see the stage clearly or I can’t enjoy watching the show because my view was blocked by the man in front of me because he’s taller or to make it worst, bigger. :cry: :cry:

  22. Mutia says:

    Aku salah satu fans yang suka teriakin nama member berkali-kali, tapi, aku tau batasannya kok. Ini berdasarkan pengalaman diri sendiri.
    Aku pernah nonton setlist Seishun Girls Team K3, waktu itu aku pernah masuk pake WL dan Pak Udin (security kenalan) bilang nanti di dalem theater duduk di kursi aja, dan aku masuk bareng rombongan fans yang pakai tiket WL. Di dalem Theater, selama show berlangsung, aku teriakin nama member seperti Ikha, Naomi dan yang lainnya (kecuali Chikarina). Di lagu Virgin Love (kalau gak salah) aku panggil namanya Ikha kan, nah, disitu sekuriti yang pake baju ijo kepalanya botak deketin aku terus teriak “Jangan berisik, nanti dikeluarin !” dan setelah itu aku gak banyak teriak lagi. Lho, kan bukan aku aja, yang teriak seperti itu. Aku tau, aku memang berisik. Tapi, member senyum kok, si bapak aja yang gak ngerti.
    Pertanyaannya :
    Siapa yang seharusnya marah? Aku atau si bapaknya?