Rena Handshake Event Report + Bonus Twitter Q&A
Today is the 3rd day (total 4 days) of “Koisuru Fortune Cookie” handshake event.
Compared with 1st, 2nd Rena’s line isn’t that crowded.
But that is not her fault.Because of 2 reasons: Place and time.
1. Today’s event is at Makuhari. That place isn’t popular because far from Tokyo.
2. And also Rena’s session (session2) starts at 10:30 AM.
Actually many famous/popular members not sold out at Makuhari for session1 and 2.
And I found many praise comments at her G+ after today like this:
“Today I met you for the first time. Rena-chan is so cute and captures my heart”
Today I have 2 tickets.
I sometimes use English, Bahasa talking with her. But today our conversation is by all Japanese.
R:Rena, A:Me
1st time
R:Ah!! (Recognizing me)
A: I have many friends at Indonesia. So,they told me about JKT at once. For example, I heard that you did UZA.
R: !!! Really???
A:Ya. They said “we really moved with Rena’s kindness.”
A:I translate your Japanese answers to English.
R:Ah!! Thanks a lot!!
When she saw my face, she reacts. So, maybe she remembers me.
When I said “heard that you did UZA” she surprised. Because she doesn’t mention about that at Twitter, G+, and many Japanese don’t know about that.
And I told “they moved”, she glad to hear that.
Yesterday(G+), today(Twitter) she did Q&A. About Japanese answers I translated, she heard that and thanked me.
2nd time
R: (waves her hands to welcome me)
A:When I visit Indonesia, I ate cobra, I touched Komodo Dragon and do many things.
R:Waaa!! I never eat cobra…And also never(touched)Komodo…
And I say something more ,but I can’t open here about that. Because private matter,sorry.
Anyway,she surprised and also enjoyed talk about Indonesia with me.
By the way, I found Japanese woman wear Rena’s T-shirt (see photo) made by her own.
I talked with her.
She said “There are many fans wear their oshi goods like T-shirts etc.But now Rena-chan’s goods are only 2kind of towels.I made this because I want to show her that fan think about her here”
She already visited Jakarta and at there she know how kind Rena is and became fan of her.
Today Aki also has handshake event.But that was cancelled because of her health problem.
I know Aki since she was trainee. Maybe today is “only” 2nd or 3rd time she cancelled handshake.
She “rarely” absent any events(hand shake,show at theater,etc)
So, I guess she “really” can’t do today.
I hope she will recover well soon enough for her birthday party.
Annie, one of Stuff contributor also send me Rena Q&A session in Twitter and I did the translation for Japanese parts.
Q1. Kapan balik ke Indonesia?
*When will you come back to Indonesia?***
A1. Belum tahu, tapi secepatnya.
*I don’t know yet, but perhaps as soon as possible.***
Q2. Kangen sama aku gak?
*Do you miss me?***
A2. Kangen!
*I do!***
Q3. Apa kabar?
*How are you?***
A3. *Baik. XD
*Good. XD***
Q4. Rena lagi apa?
*What’s Rena doing?***
A4. Lagi main Twitter.
*I’m playing twitter.***
Q5. Rena hari ini makan apa?
*What does Rena eat today?***
A5. Ahaha Hari ini belum makan—
*Ahaha Today I haven’t eaten yet—***
Q6. れなちゃんは、何をしてる時癒されますか?
Rena-chan,when you got healing?
A6. うーーーん、動物と触れ合ってるときーーー!幸せ♪
Uhhhhhhhnnn, when I play with animals.I’m so happy.
Q7. Rena gak sekolah?
*Didn’t Rena go to school?***
A7. Hari ini tanggal merah di Jepang.
*Today’s a red date (holiday) in Japan.***
Q8. Perasaan Rena masuk ke Team K?
*Rena’s feeling about joining to Team K***
A8. Senang!
Q9. Sekarang di Jepang jam berapa?
*What time is it now in Japan?***
A9. Jam 9.23.
*It’s 9.23***
Q10. Sekarang musim apa di Jepang?
*What season is it in Japan?***
A10. Panas.
Q11. Kangen sama fans Indonesia gak?
*Do you miss Indonesian fans?***
A11. Kangen!
* I do!*
Q12. 握手会で楽しみなことは?
What do you expect for hand shake event?
A12. みんなと、仲良くなれることー!
I want to make friends with everyone.
Q13. 平田梨奈ちゃんとはどんな話をしますか?
What do you talk about with Hirata Rina-chan.
A13. いろんな話をするよー!外国のアーティストさんの話とか、アメリカのお菓子の話と♪
We talk about many things. About foregin artists, sweets of America, etc…
Indonesian -> English Q&A translated by Annie
glad to know that she was okay. thx anon for your FR and translation
Anon: “When I said “heard that you did UZA” she surprised. Because she doesn’t mention about that at Twitter, G+, and many Japanese don’t know about that.”
Rena posted her pictures in UZA seifuku on her twitter account:
“コンサート終わったよ!おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんとごはん行ってきます!konser nya sudah selesai! Habis ini makan sama nene sama kake! Kostum uza”
Sorry for say that but you misunderstand something?
“UZA”I said to Rena is “she did UZA by solo after her handshake event at14th September.Because she feels sorry for JKT48fans about her handshake schedule is changed”
The photo and also your quotation of Rena tweet is at 17th August,after AKB concert at Nagoya.
As far as I know,Rena doesn’t mention about “she did UZA by solo after handshake event”. So,she is surprised,when I said.