Rena Handshake Event Report + Bonus Twitter Q&A


I’m Japanese. I like Indonesian people, culture, foods. My favorite Indonesian food is Mie Ayam. I translate and introduce Akicha's activity to Indonesia and the world.

3 Responses

  1. xzerozero says:

    glad to know that she was okay. thx anon for your FR and translation :wink:

  2. yokumo says:

    Anon: “When I said “heard that you did UZA” she surprised. Because she doesn’t mention about that at Twitter, G+, and many Japanese don’t know about that.”

    Rena posted her pictures in UZA seifuku on her twitter account:
    “コンサート終わったよ!おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんとごはん行ってきます!konser nya sudah selesai! Habis ini makan sama nene sama kake! Kostum uza”

    • Anon says:

      Sorry for say that but you misunderstand something?
      “UZA”I said to Rena is “she did UZA by solo after her handshake event at14th September.Because she feels sorry for JKT48fans about her handshake schedule is changed”

      The photo and also your quotation of Rena tweet is at 17th August,after AKB concert at Nagoya.

      As far as I know,Rena doesn’t mention about “she did UZA by solo after handshake event”. So,she is surprised,when I said.