From Japan with Love – Japarta’s Story
by Japarta · June 8, 2013
== Prologue ==
From May 31st to June 2nd, I visited Jakarta.
I was eager to meet JKT members in Handshake Event. Then I named my visit *Jadilah Nekad (Reckless)* and in this website (JKT48Stuff) I tried to gather Japanese fans to go with me. But unfortunately, this term were not successive holidays in Japan and we allowed just 2 weeks for gathering before the event. To my sorrow there was no Japanese fans accompanied me.
Due to that, this time I re-named my visit to *Jadilah Nekad Preview*, and for this September or October I’m going to plan a much more solid plan for the project.
Anyway, I’m happy if you guys enjoy my report for this time below.
6月1日の握手会でどうしてもメンバーに会いたい!という自分の熱い気持ちで。そこで、RIVERのインドネシア語歌詞にある「Jadilah Nekad(がむしゃらに) 」をタイトルにこのJKT48Stuffで一緒に日本からジャカルタに行く仲間も募りました。しかし、特に日本の連休と重なっているわけでもなく、また募集期間が2週間しかなかったこともあり、残念ながらこの参加者はいませんでした。
今回は「Jadilah Nekad Preview(下見)」として、あらためて本番ツアーを9月か10月に企画しようと思っています。
== Prologue ==
== May 31st departure ~ Arrival at Jakarta ==
I must start my report with my trouble story. Hahaha.
Of course my main purpose was The Handshake Event with JKT48 members, however I was planning to watch their theater performance too. Actually on March 20th I have watched trainee’s show, Pajama Drive, then this time my target was Team J’s Renai Kinshi Jorei.
You know, we, Super Far fans, can apply for the tickets before the theater schedule is released in the official website. And in the email for application, we must write *staying term in Jakarta*, *Prefer Team J/Trainee*.
This was my consideration at that time :
June 1st was the day of Hand Shake Event, so No theater performance.
Theater performance will be on May 31st or June 2nd.
If I’m not wrong, Team J’s shows in Theater are mainly on Sundays.
Then I myself believed the theater show on June 2nd, Sunday, might be by Team J. It made me wrote *staying term in Jakarta : May 31st – June 2nd*, *prefer Team J* in my email for application.
Finally, 1 week before my departure I got an email, the email said “You won the ticket for Team J on May 31st“… Oh dear…
On May 31st, I arrived in Soekarno-Hatta by JAL(Japan Air Lines) at 4:30 PM, and the time limit for exchanging ticket is 4:30 PM ~ 6:00 PM. You know, if I am involved in *famous* traffic jam in Jakarta, I will not be in time. Now, I should be reckless! Just go for it!
It was 4:50 PM when I got a taxi at the airport, and almost 7:00 PM when I arrived at f(X). I immediately went up to the theater on the 4th floor, and in front of the theater I saw the monitor display which showed the performance almost got started.
Then, I caught a staff and asked “Right now I arrived here from airport because I was involved in traffic jam. Actually I won a Super Far ticket, please let me watch the show.”
He said “If only you were 10 minutes early… but now…”
It was looked like he had no other way to let me in since the ticketing booth was already closed.
Outside of theater, there were so many local fans who could not enter inside because it was already full.
I saw them and I thought it was better to give up my negotiation.. I should respect local fans who queued for long time but could not watch the show.
Then, in the first night I enjoyed Indonesian foods and took rest to refresh myself for tomorrow’s activity. Yeah, tomorrow I can meet Angga and his friends, we exchange information each other and charge the Signing Event and the Handshake Event!
This is a photo of the café, on 5th story of f(X), which was the place for the Signing Event.
*If you make a plan to watch the show on the very day of your arrival at Jakarta, you must take a flight which lands on Jakarta at least 3 PM even though you have already got a Super Far ticket.
*We can apply “Super Far ticket” via email before the show schedule is released. However, some case like me might happen again. I’m going to report my case to JOT via email .
== June 1st Morning ==
At the café in f(X) 1st story, I met Angga. The last time we met was on March 20th, and watched trainees’ show, Pajama Drive. He was still vigorous and full of love for JKT48.
We made a “headquarter” based in that café, and planed to go around 4th story which was nothing but the theater which was going to be the place for Handshake Event and 5th story which was the place for Signing Event.
Well, Handshake Event. Fans who bought a RIVER CD Theater ver. in advance could get a ticket. Yeah, it was better to ask a friend in Jakarta to buy it for me. When he bought it, he must show his ID for registration. On the very day I received the tickets from him. But, before queuing I must show my ID to the staff, which is not same as the buyer’s. Thus, It is considered invalid.
However, we got an information about the Signing Event just a few days before June 1st. It said that if we bought the 2nd Official Guide Book (OGB) there, we could get members’ sign on the spot. It was very lucky of us who came to Jakarta without any tickets for the Handshake Event.
Here, this is the report of Handshake Event. Enjoy!
== Signing Event ==
We went up to 5th story at 9:45 AM, the 1st session (Signing session 1 : SS1) would start at 10:00 AM. Take a look at this picture, heavy queue right?
It was before 10:00 AM, the lighting inside f(X) was not on yet so the photo is a little bit dark. Of course there was no air conditioning whatsoever at that time since it hasn’t been turned on. But still, I saw enthusiastic fans there.
We returned to our base and had a strategy meeting. My target was Sendy in SS2 from 11:00 AM, but according to the information she canceled her Signing Event due to her final exam. No way, but I want to meet ANY member directly as soon as possible. Then in SS2 I changed my target to Rica. At 10:45 AM, I went up to 5th story again to queue for SS2. And I saw unbelievable thing there.
== Signing Event : Shania ==
A staff said loudly “Now you can enter to SS1”. There were such gorgeous members such as Nabilah, Shania, Cindy, Dhike in SS1. I threw a sidelong glance to the long queue for SS2, and decided to enter the place as a SS1 participant.
Inside, there was a booth for selling OGB, on the left fans were queuing. So we could decide which member’s sign we would get after seeing the queue condition, and even we could buy the tickets for following SS as well. I bought 3 OGB and selected Rica in SS2, Ve in SS3, and in SS1… Oh! no queue in front of Nabilah and Shania! Then, I decided to meet Shania.
Japarta: Hello, Shania! (I held out my right hand)
Shania: Hello! Oh, hand shake is just in Hand Shake Event. I’m sorry…
J: I understand, sorry. OK, please. (I held out a OGB)
S: Is it OK on this page? (She opened her page)
J: Of course.
S: You bought many OGBs.
J: Yeah, I came from Japan, you know this is a precious chance for me.
S: Somebody asked you, right?
J: I myself want Shania’s sign. Thanks. Cheer up!
S: Thanks. Bye bye.
*All conversations were in Bahasa Indonesia.
Shania put on a white one-piece dress that able to made me feel spring season atmosphere. She didn’t looked like a 14 years old girl, she looked a little bit matured. However, I saw she was not fine… Later, I came to know the reason why she was not fine, but at that time Angga already knows the reason and bought several OGB just for meeting Shania and supporting her. You can read the story in Angga’s article, it is a touching story!
== Signing Event : Rica ==
Now, it was 11:00 AM, SS2. First half of the session seemed to be crowded, then I went to meet Rica after 11:30 AM. In front of me, 4 fans queued. But it didn’t take long.
J: Hello, Rica!
R: Hello, how are you? Where do you come from?
J: I’m fine. I’m from Japan.
R: Is it? You’re going to watch our show, right?
J: Yeah, tomorrow. But trainees’. Yesterday I was involved in traffic jam, so could not watch Team J’s show.
R: Oh… that was so sad!
J: Well, Rica, do you know many Japanese fans like Rica?
R: Really? I’m so happy! OK, this is special for you!
She signed not only her name but wrote *Love You!*.
Rica put on a hat, the model looked like Beby’s in RIVER performance, her clothes’ color were mono-tone. She was very friendly, and her beautiful big round eyes moved temptingly.
I heard members were not allowed to write fans’ personal name like “to Mr. XX”. So, you guys, please regard *You* from *love You* that she wrote as the fan”s” in Japan. But I’m sorry I myself believe it is the singular YOU for me. My treasure. Hahaha.
I enjoyed conversation with Shania and Rica and saw other members too -live-. I was beside myself. And it was time for SS3. How is Ve’s beauty in real time??
== Signing Event : Ve ==
At 12:45 PM, 2nd half of SS3, I entered in the place. About 40 fans were still queuing for Ve. In SS3, Melody, Ayana, Ghaida, Nabilah, Shania were there, but few fans in front of them… Before 1:00 PM, the queue for Ve didn’t end yet, so the queue, including me, was moved to behind the tables where members were sitting for signing, and the special table was set for Ve.
The set place was 2 steps higher than the floor, so while queuing I could see other members from their side and back in SS4 because SS4 already started. Cinvia was the nearest from me, just 2 meter between us. She was exactly “The Moe”. In SS4, all members were trainees. Queues for some members quickly ended, but the queue for Cinvia were long, unrivaled.
Now, Ve. She puts on a hat such as Rica’s. I see her while she signs for 2 fans before me. Wow, she is really beautiful. Then it’s my turn.
J: Hello, Ve.
V: Hello. How are you?
J: Fine. Finally I meet Ve here.
V: Fu fu fu, Where do you come from?
J: From Japan. Your great performance in Budokan made me impressed. (I watched it through streaming)
V: Thank you!
Ve is sitting. When she looks up me, her eyes looks so tender. I had… I felt something Japanese-style from gentle and modest Ve.
*As long as member doesn’t finish signing yet, the REMOVER (we call him HAGASHI in Japanese, who removes fans from a member when signing or shaking hands finishes) will never tried to shoo you away. It’s better to use small techniques such as to pretend to lose the page which you ask a member to sign on, you can gain more than 10 seconds which is allowed with 1 ticket of Hand Shake Event.
*Even though you’re not good at Bahasa Indonesia nor English, try to speak anything in Bahasa Indonesia or English slowly. It also gains time.
== Hand Shake Event ==
As I mentioned, overseas fans cannot buy tickets for Hand Shake Event in advance. Every time I checked the newest information which anakdekan-san updated in JKT48Stuff (Thank you, anakdekan-san. Your updating was quite helpful.), sold-out slot increased quickly. Finally, the ticket for my Oshimen, Sendy, was also sold-out. And on the very day of Hand Shake Event, just Jeje’s and a few trainees’ remained but not many.
In the restaurant on the 3rd story, I joined Angga and we had another strategy meeting with lunch. And there, Angga’s friends gathered one after another. In Indonesia, personal relationships are quite necessary for both business and private. I have already known Angga has many friends, but actually I was surprised at his network.
Thanks to Sora, a friend of Angga’s, I got tickets for Hand Shake with Sendy and Rica in HS5.
== Hand Shake Event : Sendy ==
There were 4 fans queuing before me for Sendy, but until my turn it was less than 1 minute. And now..the true Sendy was in front of me…
J: Hello, Sendy. How are you?
S: Hello, I’m fine.
J: I came here from Japan to meet you.
S: Thank you. What’s your name?
J: My name is XX.
S: XY-san? (She heard my name wrongly)
J: No, but XX.
S: Yeah, XX-san! (Remover came)
J: I and Japanese fans support yoooouuu…. (I was removed, my voice died away in the distance)
She put on a T-shirts, it made me feel affinity. It was nothing but a healing, really. She had mild eyes and smile. Her body was small, pretty, and her voice is gentle. My eyes filmed over with tears…
== Hand Shake Event : Rica ==
Next was Rica. There were 3 fans queuing before me. At that time, Angga was shaking hand with Rica. But why? Angga was still holding Rica’s hand but he was talking with a remover. What? the time he took to talked to remover was longer than to Rica but without releasing her hand. And then ended. What happened?
Then it was my turn. In SS, I have already met her. So I already prepared what I would say. I passed my tickets to the remover.
J: Hello, Rica. I see you again.
R: Oh, Hello. Thank you.
J: Oh yeah, congratulations! You are SENBATSU(selected) member of RIVER. Your performance in Budokan was awesome.
R: Was it? Did you see on live? Or streaming?
J: Actually Streaming. But great.
R: Thank you.
J: We, fans in Japan, were delighted with you joining SENBATSU.
Then I was removed from Rica. I felt it was less than 20 seconds because we spoke hurriedly…
I was looked upon by Rica’s eyes, there was nothing I could do. Her eyes power was strong, so I almost wanted to face away from her eyes. And her voice was low tone, it was also charming. She has clean-cut features. No doubt she is the type that Japanese guys like. Well, I’m happy!
I left the theater and caught Angga. I asked Angga what happened when he shake hands with Rica.
He said he had passed 3 tickets for HS 30seconds to the remover and started to shake hands with Rica. But 10 seconds later, the remover said to him “it’s over”.
A: “Hey, I passed 3 tickets. You know?”
R: “Well, it’s the same. Even 1 ticket or 3 tickets”
A: “How come!?”
He talked to the remover and finally it was for 30 seconds. Rangga, a friend of Angga’s, said “If you have 3 tickets, you must use the ticket one by one for queuing 3 times. So you can surely enjoy the 30 seconds.” Yeah, it’s reasonable. It also made me smart.
But, is this common way among AKB fans for Handshake Event in Japan? (Actually I don’t know because I have never been to AKB’s Handshake Event.)
== Lucky 1 ==
Well, it was rare chance for me to enjoy Handshake Event, I wanted to shake hand with members whose tickets were not yet sold out! Then, I took a look at a panel which showed the girls’ slot availability. Jeje’s in HS7 were still available, I queued in front of the ticket booth to buy her ticket.
It was so crowded, I queued for 10 minutes and I got forward up to 4 or 5 fans remained before me. Suddenly, a super lucky thing happened!
A ticket booth staff displayed a piece of paper in which written “additional CD sale with Hand Shake ticket from HS8”. Unbelievable! I even saw the name “Melody”. Of course I should shake hands with Melody!
Then I bought tickets for Melody in HS8 and Ghaida in HS11. Actually there were some members I wanted to shake hands, but while HS9-10 I must go out from f(X) for my business meeting.
== Hand Shake Event : Melody ==
In HS8, Melody was in the first booth, put on check-shirts.
While I was queuing, I was looking at her all the time. I had a very strange feeling. I could not understand why I was there, why melody was in front of me? The ace member of JKT48 was near me…
I’m sorry, guys. Actually I talked to melody, but I really don’t remember what I talked. Yeah, I remember I shook hands with Melody, and saw her tender eyes squint that she usually shows us when she smiles… Her eyes were my all, so beautiful.
== Lucky 2 ==
I lost myself, but I must go for a business meeting.
Lucky thing again! I went down to 1st story by escalator, I met Noella. She just came out from elevator with some trainees, seemed to take some late lunch. My oshimen is Noella among trainees, so I didn’t see who were the others. Hahaha. Anyway, it’s true that members walk around and enjoy eating in f(X).
== Hand Shake Event : Ghaida ==
My last handshake was with Ghaida. She likes Japanese culture, I decided to talk to her in Japanese.
J: Ghaida, genki?
G: Genki~~!
J: Are you fine now?
G: Yeah, I’m fine.
J: That’s good. I support you from Japan.
G: Thanks!
J: Ganbatte!
G: Hai, Ganbaro~~!
She used blue-color contact lenses, looked like a character in animation. Her right hand was for handshaking while her left hand made big motion every time she spoke. High tension, you know. She saw me off until I disappeared.
*For overseas fans, I think the Super Far ticket for Handshake Event should be provided. I’m going to email JOT about this matter too.
== Conclusion ==
You guys should go to JKT’s Handshake Event or Signing Event. To be honest, I myself hope JKT48 have a Handshake Event or Signing Event in Japan. However, Indonesia is their country, Jakarta is their home town, indeed here we can meet members in their casual.
Anyway all members whom I met were friendly. I know Indonesian people are originally friendly, however I do feel that members take care of fans as their word “because you are here, we are here.”
Please come to Jakarta and meet them.
Super Farは公演スケジュールが発表される前に申し込めるのですが、申し込みのメールに「滞在期間」「TeamJ/KKSの希望」を書きます。そこで、
そして出発の1週間前、「5月31日 TeamJ公演のチケットに当選しました」というメールが。え?え?
結果は、空港でタクシーに乗ったのが16:50、fxについたのはほぼ19:00でした。すぐに4階の劇場に駆け上がり、入り口にあるモニターを見たら丁度公演が始まるところ。スタッフを捕まえて「空港からまっすぐ来たけど渋滞で今着いた。Super Farを持ってる。入れてくれ。」と懇願。スタッフは「あと10分早ければ何とかしたけど…」と。もうチケットブースが閉まったのでどうにもならない模様。劇場の外には入れすにあきらめた現地ファンがあふれている。もうちょっとネバろうと思ったけど、それを見てあきらめました。
*Super Farは公演スケジュール発表前に申し込めるけど、今回のようなことも起こり得る。これは「参考案件」としてJOTにメールでレポートしようと思います。
そこにサイン会開催の情報が入ってきました。今回の2冊目となる公式ガイドブック(Official Guide Book = OGB)を当日購入すると、そのままメンのサインがもらえるというシステム。握手会のチケットを持たずにジャカルタ入りした私にはとてもラッキーなことでした。
我々は10:00に始まるセッション1(Sign Session 1 = SS1)の前、9:45ころに5階の会場に。この写真、すごい行列でしょ。
【サイン会 シャニア】
Japarta: ハロー、シャニア!(と右手を出す)
Shania: ハロー!あ、握手は握手会だけなの。ごめんなさい。
J: そっか、ごめん。じゃあこれに(OGBを差し出す)
S: ここでいい?(と彼女のページを開く)
J: もちろん
S: OGBたくさん買ったんですね
J: うん、日本から来たからね。せっかくだし。
S: 頼まれたんでしょ?
J: (僕が)シャニアのサインが欲しいんだ。(サイン)ありがとう。頑張ってね。
S: ありがとう。じゃあね。
【サイン会 リカ】
J: ハロー、リカ
R: ハロー、元気ですか?どこから来たんですか?
J: 元気だよ。日本から来たんだ。
R: そうなんだ!公演も観るんでしょ?
J: うん、明日KKSのをね。昨日は渋滞でTeamJの公演に間に合わなかったんだ。
R: うわー、残念!
J: そうそう、リカ知ってる?日本ではリカのファンが多いんだよ。
R: え?そうなの?うれしい!じゃあ、これは特別に!
と、サインの他にLove You!と書いてくれました。
サイン会では「xxさんへ」という個人名は書けないそうです。なので皆さん、リカが書いてくれたLove YouのYouは、複数形で日本のファンに向けた「あなたたち」とご理解ください。私は自身は単数形のYouと信じてこれを家宝とさせていただきますwww
【サイン会 フェイ】
J: ハロー、フェイ
V: ハロー、元気ですか?
J: 元気だよ。ついに今日はフェイに会えた。
V: フフフ。どこから来たの?
J: 日本からだよ。武道館のRIVERは感動したよ。(と言っても私はstreamingで観たのですが)
V: ありがとう
【握手会 センディ】
J: ハロー、センディ。元気?
S: ハロー、元気よ。
J: 日本から会いにきたよ。
S: ありがとう。お名前は?
J: XXです。
S: XYさん?(聞き違い)
J: XXだよ。
S: はい、XXさん。(ここでハガシが)
J: 僕も日本のファンも応援してるよぉぉぉ!(ハガされながら声が遠のく)
【握手会 リカ】
J: ハロー、リカ。また会ったね。
R: あ、ハロー。ありがとう。
J: そうそう、RIVER選抜おめでとう。武道館のパフォは最高だったよ。
R: え?ライブで見てくれたの?Streaming?
J: Streamingだったけど、よかった。
R: ありがとう
J: 僕たち日本のファンはリカの選抜入りを喜んでるよ
【握手会 メロディ】
【握手会 ガイダ】
J: ガイダ! 元気か?(日本語)
G: 元気~(日本語)
J: 今は体調いいの?
G: うん、健康だよ。
J: そっか。日本から応援してるよ。
G: ありがと!
J: がんばって(日本語)
G: はい、がんばろ~(日本語)
海外ファン向けに握手会のSuper Far枠ができないものか?これもJOTにメールしてみます。
Thanks to Angga, Haddad, djt, Ryan, Ijul, Bas, Rangga, Dewi, Lindsay. I’m happy to meet you all. And I enjoyed the event all day long.
Thanks to Sora, because of your help I met Sendy, my oshimen.
You will know it in my following article!
Happy to read Japarta-san!!!
Hahahahaha so enjoyable
Wanna read your next story too!
Thanks, WasshoiJ san!
But to my sorrow, we couldn’t meet there because my visit was 1 week later than you.
I’m looking forward to our next chance!
Tokyo Popさん、ありがとうございます。
i think i’s a good experience for you japarta-san, too bad you couldn’t catch up for the 31st show because i’ts cindy and ghaida birthday party
so you thinking going september or october? you should plan it, beacuse i heard the rumour that team J will change their setlist starting august/september (not confirmed though but be prepare for the change)
Hello, AnakDekan-san,
Oh, if it comes true, good news for me!
And in Sep or Oct, I hope we can meet and talk about JKT48!
^^ I’m glad that you enjoy the HS and signing event
Hello, djt-san,
Yes! I completely enjoyed.
Thanks for your help and friendship.
it’s great to know you had a memorable moment here
though it was just for a really short time but it’s good to meet you during the event
Thanks, razgriz-san!
Yeah, I’m happy to meet you.
I hope that someday I work in Jakarta again, and support JKT48 with you, guys.
And I guess, all those coffee are worth the trouble for smoking, isn’t it Japarta-san?
Hi, Haddad-san,
Yes, right!
I was moved to tears because I met JKT48 members on live.
My tears were from smoking too.
OGB for overseas fans
Hello, PN03-san.
Look forward to following article.
You will find something… Hehehe
Japarta san….”Urayamashiiii (envious)!” Now the one of my biz. project has been discussed to participate into one food and beverage trade show in Singapore, mid of Oct. 2013. If this project will be implemented, I try, just try to fly to Jakarta from SNG. Unfortunately nothing has been decided. So many internal meetings we have…I always talk loudly to the participants that the registration dead line is the end of July!!!!! Anyway, from your report, I could grasp the current expressions of your OSHIMENs. Yeah, actually, I want be watched my strange face by Melo’s sweet smile. And from Sendy, I try to ask her to sing a very short piece of one Dangut(spell is correct?). But probably I wll be HAGASHied. Appreciate for your informatial and heart-warming report. It gave me the feeling of being at a live
Hello, Tomo-san!
Thanks for your warm message.
Please, please go to JKT48 theater and meet members! Of course if we can join in Oct, it’s great.
Yeah, I also want to see or hear Sendy’s Dangdut! (the right spell is this)
In my article, actually I didn’t write so much about Sendy, but you know, it was because my heart swelled to meet her…. Very pretty girl..
Applying for the tickets before the theater schedule is release is definitely nekat/reckless action Japarta san. JOT always release theater schedule at least for next one week (7 day) so fans can make a plan before came to Jakarta. I think JOT don’t have other option since you wrote *staying term in Jakarta : May 31st – June 2nd*, *prefer Team J* in your email. Which mean from May 31st to June 2nd the only day team J perform in theater is May 31th. Thanks for the tips, maybe later i can ask 1 or 2 short question before giving the book to the member and ask another question while searching the page.
It would be better if that remover/hagashi give back Angga ticket and explain to him if what he do is against the rules at the beginning rather than stay silent and take all the ticket then say it’s the same, even 1 ticket or 3 ticket in the end. What remover/hagashi do only make fans angry rather than giving information about handshake rules to the fans. Actually there is no rules that say you cannot use all ticket at once but there also no rules that say you can use all ticket at once.
Just read Haddad comment from indo pro
In his (indopro) handshake experience with Nabilah, he use 2 ticket at once and gets 2 sticker in the end. so the conclusion is you can use more than one ticket at once but i will not recomend it because that will depend on remover/hagashi person if he is understanding person he may give more time but if not just say good bye to your ticket.
Hello, Buddy san!
Thanks for your opinion!
Sure, next time I make a better strategy.
One of a strategy might be to make friends with a remover first before shake hands with osihmen.