Pajama Drive Senshuuraku Report – December 13th Part 1

Pajama Drive ended yesterday, and leaves us with a milestone for the girls achievement. Soon, a new stage will take over. But before that, let’s enjoy a fan report for yesterday show.
This is the translation for the Shensuuraku show on December 13th from a field report by a fan. Thank you very much for PejantanTanggung from Lautan Indonesia Forum for the report.
The Worst Bingo in History
I arrived at 4:30 PM and the queue still wasn’t as long as a mere few more minutes to come. In just 10 minutes, I already got my green ticket with bingo no 7. At around 6 PM the queue was already very long and people is everywhere.
Around 6:15 PM a friend of mine reported that there’s a trouble in the ticketing system. Someone whom an OFC member was told by the ticketing that he’s ticket was already taken by someone (indicated by striking out their name). What makes it even weirder is that there’s someone who would like to exchange his FAR ticket by showing his PASSPORT being denied since according to the ticketing staff, his name is no longer available.
6.30 PM, it’s a chaos. It should be bingo time already but the condition makes everything seems like impossible. There’s people queued for either the bingo, the ticket and the waiting list.
Crowded ? Totally. But it’s kinda normal here, well at least for me since I always use mass transportation like bus and ended up in the middle of a crowded worker horde. But then suddenly, an announcement from JOT (sounds like a female) using a megaphone :
“ATTENTION ALL!! We’ve found so many incident involving a ticket that exchanged before the real owner could exchange it! And that only means, there are a lot of you fans who shared their OFC card/ID online! For those whose name already being strike-out, you could no longer exchange your Ticket!”
JOT first blunder –> Not following the basic rule of “Innocent until proven guilty” . Accusation without enough proof.
The theater security staff used a megaphone and called for the people there with a soft and polite tone.
“Please do not push the people in front of you. Take a step back please ?”
And then suddenly, one of JOT staff took the megaphone from the security hands and yelled :
“Don’t Push! It’s a waste! Ticket is all sold out! Don’t Push! DON’T PUSH!”
JOT Second blunder –> Yelling and reprimanded the fans using a megaphone.
I was totally taken by surprise. Who do they think they are ? There was a Japanese citizen beside me who probably understand Bahasa and can’t believe what the staff have just said and his tone of saying it.
And after that JOT called for those who still have their name on the ticketing list still available. What weird is, a friend of mine whom already got the ticket was called!
JOT Third Blunder –> IT WAS THEIR TICKETING STAFF FAULTS! But in rather than admitting it, they blame the fans first.
After calling the names, ticketing then announced that the ticket is a sold out. So for those who queued and already got their verification email, they have to accept a bitter reality. Without any words, the ticketing staff closed the locket.
JOT Fourth Blunder –> No apology at all to the fans at that time. Nothing-nada-nilch.
And of course, the fans was angered beyond words.
Dear JOT,
Do you have the rights to yelled at us fans ? You were paid to organize us fans. If there were a couple of troublesome fans, reprimand them. Don’t just go suddenly burst your anger at all of us.
You tired with what the fans did ? Those waiting listed fans you called unorganized queued from 10 AM in the morning. If there is no waiting list available, tell us beforehand. Don’t just leave us without any words and yelling at us. We (fans) is your customer that spend our money for you. It should be normal if the staff knows some manners in handling the customers.
If there were problems, despite whose wrong or right, JOT as the organizer should lower their head first! It’s an ethic in customer service, especially a company that provided services like you who required your staffs to smooth talks every single thing! Do we, fans, need to buy you guys a “Customer Service for Dummy” book ?
What JOT should do at that situation is to apologize first to those who already got the verification email but didn’t get their exchange rights. And after that, collect the ID for those fans while promising to investigate the trouble and makes up for it if it is to be proven as JOT faults by giving them some privilege for the next show ticketing.
To be honest, I lost my respect to JOT yesterday, especially their ticketing staffs. In return, my faith for the security staffs is restored. They are not those selected people who got a higher education, but the security staffs yesterday knows much more manners compared to the ticketing staffs. They even personally apologizing to some fans even to Japanese fans who clearly doesn’t understand Bahasa at the time the securities apologizing and ended up using gestures to apologize.
The earlier angry ticketing staffs ? The last time I saw them, they were busy with themselves making some jokes while disgustingly laughing.
TN : I work in a service business. And yes, lowering our heads and smooth talking everything is an important aspect of this business with some boundaries where we have the rights to remain silent and not provoking matters much if the clients started to yelling and using profanity to address us. Go straight to the manager and report the incident rather than yelling back at the client.
even ex JOT staff nearly cannot get her ticket.really sad for fans who can’t get their ticket.also respect for the security
Wow, I feel really sorry for all those fans and security as they probably get caught in between. As for JOT, I call for a whole restructuring of their staff.
The incident surely made JOT looked like a “really unprofesional” ass. Sooner or later, JOT should go to hell, along with their ticketing staff. But I ‘d prefer sooner.
Soo….uh..are you implying that JKT48 should rot in hell ? Well I’d prefer JOT refined themselves and learnt from their past mistakes rather than “go to hell” since those guys are the one who helped those girls reached their current potential and ability I’d say
No, no, no, ….not the girls. I just said JOT. I love the girls, man. Of course they deservedly got a very much better place than some “Hellish Abbys”.