Ve and Lymphoma
by Angga · December 1, 2015
Taken from Ve’s G+ post (Nov 29, 2015) (Source)
Hello everyone,
First of all, I’d like to apologize for making you worried and for not being able to attend JKT48 activities especially the theater recently.
Maybe you even wondered what kind of disease am I being diagnosed with, why is it took so long to recuperate.
At first I thought that it might better if I just keep it for myself, but after several considerations, I might make you worried more if I keep my mouth shut and perhaps it might be better if you know.
It is actually a complication, stemming from Lymphoma, Lymphadenopathy behind my neck, though some of the complications are already cured.
Out of expectation, it took longer to recuperate from it. That’s why I always listen to the Doc’s order about food intakes. Kinda sad though since I can’t enjoy what I usually eat. But hopefully it would make the recuperation time shorter. So, yeah, I beg for your understanding.
If you asked me whether if I missed the theater or not, of course I missed it. I tried several times to attend the show, but it turned out to be that I still can’t perform as usual. In the end of the day, I might make you and the members worried more since I looked like forcing myself.
I’ll keep on fighting this disease so that I can be healthy again and performing as usual in front of you.
Pray for me, okay =]
My heart stopped a moment after I heard the news about her since yeah, I’m one of those people who had been affected by the lost of a person dear to me going through (almost) similar manner.
Ve doesn’t specify the stage of the lymphoma, and that’s what made me extremely worried.
My hope is that she’s still in early stage or maybe just cell growth that there are no poor prognostic factors whatsoever.
Hope for your fast recovery, Ve. Our prayers are with you.
フェランダのグーグルプラスから転載(2015年11月29日) (ソースはこちら)
劇場が恋しいかどうかって聞かれたら…もちろん、恋しいです。何回か公演に出ようとしましたが、やっぱりいつも通りのパフォーマンスができません。結局、無理をしている姿をみせたらファンの方にもメンバーにも、もっと心配 をかけてしまうかもしれません。
祈って下さいね =]
Japanese Translation by Wotaliano.
Japanese QC by Japarta.
Judging from her symptoms and treatments, her disease is not lymphoma but lymphadenopathy by viral infection. Doctors explain even low-probability. Don’t worry too much. Ve will be back soon.
Oh, that’s reassuring. Thanks for the info!
get well soon ve, God bless you always.