Who is Beby Chaesara Anadila?
by WasshoiJ · March 10, 2015
The winner of last week’s polls is… Beby Chaesara Anadila! She is simply known as Beby!
Dancing Queen
Young, energetic and highly talented, Beby is a first generation member who has developed brightly as an idol with JKT48. First of all, it is impossible to describe Beby and not mention praises of her dance skills. Throughout her life, Beby has loved dancing and she put in many hours of training and practice into different types of dance like breakdancing, freestyle and the traditional Indonesian dance.
Specializing in it is a source of pride and joy for her, and she seized the opportunity to display her skills early on, with a series of performances that began to set her apart from other members Members and fans acknowledged her dancing skills and it became a highlight as one of JKT48’s many talents. But, enough talk about dancing…. take a look and judge for yourself! Video links: Freestyle / KazeFuite dance cover / KazeFuite dance cover 2 / Uza dance cover / Collaboration with Hamdi Fabas
The football fan
Beby is a football fan and an ardent supporter of Chelsea Football Club. She would converse about footballing events or matches and her fans frequently gave her presents of football memorabilia and jerseys. Beby likes the national teams for Germany and Portugal, and rooted for them during the Euro 2012 competition but both of them were tragically knocked out during the semi-finals phase. In her response to their defeats, Beby tweeted out that since all the teams that she supported have lost, she will in turn, support Spain in the finals against Italy, so that Spain will lose too.
….Spain eventually won Euro 2012 with an overwhelming 4-0 victory.
Beby is a 48G fan, primarily supporting Oshima Yuko at the start and liking other 48 members over time. She is quite in tune with fandom, calling herself a wotidol (woti but idol – woti means a girl wota) and goes into fangirl moments on Twitter. Sometimes she even tweets when the minute clock hits 48, or makes hashtages like #Selas48eby (Tues-48-beby) where she creates a Google+ post every Tuesday.
After the AKB48 x JKT48 Concert last month, she also wrote down her own review of the AKB48 members that came, penning down a description of the girls from her personal experience, and eventually fangirling over Okada Nana in the same post. She calls her chubgt! (very cute!) but is (unconvincingly) adamant that she has not added Naachan as a new oshi. When Yuko graduated, she now likes Ogasawara Mayu, but her heart still longs after Yuko and she maintains that Yuko is still her idol. Many times, she even does the no-mention tweets to Yuko.
At the theater
While Beby isn’t always thrust in the spotlight the same way that centers such as Melody, Yupi and Andela are, she is still a regular front-line girl at the theater. Here, her hard work in dance practice pays off as she is capable of maintaining a consistent, energetic and elegant performance throughout the show, making it easy for fans to continue paying attention to her. From my understanding, she is also regarded by regular theater-goers to be the best Kuroi Tenshi performer in JKT48. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to witness this again because Melody is the regular center for this unit song and Team J has since moved on to other setlists. Nonetheless, Beby is part of the popular Bird and Renai Kinshi Jourei unit songs.
As of today, Beby also has the 4th highest number of theater performances, with 281 performances. She stands behind Acha and Sendy (both with 285 performances) and Nadila (284 performances).
A “shining” star
Beby is a highly popular member in JKT48. She has featured in both the 2014 and 2015 Calendar Senbatsu, and also both the Pajama Drive Revival Shows, all through the support of her fan bases. The latter has also contributed immensely in voting Beby to a powerful 5th ranking for the 2014 Sousenkyo, with 12,015 votes, putting her just behind good friend Shania, who has 12,859 votes. Because of their support, she remains grateful to her fans and regularly shows her appreciation when communicating her thoughts and feelings with them via her Google+.
During the Gingham Check Handshake event, Beby gave her fans a special treat. She appeared as alter-ego, Bobi, in a handsome suit and surprised the audience with how attractive Bobi looked. Later on, she switched to a wedding gown outfit (in tribute to Yuko, no less) and awed the audience even more.
Beby enjoys a great relationship with Team J and is close with her peers such as Gaby, Nabilah and especially Shania. Shanju and Beby often bicker, joke and poke fun of each other in Twitter, and it is amusing to see their long conversations together. Apparently, Beby’s weakness is her high forehead, and members take advantage by lifting her bangs and exposing her forehead, or by teasing her about it. It’s all in good nature though, as Beby joins in the teasing as well. She even once tweeted, “Intentionally took a photo of my forehead, so that today will be a bright day ☀️ (?)”
Ending thoughts
It is great to see Beby reaching such a high level of love and connection with her fans. With popular common interests in football and the idol world, it is not hard to imagine why she is so popular with youths and peers of her age in Indonesia. Beby is also a very intelligent girl, having joined the accelerated program at her prior school for a couple of years. This, combined with her talent, hard work and initiative in improving herself and her dance, makes for a fantastic appeal and source of inspiration to people all over.
Personally, I think Beby is amazing the way she is right now – especially with her level of work and effort in JKT48, the amount of fan service she gives and the fan support that she receives. In terms of future development, I do hope that I can witness her in her own aura in times to come – something I noticed that only older members are able to grasp and display (Noella, Stella and Melody have great personal auras). But, even that is just a wish.
As again, many thanks to Pitra, @anakcerdas (Flickr) for his fabulous photos. If you would like to volunteer to translate this article to Bahasa Indonesia, do let us know via the contact form or tweet us at @jkt48stuff!
Pemenang dari polling minggu lalu adalah…. Beby Chaesara Anadila! Atau lebih dikenal dengan Beby!
Ratu Dansa
Muda, energik, dan sangat berbakat, Beby adalah member generasi pertama yang telah berkembang menjadi idol yang cemerlang di JKT48. Pertama-tama, tidaklah mungkin untuk menjelaskan siapa itu Beby tanpa memuji bakat menarinya. Selama ini, Beby sangat suka menari dan banyak berlatih serta belajar berbagai tarian seperti breakdancing, freestyle, dan tarian tradisional Indonesia.
Spesialisasinya pada tarian menjadi suatu hal yang menyenangkan dan membanggakan bagi Beby, dan sejak awal ia sudah berani menunjukkan bakat menarinya di berbagai kesempatan sehingga membedakannya dengan member-member lain. Member dan fans mengakui keunggulan menarinya dan menjadi salah satu ciri dari banyaknya bakat-bakat lain di JKT48. Keahlian Beby tidak cukup dideskripsikan dengan tulisan, jadi sebaiknya anda menyaksikannya sendiri di video-video ini : Freestyle / KazeFuite dance cover / KazeFuite dance cover 2 / Uza dance cover / Kolaborasi dengan Hamdi Fabas
Fans Bola
Beby itu penyuka bola dan fans beratnya klub Chelsea. Dia sering membicarakan tentang pertandingan atau event-event yang ada kaitannya dengan bola sehingga seringkali fansnya memberikan hadiah berupa jersey atau memorabilia sepak bola. Beby menyukai tim nasional Jerman dan Portugal, dan mendukung mereka di Euro 2012 tapi sayang keduanya secara tragis tersingkir di semi final. Menanggapi kekalahan itu, Beby menulis tweet karena kedua tim yang ia dukung sudah kalah, sebagai gantinya, ia mendukung Spanyol di final melawan Itali, dengan harapan Spanyol juga kalah.
…. Spanyol menjadi juara Euro 2012 dengan skor 4-0.
Beby itu ngefans 48G, pada awalnya ia ngedukung Oshima Yuko dan lambat laun menyukai member-member 48 lainnya. Ia selalu mengikuti perkebangan fandom, dan menganggap dirinya sebagai Wotidol (Woti Idol – woti itu wota versi cewek) dan sering menunjukkannya di Twitter. Kadang-kadang ia ngetwit di saat menit ke-48, atau membuat hashtag seperti #Selas48eby dimana ia menulis di G+ setiap Selasa.
Setelah konser AKB48 x JKT48 bulan lalu, ia turut menulis ulasannya sendiri tentang beberapa member AKB48 yang datang, mendeskripsikan dengan lengkap tentang mereka berdasarkan pengalaman pribadinya dan buntutnya ngefans Okada Nana. Ia menyebut Naachan “chubgt!” tapi (dengan tidak yakin) bersikeras tidak menambahkan Naachan sebagai oshi yang baru. Setelah Yuko grad, Beby jadi menyukai Ogasawara Mayu, tapi hatinya tetap merindukan Yuko dan menganggap Yuko tetap sebagai idolnya. Beberapa kali pula, ia ngetwit tanpa mention ke Yuko.
Di Teater
Walau Beby tidak selalu didorong menjadi pusat perhatian selayaknya para center seperti Melody, Yupi, dan Andela, ia tetap menjadi member lini depan di teater. Disini, kerja kerasnya dalam menari tidaklah sia-sia karena penampilannya yang energik, konsisten dan elegan sepanjang show, membuat penonton selalu memperhatikannya. Dari apa yang saya tangkap, oleh banyak penonton reguler teater, Beby dipandang sangat baik sebagai center Kuroi Tenshi di JKT48. Sayangnya, akanlah sulit untuk menyaksikan hal tersebut karena Melody menjadi center reguler di unit itu dan Tim J sudah pindah ke setlist lain. Tidak terkecuali, Beby juga menjadi bagian dari unit song Bird dan Renai Kinshi Jourei yang populer.
Hingga saat ini, Beby juga menempati urutan ke-4 terbanyak untuk jumlah penampilan, sebanyak 281 show. Terpaut di belakang Acha dan Sendy (keduanya sebanyak 285 show) dan Nadila (284 show).
Bintang yang bersinar
Beby merupakan salah satu member yang amat populer di JKT48. Ia telah muncul di Senbatsu Kalender 2014 dan 2015, serta dalam kedua show Pajama Frive Revival, semuanya berkat dukungan fanbase. Mereka juga memberikan kontribusi yang penting dalam Sousenkyo 2014 sehingga meloloskan Beby ke urutan 5 dengan 12.015 suara, persis di bawah kawan akrabnya, Shania yang punya 12.859 suara. Atas dukungan para fansnya, Beby selalu bersyukur kepada mereka dengan menunjukkan apresiasinya saat menuliskan perasaan dan pemikirannya di Google+.
Pada acara Gingham Check Handshake, Beby memberikan sesuatu yang spesial bagi yang hadir disana. Dia tampil sebagai Bobi, karakter alter ego-nya, dengan berpakaian jas, ia berhasil mengejutkan penonton dengan kegantengannya. Belakangan ia berganti memakai gaun pernikahan (sebagai penghormatan kepada Yuko) dan sekali lagi membuat penonton takjub.
Beby amat senang dengan teman-temannya di Tim J dan amat akrab dengan Gaby, Nabilah, dan khususnya Shania. Shanju dan Beby sering berdebat, bercanda dan saling mengolok-olok di Twitter, dan amat mengherankan melihat perbincangan mereka yang panjang. Tampaknya, kelemahan Beby ada pada jidatnya, dan member lain memanfaatkannya dengan mengangkat poninya sehingga jidatnya terlihat jelas, atau menggodanya soal itu. Semua itu dilakukan tanpa ada niatan jahat, Beby pun tidak kalah ikutan bercanda. Dia bahkan pernah ngetweet, “Sengaja foto jidat, biar hari nya jadi cerah~ ☀️ (?)”
Akhir kata
Amat menyenangkan melihat Beby memperoleh tingkat hubungan dan rasa cinta yang besar dengan fansnya. Memiliki minat yang sama dalam sepak bola dan dunia peridolan, tidak sulit membayangkan kenapa dia populer diantara kalangan remaja dan anak-anak seusianya di Indonesia. Beby juga amatlah pintar, dimana pernah mengikuti kelas akselerasi disekolahnya yang dulu. Hal ini, berikut bakatnya, kerja keras, keinginan mengasah diri dan keahlian menarinya menjadi daya tarik yang memukau dan sumber inspirasi banyak orang.
Secara pribadi, saya menganggap Beby amat menakjubkan pada saat ini – khususnya dengan tingkat usaha dan pekerjaannya di JKT48, besarnya fan service yang ia berikan dan dukungan fans yang ia terima. Untuk ke depannya, saya berharap dapat melihat aura dari dirinya, sesuatu yang hanya dimiliki dan ditampilkan oleh member-member yang lebih tua (Noella, Stella dan Melody memiliki aura yang mengesankan). Tapi itu hanya sebuah keinginan.
Sekali lagi, terimakasih kepada Pitra @anakcerdas (Flickr) untuk foto-fotonya yang keren.
Indonesian translation by Wisnu
Japanese translation by Wotaliano
Waah! Love my oshi :))
ma-masaka, last time I visit this site, Viny is winning…
One of my favorite girls! I really enjoy the connection among team J members, and Beby is one of the J members who can “catch any bait” and make even twitter conversations seem really fun.
She is so talented, I really wish she will shine brighter as she grows maturer.
Beby, Beby, Beby!..
I think she is idol that we need as AKB heirs. She have plus beside lack something, Means she describe first to third AKB member personality.. She’s still young, so I think she will be next JKT lead with Shania, Nabilah, Yupi and the rest of young JKT talented..
i think it’s good to see her lead more as she develops, but management always run things their own way
beby, the best dancer JKT48 ever had, one of my favorite member in team j. Maybe her voice isn’t that good, but I hope she could me a fenomenal after leaving JKT48 in the future. Thanks for reviewing her by the way