Jadilah Nekad V and a Half

by Japarta · November 22, 2014
Handshake event comes again! It was announced that the newest HS event, Papan Penanda Isi Hati, will be held on December 7th. The venue is Istora Senayan, quite convenient since it is not so far from JKT48 theater that we can go there from fx by foot.
Then, we, JKT48Stuff, will have Jadilah Nekad V and a half as well! We decided that this time we will only try our best to make a makeshift base (if any available) for HS event for fans that are coming from overseas to take a rest and to exchange with local fans. Of course, we can advise some for your schedule, transportation and help you with your fanboy/fangirl-ing activity too.
We really have to take this decision since the sudden announcement of the handshake event (a month before the D-Date!) thus to plan and organize for a model flights and tour planning would be the utmost impossible task to do due to the varying amounts of sudden flights and arrival dates the participants will have to take to adjust to the very short notice of the handshake announcement.
Overseas JKT48 fans who want to have fun at JKT48Stuff base and who need some advices, feel free to contact us through comment form below. There are already some overseas fans who have already contacted us through the past participants.
Let’s enjoy it together!
またまた握手会です! 次の握手会、Papan Penanda Isi Hati(心のプラカード)が12月7日と発表されました。会場はIstora Senayanで、JKT48劇場のあるfxから徒歩で行ける便利な場所です。
そこで、我々JKT48StuffもJadilah Nekat 5.5 を開催します! 今回我々は、海外からのファンが握手会イベントを楽しむため、疲れた時に一休みしたり現地ヲタと交歓する(駆け込み寺的)ベースとしてお役に立ちたいと思います。 もちろんあなたの旅程、移動のアドバイスやヲタ仲間活動のお手伝いもできます。
JKT48Stuffのベースでワイワイやりたい、アドバイスが欲しいという海外からのJKT48ファンの皆さん、是非以下のコメントフォームでご連絡ください。 新規の方からも参加経験者を通じてもうすでにご連絡頂いてます。 一緒に楽しみましょう!
I'm Japanese. I translate stuffs, English - Japanese - Bhs Indonesia I love JKT48!