Pajama Drive Revival Show Cumulative Result & Analysis

Richardson Kilis

Richardson H. Kilis is a U.S.-educated Indonesianist who studies the relationship of technology and cultural exchange.

14 Responses

  1. tsu says:

    go Diasta goooo !!!

    This review sir, had my respect !

    really, the GRD (ghaida, rica, diasta) coalition is the biggest surprise of all, althoug diasta not managed to perform, but this result is very good for her

    I must congratulate the fans of GRD, they really mean bussines
    you guys rock !

  2. sanusi says:

    Halo guys, salam kenal. It’s nice analysis btw, Richardson san. and as always, a good reading to me. But for your consideration, JOT only showed us top 10 votes of each unit song. so, i believe there were still missing datas to talk about indonesia and jkt48 fans. Since i vote for one ‘non top ten’ member hehe. i believe the total number of votes is way more than 139k. too bad one of my favorite member was not there to perform to’ *sob.

    • Angga says:

      Heya! Welcome to stuff!

      Anyway, as Richardson already implied, we are missing 80% of the data since management only release the top 10 results :D

      • sanusi says:

        oh iya, hehe it’s my bad. sumimasen. btw i love this site and been around for months, Angga. but i’m sorry for being silent all this long. Glad Shanju can make it to perform JS ya? :-D

  3. hendra says:

    i thought, total vote much less than 140k.. its because i sms can vote for 2-5 members. example for unit kagami, for kinal and ve got 4k vote. it doesn’t means they got 8k total vote, maybe more or less just 4,5k vote sms because of the same combination,, sry for my bad english.. >.<

    • Yes, you are correct. The number of SMS or text message ballots and ballots submitted at the theater shows will definitely be less than the 139,449 because you are submitting multiple votes per ballot. This is why I opted to say votes rather than ballots. Thanks for noticing that though.

  4. TheAmplifier89 says:

    NICE…….you did a good job to analyze the revival show result…SALUTE to you..but damn..melody is just a backup

  5. melodyfans says:

    they think JKT48 still exist without melody. ooo … let’s prove it if their prediction is true. I hope it will happen soon

  6. justin lee says:
    NICHAN,She haven’t update twitter for a week!Now what do you hear?But what happened? Can you tell me?

  7. FairFans says:

    hoi JOT, look at that! :twisted:
    Your abandoned children is deserve to Senbatsu!

    My Big respect for Ghaida Rica Diasta and their loyal fans!
    U are super awesome, like David vs Goliath, no…. 8-O

  8. benimaru says:

    fans of non-“senbatsu” members surely had 2 things; unity and wealth :-D

  1. March 9, 2014

    […] has flirted with the concept of elections before, most memorably the election for Pajama Drive Revival Show. In addition, management has utilized text message voting in selecting members to be featured in […]