JKT48 Handshake Event Member’s Review


A Super Sentai in the night, A lightstick-wielding man in the day. Subject of Her Majesty Queen Vienny Fitrilya. And please call me Red. http://twitter.com/theredranger48

15 Responses

  1. I feel like I have never read an impression of shaking hands with Beby.

  2. Buddy says:

    See this video before this video deleted “KAIGAI IKU NARA KODE NEE TO” :arrow: http://video.fc2.com/content/20130604c1WN5zPD/
    Source : AkichaFIJ twitter / Takumi san. 8)

  3. Haddad says:

    *with Ted Mosby’s voice*
    And that’s kids, how I drowned myself in delusion for the next two days…

  4. benimaru says:

    How many tickets the dude bought?

    Thick wallet he had.. *envy*

  5. PN03 says:

    You have 30 tickets??!!! 8-O I feel….

  6. anakdekan says:

    I’ve handshaking with most of the girls mentioned above (not all of them just Viny, Nichan,Yupi,Noella) and i would say i have the same impression

    Can i added some impressions of my self? not for the girl metioned above

    1. Kariin
    She really talkative and curious about you especially when you’re a gamer just like her (she’s a hardcore online gamer) but if you’re not a gamer you can start by talking about her performaance (on theater or on TV)

    Not for the weak heart (i mean it), rena’s smile can instantly kill you on the spot and make you nervous and forgot everything you will say to her, try to compliment her performance and she’ll be happy. like akicha sometimes she will hold your hand firmly and for the finishing blow, she will give you the cute face expression that will make your heart melt (after that get ready for the delusion part,hehehe)

    I would say her is also a golden hand, she’s really friendly, i guess working as barista before joining JKT helps her interpersonal skill very much, talking to her like talking to the old friend, she usually greet you first and asking about your condition

  7. Torque says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE ON THE ACHA PART. SHE DOES LOOK LIKE CLEO. GOD. Sorry for the caps, I’m just excited that finally someone thinks the way I do LOL. My first impression on Acha: whoa… is that Cleo? – they do look alike, rofl.

  8. indr@ says:

    This is the true definition of “wotajir” :mrgreen:

  9. Kiel says:

    i got a part in HS with sinka.. and.. suddenly.. im became like now.. *if any one.. know what i mean..* :)

    • Buddy says:

      Hmm… :-? Please allow me to solve this mistery. :idea: After shaking hands with Sinka you cannot stop smiling :lol: on the way home you offend police officer with your smile so he put you in jail :roll: then you make other prisoners angry with your smile so they have to bring you to the hospital 8-O after that you make doctors and nurses afraid with your smile so they send you to mental hospital. :twisted: so the answer is “Sinka make you crazy” right? :mrgreen:

    • RedRanger48 says:

      I know it dude , since I follow your twitter lol

      • Kiel says:

        nyahahaha… actually.. iim became crazy just a view second that i arrived at 5th floor.. and then…. thing’s goin crazy hahahha