Work hard , second generation!

There has been many debates about 31 selected member which later known as JKT 48 members whether they are really deserved or not to be qualified as a member. Some says that they are not deserved, for lacking too much here and there and got exposures often when they are still nobody.
Something happened, there was an unpleasant news following those issues. One day, there was a fan who skipped high-touch with some second generation members. I don’t know his true intention by doing such a lame manner to the girls, but we know that there is something wrong here.
JKT48 is entering the transition stage now, and to have many problems in this stage is a common thing in any 48 group. The addition of second generation and later generation is one of the problem that should be solved properly.
Back then, the first generation of AKB48 had the same problem too. They were feeling insecure that their position might be replaced when their juniors came into the group, but they couldn’t do anything except to do their best. For your info, some of the top of 48 family now is a member from second generation.
You guys are free to say anything that you want about second generation, but you have to know the addition of the members is the most important thing for now. With the increase of JKT48 popularity and the demand of theater to be held everyday, second gen will play important roles.
There is a reason why 48 group consist by a large members, it goes straight with the theater that they have to perform in. You can’t possibly run the everyday-show and another schedule by only 23 girls or less. We often see JKT48 members are exhausted or the worse is being hospitalized caused by tight schedules.
First, second, and later third generation will run JKT48 in the future and later maybe there will be fourth generation and five generation and so on. They will be divided into each team and perform at theater. As time goes by, they will be naturally selected and the ones who succeed will join any team.
Pressure is now placed on second gen members, they have to work hard to show to all the people that have a doubt on them, they have to proof that they are not a bunch of girls who only seek for popularity and it’s their duty to do the best and stand up with their seniors on the stage.
The second generation members already performed as back dancers lately, and I witnessed some of them, very clear that they are still very lacking especially in dancing and not yet synchronized with each other. I take it as the first step for them and hopefully someday I can smile widely to see they perform nicely by remembering their lacking now.
I just hope that all the fans will support second generation members just like they support the first generation, after all they are a part of JKT48. Cheering them when you do high-touch session is enough and helpful for them. They will feel relieved and do their best if we support them, right ?
Work hard, second generation!
Keep going gals, can’t wait to see your debut stage.