The Tears, The Fights, The Encore Calls
by Angga · December 8, 2012
Tonight, my Twitter timeline lit up like a brand new Christmas tree. And the small little bulb that becoming the main topic is “No Encore Calls Tonight!”. Yep you read it right; there’s no encore calls by the fans tonight and thus, tears.
Some people reporting that the girls’ eyes were red at the high-touch session. And the ever calm Rica really couldn’t hide her tears. Nabilah getting distracted and asking questions about why there’s no encore calls tonight although she always kept her childish cute-ish demeanor. Kinal try to cheer things up through her tweet by asking “Heey, why the frown today ?” with her usual Sundanese dialect. While Delima, simply tweeted : “:)” , dunno what that’s mean, but she had a red eye too, which means, yes, she cried at the backstage. Shania shows her magical smiles and try to comfort things.
The girls feelings were crushed and they were worried that their performance is not really up to par or either, they screwed things up, badly.
But that is not the case as they were performing gorgeously. So did the fans really an ass to do such a thing ? Nope, they’re not. No blame game here, and the fans were totally not in faults either. So, why no encore calls ?
Well, a lot of probabilities. Some of the fans perhaps glued to their gadget to report the show for us who can’t attend the theater. Some of the fans perhaps going somewhere else (Read : Toilet or buy some drinks as they were not allowed to drink inside the theater) and some of the fans perhaps doesn’t have enough courage to start things up as the encore commandos. Thus, the time limit for encore calls over and the show ended without any encore.
Could we pick something positive out of this “incident” ? Yes, yes and yes.
The girls were worried beyond recognition and I must admit, I’m impressed with their reaction. I totally taken by surprise that the girls could cried due to some trivial matters such as encore calls. It really shows us who they really are. Their fights all this past year through ups and downs are not for naught. They have becoming more and more like an ideal idols.
Bit by bit, their fights, their tears shows us the improvement within themselves. How they conquered their egos for the team sake, how they couldn’t hold their tears whenever they felt that they have given the fans a bad performance. They’ve grown up. Those little innocent kids we saw a year ago through YouTube has now grown up a bit.
But does this deserved them the title of an “Ideal Idol” ? Not now, they still have a long and arduous journey ahead of them, namely, the enemy within themselves. Once they past through this, they will grow up more and more.
They are fighting a long uphill battle. One by one, some of them gave up. But some of them stays and keep moving forward to an endless future that they will carved by themselves.
キナルは務めて明るく、「ヘイ!今夜はどうしちゃったのよ?」いつものスンダ訛でツイッターに書いた。デリマはたった一文字 “:)” とだけツィート。どういう意味か分からないけど、彼女もまた目を泣き腫らしていた。楽屋で泣いたに違いない。シャニアは、空気を察してか彼女の魔法のスマイルをいつも以上に振りまいていた。
Japanese Translation by Tokyo Pop
キナルは務めて明るく、「ヘイ!今夜はどうしちゃったのよ?」いつものスンダ訛でツイッターに書いた。デリマはたった一文字 “:)” とだけツィート。どういう意味か分からないけど、彼女もまた目を泣き腫らしていた。楽屋で泣いたに違いない。シャニアは、空気を察してか彼女の魔法のスマイルをいつも以上に振りまいていた。
Tell you what. I hate myself for wasn’t being there that night, so I could had the audiences to do the encore, or even if I had to, I’d do it by myself. A gentleman gotta do what he has to do.Coz, last thing I want is to see the tears on their beautiful eyes. And the audiences, I suppose they might be only tried to express sumthin’ -God only know what- by being such an ass. But next time, I suggest, try it by the kosher way. At last, please be formidable girls, coz’ sometimes shi* happens.
well I was there that time ….. and got a very great lesson learn …… Yes i don’t wanna see them cry again, never again.