December 9th Theater Report Translation
by Angga · December 10, 2012
This a translated report by one of the fans who visited the theater at December 9th, 2012. Thanks to Akmal Hanif for the report and Estel_123 for notifying the report.
The real author is PejantanTangguh from Lautan Indonesia forum . The one from Facebook is relaying his Field Report. I’m really sorry for the confusion
これは、ファンのひとりによる12月9日の劇場レポートの訳です。Akmal Hanifさんレポートありがとうございます。
The bingo was late. Was this due to the fact that the girls have just finished their shooting for the TV Show ? Anyway, I got the blue ticket and unfortunately, I got the furthest from stage seat. When I’m queuing earlier, I saw a lot of junior high school kids with roses on their hands. It’s obviously for the members. It just tickles me. I mean, it’s kinda strange to see those kids with roses while they doesn’t even have enough hair on their body yet.
There were a lot of Japanese today in the theater. A manager from SHARP was there too, I also saw a young Japanese father with her very cute daughter.
Kinal was the shadow announcer for today. She started with a boastful English but ended up using Bahasa Indonesia in the end . I guess she only have “Ladies and Gentlemen” in her dictionaries.
Then the show begins. When the members screamed their yell started with “J! Joyful!”, Ve suddenly appeared behind the audiences and she took a seat right next to the FOH guided by a staff.
Just a few seconds in Shonichi, I realized and shocked to see how good the girls are. It’s much much better than the last time I saw them. They even got their expression right. No overpowering the others, and no one is under-powered at all. The girls performances is pretty stable even when they entered Futari no Jitensha.
And Melody, God…she was impressive. Maybe this is due to the critics she always got on every single occasion including the recent Gomen Ne Summer performance. She really looks like an Energizer Rabbit. Smooth and powerful. And her expression…it just felt so natural.
While Stella, she was absolutely on fire.
MC session theme this time is “What would you do for your loved one in the morning ?”
Sendy said, she would like to prepared the suit and tie for her husband preparation before going to the office. While Nabilah said she would love to cook sunny side-up for her parents. The ever romantic Melody said that she would love to kiss her husband first thing in the morning.
A sub-theme for that night MC was “What did you do most when you were still a child ?”
Frieska said that she often did what her father did. And she really did it as she drank a lot of Red Bull when she was a kindergartner. While Rena innocently said that she didn’t remember anything since she just a child back then.
Next, Unit Song
Tenshi no Shippo = Nabilah-Cindy-Sonia
The Loli trio that I thought the best for this song. No big gap in height differences. Really really awesome, Nabilah didn’t destroy the tempo at all even with her usual powerful dance. Their expression is right on spot.
Pajama Drive = Shania-Sendy-Achan
There was some kind of technical difficulties this time as the lights were off suddenly when the girls performing and it was pitch black in the theater. But the show must go on and so does the song and the girls steps, it keeps continuing. When the lights suddenly came back, the girls were still dancing as usual and already on the left side of the stage.
How on earth do the girls keep doing their dancing routine on a pitch black and totally dark condition remains a mystery. But I’m impressed. And this time, they also did it splendidly. Even the one I underestimate, Ayana. She did it splendidly with only just one minor mistiming.
Junjou Shugi = Dhike-Stella-Beby
STELLA ON FIRE! Her hand movement, her blocking, her head tilt, everything screamed one word : SEXY. I don’t know what she ate earlier, but whatever kind of food you ate earlier, keep eating it Stella. She really was impressive back then, even more than the song center, Dhike, herself. There’s nothing wrong with Dhike, her fierce and bitchy aura really fits this song. It’s just that, Stella was on fire tonight.
While Beby….do I need to explain it again ? Flawless. She just lacking the Sexy aura a bit. Maybe due to her age.
Temodemo no Namida = Melody – Frieska
I don’t know what kind of torture Melody gave her, but Frieska really improves a lot and they really in-sync in this unit song! I’ve never seen this kind of in-sync Temodemo.
Kagami no Naka no Jean D’arc = Kinal-Rena-Rica-Gaby-Ghaida
Did Rica just drank a Senbatsu Milk ?! She’s so ridiculously sexy. I’ve never ever see this side of Rica before. Her performance today really kicked the Chosen One out of the northern hemisphere. (They have the same position)
And Rena oh Rena. You are now a one kind of a fierce woman don’t you ? Don’t tell me you read 2ch and resulted in the total makeover of your performance into this one amazing and mature character.
Kinal? Gaby? Ghaida? No need for another explanation for this crazy trio. They nailed the song. (Well…Gaby is a utility member since she could do many songs and always ended up perfect)
But it looks like they drained their stamina a lot in this song.
The second MC session was the time when Gaby is being teased by Kinal. An when Rena was asked whether she would like get teased once in a while, she said that she would love to. Kinal also told a story about how Dhike was cautious (and curious in this sense) of Rena a long time ago due to Rena always speaks in English. Ghaida told an example about how Dhike always ended up asking her “What did Rena just said ?” in her usual Sundanese language.
And due to the topic kinda shifted to Sundanese language, Rena suddenly have an idea that she would love to get teased using Sundanese. She will asks Kinal and Ghaida what the teasing means later on.
On their next songs, the members still on their on-fire mode. Their expression in Two Years and Inochi was spot on. In my own honest opinion, they still far compared to their sisters in the terms of their dance. But when we talk about their expression…Oh boy, the girls really spot-on and I personally think, the girls are better than their counterparts.
Melody once again explored her expression ability. It ain’t bitchy, ain’t fierce, but she really shows a dark side of a woman with her expression.
And Rena oh Rena again. This past few months she has shown much improvement in her expression. There’s no more that uncertain looks in her eyes. And this time, she really sings all out from her heart.
Encore now. They still in full power. They already knew when they would have to take a break for a slight seconds and where they will need to be total. But still, we could see Shania really exhausted in this session. Understandable to the hectic schedule they have.
Bonus song is Ponytail while I actually expected Namida Surprise and Gomen ne Summer
The show should be ended by now, but apparently the girls still doesn’t want to stop. They goes full throttle to another bonus MC session where they open up some secrets of the members. Like how Kinal have this unique way of sleeping with her mouth gaping like a cave.
And Sendy way of sleeping that Stella claimed she had a candid shot of her sleeping.
So does Melody, with her stylish exhausted sleeping : Gaping Mouth + Hands up which again Stella admitted that she took a candid shot of that but unfortunately Melody knows about that and delete it. (TN : From some live reports via Twitter – Stella claimed that Melody is so scary when she’s mad and to avoid “Melo’s Rage Level: Over 9000” she ended up giving Melody the file for her to delete it.)
Dhike’s snore is also devilishly recorded by Stella in which Shania ended up calling Stella : Mrs. Documentation.
While Sendy, in revenge for what Stella did, told a story of Mova instead. She said that Mova gaping mouth while sleeping is one of the world wonder with her thick lip. Rica couldn’t hold her laugh here, she ended up laughing so loud.
And after that, the photo sessions with all the audiences and the shows ends.
To be honest, this is one of the best show they ever performed that I ever saw. Maybe it’s due to :
a. Soon Pajama Drive will be over.
b. AKB choreographers was there.
c. The rivalries between them is getting higher since all the girls want a center position in the unit song.
d. All the answers above is right.
今日の陰アナはキナルだった。最初はカッコつけて英語で始めたが、でもすぐにインドネシア語になってた。彼女の辞書には、“Ladies and Gentlemen” しかないのかも知れないね。で、ショーは開幕。メンバーがいつもの「ジェイ、ジョイフル!」と始めたとき、観客の後ろにフェイが突然現れ、スタッフに導かれてPA卓の隣のシートに座った。
そしてメロディだ、なんと彼女は素晴らしいんだ。たぶんこれは、最近の「ごめんねサマー」なんかに出るたび受ける「批評」を意識したせいなんだろう。彼女はまるで”Energizer Rabbit”(人気キャラクター)のようだった。スムーズでパワフル、表現もすごくナチュラルな感じだ。
この時、ちょっとしたトラブルがあって、照明が突然消えて劇場が真っ暗になったんだ。でも、”the show must go on” 歌は流れダンスも続く。突然照明が戻った時、メンバーは何事も無かったように演じ続け、ステージの下手に移動した。今度はちゃんと照らしてくれよ。
ステラが燃えている!手や、身体・頭の動きは、たったひとつの言葉を叫んでいる ”Sexy!” 舞台に上がる前に何を食ってきたのかしらないが、どんどんやってくれ、ステラ! センターのディクよりも輝いていた。ディクにしても,なんら悪いところはなかった。彼女の荒々しく不機嫌なオーラはこの歌によく合っていた。そうなんだけど、でも今夜はステラが燃えていたんだ。
次の歌に入ってもまだメンバーたちはファイヤー・モードだった。「Two years later」と「初日」は完璧だった。僕の正直な感想だけれど、ダンスにおいてはまだ本家と比べられないかもしれないが、表現力について言うなら、言っちゃうけど、彼女たちは完璧、お手本を追い越したかも。
TN : Stella….you.are.amazing. With all that “documentation” in your hands, you could easily extort the girls if they are planning to rebel against you
Japanese Translation by Tokyo Pop
Thanks for the Post. I think it’s necessary to keep post something like this. especially for us who isn’t yet get the opportunity to see their performances at the theatre
Well! I was actually there during the show, and I can only say it’s the best theater performance I’ve ever seen! Although mind you, I’ve been only to J1 Stage twice, soo… well, it might be really biased with my feelings.
But since the first time I went to theater is at 14th of September (D+6 from theater first day), It’s really nice to see the girls had MUCH, MUCH improved than the those older days. The real joy of idoling is beginning to look up now!
Also, as an addition for the field report, there is a moment where the Frieska teased Melo by calling her “tall”, despite the real fact . I don’t know why, but I laughed really hard because of this (Melo is my Oshimen, BTW). I agree that the sisters are pretty good that Sunday.