After Going Through The Final Audition, JKT’s 2nd Generation Members are Selected!


One of those awesome guys who call themselves awesome. Period.

7 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    WTH Aki-Troll, you called them all to Japan only to tell them that they all passed -__-
    GIVE US MORE DRAMA! :evil:

    Well no, it’s already good this way I think, the only bad side is that we will have to remember another 31 names and faces :lol:

    • Angga says:

      Which currently what I’m doing right now :lol: , do you know where I could find those girls profile picture with better quality ? it’s too small to be embedded to the members page :lol:

  2. onel says:

    to be honest..I just don’t get it
    why..oh why
    after going through a lot of forum and discussion group..well.. there are a number of people feel disappointed
    a lot of rumor regarding the member attitude are the main reason (although this is not really acceptable because we haven’t seen them a lot & close to..and hey..we’re not fans of “c3k&ric3k”)

    is this something to do with the group behind the JKT48 project (if you know what i mean) :?:

    but decision have been made
    we’re just “silly” fans who are love so much about 48 family especially JKT48
    as long as there is JKT48 we always support them

    ………………………………… first gen will always be special

  3. takumiRB says:

    Do you know any place that I can double-check audition live streaming?

    Not 100% sure, but I think Aki-P said, this is not the audition to cut the girls….or something like that at the end of the streaming.

    Plus the sudden changes of the schedule for announcement of the audition result…

    I think there must be some gaps of the visions among the managements-J side, RCTI…

    Anyway, to me the result that all girls passed on the audition was not surprising. I think the audition is not to pass or to cut. it’s for checking girls to get the idea how the management structure JKT48 from now on..

    I have no idea how it is going to be. Let’s wait and see.


    Above all, Akicha’s legs are…breatheess

  4. reog says:

    Position matters! :)….Do you know each member name at front row? The photo is really small, its difficult the identify all member at front row?

    • Angga says:

      L-R : Olivia, Nurhalima, Rona, Della, Fakhriyani, Annisa, Alicia Chanzia, Kariin, ?, Cindy Yuvia, Yona, Sinka(?)