Surprise! 2nd Generation Finalist were Introduced to Fans

Another surprise were given by this first idol group in Indonesia. Saturday (October, 13th), JKT48 were not also doing just a signing event, on afternoon, the JKT48 2nd Generation finalist were introduced to the fans. Although this was announced in just a few hours before the event, fans were still crowding the space!
“Althea!“, “Olivia!“, “Viviyona!” and other finalist name were screamed by the fans when they were introduced in f(X). Yep, although they were just introduced officially that day, this successor for Nabilah and friends already have some fans.
“I’m really curious with Althea Callista, I saw her pictures and she looks cute, and now I want to see her for myself,” said Adryansyah, a private college student from Jakarta that came to that event.
So, who’s the finalist that you adored ? Support them so that they can passed the final audition in Japan, okay!