JKT48 and CD Debut Part 02

After a few exchange via comments on this previous topic , there’s a remark by reader PN03 regarding which recording label JKT48 will be under if they ever releases a CD Debut, either a full album or perhaps a single with coupling track (Which the modern local industry never done again, except for indie groups or individuals. The last time I bought a Maxi-Single was Boyzone Single in the 90’s [Love Me for a Reason] , imported and not local musician obviously)
As far as the general public already knows, JKT48 currently is an indie group without any recording label. Although there are some indication that Nagaswara Records seems to be interested in signing them via the Mega Concert last July.
I really don’t know about the concept JKT48 will take, although I think that they’re going to at least sign a contract with one of the recording label here in Indonesia. But there’s still another probability that JKT48 will take the “Titip Jual” system or perhaps known in the English world as a partnership system.
In this system, JKT48 will get help in producing the CD’s and thus cut the production budget and they will have a better chance to have the CD’s in various big name CD stores, but they will have to market the CD themselves with a certain sales requirements stated in a contract. This option ensures that JKT48 will have all the freedom they would like in the recording process with their own Music Director without any interference by a Music Director assigned and appointed by the record label.
The method mentioned above is not really that much used by current groups of local musician though, the last one that I know personally was Hitrow, an AMAZING Jazz band that have daily gigs at Barracuda Cafe at that time and sells the CDs with the “Titip Jual” method via Musica Records if I don’t mistaken. Well, it doesn’t sell pretty well , but enough to cover what needed in the contract. Perhaps some of you already know the vocalist and the keyboardist since both of them once entered the IMB Contest with their children as a family band.
There’s also a lot more method though, such as the Fast Food Restaurant Chain method, but I don’t really know much about this method aside that Agnes Monica market her CD this way and it’s doing pretty well.
Anyway, even though they signed with a record label, I don’t think the label will limit their freedom in recording their own song though, especially with their already (sort of) big name in the industry.
So…I know that this opinion sounded more like a delusional me hoping that they will release a single soon and contradict with my previous writing, but if, this is a big if, they will release a CD , what kind of method do you think they will took ? The signed with a label one, the partnership one or the third method, via a fast food restaurant chain. Please state your opinion on the comment form and let’s start using our imagination once in a while.
Bigger label company mean JKT will get wider distribution link and bigger promotion budget? What if they
release it in JPN too? I guess 48 Central Headquarter (AKS) will chaining JKT to Record Label Company in JPN
and promote them widely in JPN instead of INA. I know it sound stupid but this my honest opinion
Depends tho’, if they decided to signed with one then yes, wider distribution and bigger promotion budget from the label. I’m not really sure about distribution in Japan. The official guide book main license holder is a Japanese company, but I still haven’t heard they published the book there. Tokyo Pop will probably let us know if the official guide book is being released there.
I Hope JKT48 will sign with the one big label in indonesia like Sony/Universal. but i also want JKT48 CD’s is like their sister the packaged the booklet or everything. but since JKT48 is overseas group i don’t think that will happen. I’ll choose they produce the CD’s as Indie and sell at Theater and also Rakunten, I think… for the start it’s a good enough for JKT48
They might have signed with Hits Records as far as the label goes.