Rica’s Meet and Greet in Shibuya, Japan
by Japarta · April 4, 2015

In the JKT48Stuff’s interview with Rica few months ago, she said that she would have a special thing for her fans in Japan. This was it!
In the season when beautiful cherry blossom can seen, Rica Leyona, JKT48 former member, came to Tokyo and joined the fans gathering that was held by JKT48 Fanbase Nippon on March 28th.
In Japan, there are still many JKT48 fans who never have any opportunity to visit Jakarta due to their working schedule and personal reasons. Of course, they can still watch JKT48 performances in Japan from both TV/Internet and special occasion live performances. However, needless to say, fans have a very rare chance to enjoy themselves a special handshake session with JKT48 members. One of those rare chances is the Indonesia Festival in Roppongi, Septemer 2013, that Nabilah, Sendy, and Veranda attended.
Rica graduated from JKT48 last December. Some of Rica fans in Japan hoped that Rica would come to Japan to attend their fans gathering in which they then organized an executive committee, while one of Rica fans in Jakarta helped them to contact Rica and propose it. Luckily, Rica was willingly to come to Tokyo and to see the Sakuras as well, so finally it came true.
The Venue and Fans
The venue of the fans gathering was located in a building usually used for wedding parties in Shibuya, Tokyo. A total of 35 fans out of the committee’s estimation of 36 attendees, who are either JKT48 fans or Rica oshi, gathered at the venue on the same day AKB48 held their handshake event. They get to know the event via the G+ of JKT48 Fanbase Nippon, its owner’s blog and social medias.
When fans applied to this fans gathering in advance, they had to write their nickname on the web applying form. So, when fans entered in the venue, they were given a special tag and a photo of Rica in it. The fans nickname itself was written on the tag by Rica. It was quite good idea to make Rica to know fans’ names easily during the MnG, and fans also could take it home as a souvenir.
After entering the hall, fans enjoyed buffet style lunch and drinks for around 30 minutes. During the fans gathering, they were able to eat and drink anytime they want. It seemed half of them already know each other, and there were 5 ladies fans also.
Finally it was the time Rica appeared in the hall. A video introducing Rica’s history in JKT48 was played on the screen, it was a cool video made by a fan. Rica then appeared with “Gingham Check” as the background music, wearing a Japanese “maid” costume. The sound of the fans clapping their hands and their “Rica!” shout welcomed her to the venue.
Talk and Q&A session
The 1st session was Q&A for breaking the ice, although personally, I think the ice was already melted the first time she entered the venue, Hahaha. A total of 4 fans asked her. One of the questions was “If you are allowed to vote in next JKT48 Sousenkyo, who are the members you will put your vote to?” in which Rica answered, “All of them. Because they are still my family.”
Then the MC asked “Don’t you vote more to your close friends than to others?” in which Rica then answered “No. Hehehe.” It was obviously a trap question, but she kept herself composed all the time.
The special thing about this session is when Rica herself asked the fans things she wanted to know about the fandom and the fans themselves. This was made to avoid one way communication as it was also a good idea to make fans feels closer to Rica.
Game session
There were two provided, one was stop watch game and the other was pedometer game. There were six tables with six fans sitting on each. Fans in the same table became a group, and they selected one game they wanted.
Maybe you know stop watch game because in Indonesian TV program “YOKOSO” many members did it. However, it was unique in this MnG. Each fan had to stop it at 15 seconds without seeing it, but Rica stood in front of him, closely, face to face, while trying to disturb the fans concentration by saying things such as “Hello, do you like me?”, “I love you!”, and some sort of other things.
One who succeeded to stopped it the closest to 15 seconds would be the winner in the table. As expected, all fans who tried this game were all awkwardly disturbed by Rica’s sweet words, there were many whose time were over 30 seconds. They should get a penalty because they enjoyed long sweet time with Rica. Hahaha.
And pedometer game, Rica and six fans in the same table attached a pedometer to their belt and danced the first verse of “KFC” together. And the winner was whom the number of steps showed in his pedometer would be closed to Rica’s. In the first group, Rica’s counter showed 199, and 90 was the closest among 6 fans.
Meanwhile on the second group, there was a fan shouting, “Hey guys! Let me show you my Shania’s 360 Hey-Hey-Hey™!!” Hahaha. Rica made 194 on this second time around. Wow, quite stable! And 84 was the highest among 6 fans. Rica’s body is small but she showed the scale of her dance, it’s quite big. She made us remember that she graduated JKT48 just a mere four months ago. Great!
After the game, 6 winners were given Rica’s photo with her signature.
Karaoke session
Before the karaoke session, Rica changed her cloth to Indonesian traditional “Kebaya” with Batik motives. She’s really cute in it.
She sang “Gingham Check” followed by ”First Rabbit” with fans’ twin guitar live. She said she is not good at singing, but honestly her singing was good enough.
Then, it was the chance for fans to duet with Rica. Before singing, a fan who wanted to duet played RPS with Rica. If Rica won, they would have to sing in Bahasa Indonesia. If the fan won, they would sing in Japanese. For Japanese fans who lost the RPS, “Katakana lyrics” were provided.
They selected the song among “Heavy Rotation”, ”Kimi no Koto ga Suki dakara”, “Shonichi”, “KFC” and “River”. First and second fan lost the RPS, so they sang in Bahasa Indonesia. But things took a sweet turn when the third fan, a lady, also lost the RPS. Rica suddenly said, “Let me sing in Japanese!” She is so kind! They sang “Heavy Rotation” in Japanese. She kept the fans and the event atmosphere on her thought all the time, she made a good mood there.
The special in this session was all fans sang “Sakura no Hanabira tachi” together with Rica in Bahasa Indonesia. Fans tried to sing it with Katakana lyrics. In the last part of the song, sudden drops of beautiful tears flowed from Rica’s eyes.
Handshake and Two Shot Session
It was the first time for many fans who haven’t got a chance to go to Jakarta to have this kind of rare opportunity. Fans held Rica’s hand and tried to talk to her without any translator. They also allowed to take two shot pictures with any kind of pose they wanted. All fans were happy and enjoyed their time.
Oh yes, there was a surprise! Nachu, SDN48 former member as well as a gal calligrapher, came to the venue to see Rica! Nachu once performed her calligraphy skill in Jakarta and she knows Rica personally. She heard that there would be a Rica’s MnG Event in Shibuya, and she decided to came to see her separated by a thousand miles friend. Thanks, Nachu! We were lucky to see you!
To close the MnG, Rica walk to each table and gave her original photo to each fans. During the MnG, Rica was quite friendly as she is. I’m sure fans attending the MnG felt the distance is now closer between them and Rica.
I consider myself a lucky one who often visited Jakarta and enjoyed JKT48 theater as well as handshake event many times. I am one of JKT48stuff’s “Jadilah Nekad Tour” staffs that supported some of the overseas fans that visiting Jakarta for JKT48 activities. However, long I hoped that the fans who have less chance to visit Jakarta could have a very rare chance to enjoy handshake with JKT48 members here in Japan.
Even if Rica is a former member, I felt very happy to see JKT48 fans in Japan could get their rare chance for a Meet and Greet. It’s a dream came true.
Well, I didn’t take any two shot photo with Rica myself. But, I think this will do?
Thanks for all who joined Rica’s MnG! Because of your kind cooperation, the event went sailing smooth.
Thanks Rica, you made a big success in this MnG. All fans attending the MnG were happy. We’re looking forward to meeting you again!
美しい桜の花が見れる季節、元JKT48メンバーのリカ・レヨナが東京にやってきてJKT48 Fanbase Nipponが主催した3月28日のオフ会に参加しました。
オフ会の会場は東京の渋谷。ここはよく結婚パーティに使われます。JKT48 Fanbase NipponのG+、ファンベース・オーナーのブログ、ソーシャル・ネットワークでこのオフ会を知った35人、JKTファンやリカ推しが集まりました。同じ日にはAKB48の握手会がありましたが、35人というのは実行委員会が予想した36人とほぼ同じでした。
皆さんもストップウオッチゲームを多分ご存知だと思います。「YOKOSO」というテレビ番組でメンバーがやっていましたよね。でもこのMnGではユニークでした。ファンがストップウオッチを見ないで15秒で止めるのですが、リカはファンの前に接近して向き合って立ちそれを邪魔するんです。「ハロー!私のこと好き?」とか「I love you!」とか。15秒に一番近かった人がそのテーブルの優勝者になるのですが、予想通り全員が「Gesrek(のぼせた状態)」になってしまい、30秒近い人が続出。こんな長い甘い時間をリカと過ごせたんだから、そういう人たちにはペナルティがあればよかったですね。ハハハ。
私自身、何度もジャカルタに行ってJKT48劇場や握手会を楽しめるラッキーな人間でした。JKT48StuffのJadilah Nekatツアーのスタッフの一人として、ジャカルタでJKT48の活動を見たいという海外ファンのお手伝いも時々させていただきました。しかし、ジャカルタに行く機会がめったに無い日本にいるファンが日本でJKT48メンバーと握手するチャンスがあればいいなとずっと思っていました。卒業メンバーではあるけれど、今回はリカと日本のJKT48ファンがMnGを楽しむのを見ることができて、自分もとてもハッピーな気持ちに。
Wow looks like everyone really had a great time! So pleased to hear about so many happy fans in Japan having a good time
If only someday JKT48 could have a sub unit like “dream musume”, wanna see SOME former members
If only someday JKT48 could have a sub unit like “dream morning musume”, wanna see SOME former members
Otsukare-sama Minna-san ^^
I’m happy to hear that Japanese fans are really enthusiastic to see Rica. Even Rica said she doesn’t want to go home. haha.
waaaaa rica…
fans who attending the MnG look happy
thank you Japarta-san for your sweet story…
Thanks for sharing. Reading this put a smile on my face