Hey, Happy Birthday!
by Torque · November 2, 2012
Earlier than the calendar. KARENDAA yori hayaku. Or in JKT48’s version of the song, “Lebih cepat dari hari di kalender.”
The time surely went so fast this year for JKT48 fans, ever since the first time the group ever made an impact to the fans. This exact day, one year ago, 28 members were selected to be the first generation of the group. The first ever AKB48’s overseas sister group, with many people questioning if the group would ever success, not a few people were against the formation of JKT48. Some hated the decision to make an overseas sister group.
“カレンダーより早く~” JKT48バージョンで言うと、“Lebih cepat dari hari di kalender.”
One year later, the group is on its peak. And they keep rising. Through many hardships, many hatreds, many tears, they keep moving forward. Sometimes I envy their strength. I kept questioning myself: how could they sustain such hardships? We saw the members collapsing, but never before they ceased to surprise me with their smiles, they kept smiling, even though they’re having such a hard time.
But I realized, if it wasn’t for the fans, they wouldn’t be this strong. If it wasn’t for us, they wouldn’t have sustained the hardships, if it wasn’t for us they would’ve quit. For those reasons, I will keep supporting them. And I am sure you will also keep supporting them. Because they’re our idols. Let’s give our best at supporting the group, because we are their reason to keep fighting. Let’s keep fighting for them as well.
Sorry for being so dramatic and all, but currently I’m trying hard not to cry shed a tear, haha. Let’s hope it will be another great year for JKT48. Hey, happy birthday!
Japanese Translation by Tokyo Pop
“Through many hardships, many hatreds, many tears, they keep moving forward. ” <-- this, exactly my sentiment.
“カレンダーより早く~” JKT48バージョンで言うと、“Lebih cepat dari hari di kalender.”
Thanks, Tokyo Pop!