Field Report for 2nd Gen KKS Theater: Part 2 (Members Edition)
While my previous FR was about the atmosphere of the Gen 2 shows, this post will be more focused on my quick thoughts on the members who were performing. It’ll be a short list!
My quick thoughts on 2nd Gen Members:
1. Welcome Acha, the new QUEEN of Junjou Shogi. (I haven’t seen Dhike’s or Ghaida’s performances yet….) but Alicia’s sensual body and fine curves surprisingly fit all contours of her center costume PERFECTLY! And this makes her such a sexy figure to watch. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off Acha during this song!
2. Delia (my favourite Gen 2 member!) is the shortest and this also happens to make her look verrry cute! keep a lookout for her, you won’t miss her. In my friend’s words (name kept anonymous) ..”She is 16 but she looks like the youngest of all the members.”
3. Noella’s Gokigen Naname Na Mermaid costume seems to be that of Shanju’s. And the way she parts her hair and holds the mic, totally reminds me of Shanju. It’s funny, because I don’t think they resemble each other at all, but only when Noella puts on this costume, it eerily reminds me of Shania so much.
4. Uty hairstyle and position also reminds me of Ochi.
5. The loudest member cheers seem to be for the following members; Cindy Yuvia, Rona, Hanna, Nii-chan and Yona.
6. Nadila likes to tease Cinvia during the MC sections…. like, during the MC sections and when talking about the meaning of the unit songs and for Kissu Shite, Nadila will keep teasing Cindy about what’s the meaning and Cindy will get all blushy and embarrassed. Nadila will then tease Cindy, “Ooo so who kissed you?” and stuff. Watching this teasing and embarrassed reaction of Cindy is a great thing to look forward to during the MCs because Cindy is soooooooooo cute when that happens! Just ask my friend who quickly fell head into heels and wrote her a fan letter just after 1 show!
7. I think Vienny takes on her role in Temo Demo no Namida very well.. and I’m not sure who is the HebiRote center (I think it rotates between Rona and Noella(or is it Vienny?) but these centers are certainly doing a good job.. and I’m sure they will get better. Most certainly, I am looking forward to their other single versions, such as Ponytail and Aitakatta.
8. These members certainly trained well. They did not suffer from the usual “AHHHHH…. took too long to wear the shiroi shirt!” syndrome during “Baju Putih” and so far, they have hit the timing very well.
9. Gen 2’s Boku No Sakura version also makes me emotional, albeit it is not as powerful as Gen 1’s yet. My most impeccable memory of Boku no Sakura will be seeing Sonya’s real tears and emotions welling out of her during her birthday show back in May 2012, the first ever theater weekend for JKT48.
10. Watching the Gen 2 theater is great if you like 1) Tall girls 2) Lolis Better if you like both XD
11. Yup, this remains the only time when you can get a handshake and a little bit more time to talk to the girls at the end of every theater. While some of us were hoping for 2 shots (like in the first theater in May 2012), oh well a handshake is still as good!
12. I am of the opinion that more love should be shown to the backdancers that appear first, right after the encore call. Clap your hands with them! Call their names! Have fun together! I bet I am not the only one who feels like the backdancers are not appreciated enough. Lydia and Karin seems popular but show some love to the others too, guys!
13. I still (and I bet most others) still can’t figure out how to member call Thalia’s name (Tata?) or Natalia’s name (Naty? Nata-lia?) So someone please ask them or resolve among yourselves which member name is the best option!!
14. Nii-chan’s long, exaggerated member jikoushokai remains almost as explosive as Ghaida’s and is probably the most energetic for a single member’s intro. Others that come close are Nadila’s Pow Pow Pow Pow and also Karin’s Pikarina.
Yep, I think that about ends it off! Feel free to disagree with my observations and do share what you think too! And here’s to seeing more of the true Gen 2 members personalities in time to come! Till then, stay well folks!
Check out Part 1 of the Field Report here —>