JKT48 Summer Sounds Good Handshake Festival

Pitra Satvika

An interactive communications guy who loves to explore the possibility of mixing technology, social media, and branding (almost) everyday. Also a JKT48 fan. Check my own blog at http://pitra.media-ide.com and http://www.media-ide.com.

5 Responses

  1. HERMAN says:

    I remember that old day, when Vanka cried heavily because she didn’t make it to Team K3. But now, look at her. Bathing in her pride with the infamous Team J. Damn! It’s like a fairy tale, isn’t it? (Or it is?)

  2. tomomo says:

    well, i hope the next HS is better than now……
    i am very concern about the trash bin, well that’s a classic problem in Indonesia
    not only JKT48 HS event but almost every big event
    as fans this is our time to change this habit, not only ourself but our friends and family when go to HS in the next time.
    (sorry my opinion too long, hehehe :) )
    congrats for new members

  3. galaxy48 says:

    hello guys, a newbie here.. I went to yesterday HS event and it’s the best 10 sec ever(sorry because it’s my first time :-D ) and congrats for vanka and rachel!!

  1. February 25, 2014

    […] think Pitra already told a story about the online ticketing in his report. To make it short, we, those who bought the tickets online, will have to manually redeem our […]