Viviyona Apriani

Revision for “Viviyona Apriani” created on July 24, 2013 @ 21:29:46 [Autosave]

Viviyona Apriani
[column size="two-third"] <hr /> [toc heading_levels="1,3"] <h1>Official Guidebook Vol.02 2013 Entry</h1> <blockquote><strong>Strengths</strong>: Singing <strong>Weaknesses</strong>: Shy <strong>Dishes you are most proud of</strong>: Soup, Nasi Goreng <strong>Favorite words</strong>: Dreams <strong>Goals</strong>: Traveler <strong>Ideal boyfriend type</strong>: Handsome and kind <strong>Things you want to do if reborn as a boy</strong>: Karate <strong>The most remembered moments after joining JKT48 and the reason</strong>: Pajama Drive shonichi. Because I could perform well after months of training. <strong>Your reason in joining [JKT48] audition</strong>: Want to try new challenges <strong>Celebrities you want to meet</strong>: Utada Hikaru <strong>The most respected member of family beside parents</strong>: My Grandmother</blockquote> [success]The dreamer who refuse to give up, I'm Yona[/success] <h3>Likes anime, music, and Japanese culture</h3> "<em>I like Japanese culture,</em>" said Yona when she explain the reason why she joins JKT48. Since in grade school, anime and japanese music are always close to her. Yona also likes to do cosplay in cosplay event and japanese culture festival. Not only that, this 19 years old girl also good at drawing. "<em>Since joining JKT48, I'm able to learn many things about singing, dancing, and photoshoot,</em>" said Yona when she tried to remember her experiences in JKT48. "<em>I want to find my own character in JKT48,</em>" she continued. Among JKT48 members, Yona is a calm older sister figure. But the oldest girl of second generation members is always giggling when she sees the funny behavior of her little sisters. Yona has just entered the English Literature Major at college. <hr /> <h1>YouTube Profile</h1> [youtube=] &nbsp; [tabs] [tab title="English"] <blockquote>My name is Viviyona Apriani and I'm 18 y.o. People always think that I'm a reserved girl but actually I'm quite talkative. People also tell me that my stare often looks like my mind is blank but it was actually me feeling a little bit drowsy. I hope with me in JKT48 I could paint some new color to JKT48's journey. I'm hoping to be a member that could help JKT48 reach their success internationally. </blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] 私の名前は、フィフィヨナ・アプリアニ、18歳です。大人しい女子だとよく思われますが、ほんとはとても話好きなんです。また、よくうつろな目をしていると言われますが、少し物憂げに見えるところはあるかも。 私は自分の加入がJKT48の将来にちょっとでも違うカラーを出すことになればと思っています。JKT48が国際的に成功できるよう頑張りたいと思います。 [/tab] [/tabs] [/column] [column size="one-third" last="true"] <a href=""><img src="" alt="K-Yona" width="417" height="417" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4608" /></a> [tabs] [tab title="English"] <h4>[CALM DREAMER]</h4> <blockquote><strong>Yona 13 APRIL 1994 154CM/-KG/B ARIES @Yona_JKT48</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] <blockquote><strong>ヨナ 1994年4月13日生 154cm/-kg/B型 牡羊座 @Yona_JKT48</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [/tabs] [/column] <br />

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July 24, 2013 @ 21:29:46 [Autosave] Angga
July 10, 2013 @ 03:11:34 Angga