Martha Graciela

Revision for “Martha Graciela” created on September 23, 2014 @ 13:53:03

Martha Graciela
[column size="two-third"] <hr /> [toc heading_levels="1,3"] <h1>Jakarta Shimbun Entry</h1> <blockquote><strong>Special ability & Hobby:</strong> Singing, dancing <strong>Favorite word:</strong> "Let's eat"</blockquote> <h3>Sweets lover</h3> She loves sweets. She often goes to restaurants and cafes together with her family. Her favorites, especially, are pancakes and ice cream. During holidays, she sometimes goes to the pancake specialty shop with Anin or Michelle, third generation members, or cooks it by herself and eats at home. She says, "I love the sweet smell." She even buys and eats ice cream at a convenience store after her dance lessons. Recently, her favorite thing is to enjoy squid dishes at Bandar Jakarta, a famous seafood restaurant in Jakarta. She thought, "I want to become an idol," when she saw the Japanese idol group Buono! on TV when she was younger. She knows AKB48 well. She is aiming to be a member like Mayu Watanabe. She says, "Because she is pretty cute." She wants to study acting in Hollywood in the future. Her goal is to become an actress. "Because I think the competition in the acting world is so tough that it is worthwhile for me," she said with a smile. <em>English Translation by Japarta QC by RHKilis</em> <hr /> <br /> [/column] [column size="one-third" last="true"] <a href=""><img src="" alt="Grace" width="417" height="417" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9424" /></a> <br /> [tabs] [tab title="English"] <h4></h4> <blockquote><strong>Grace 5 MARCH 1999 155CM/-KG/A PISCES @M_GraceJKT48</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] <blockquote><strong>マルタ・グラシエラ グレース 1999年3月5日生 155cm/-kg/A型 魚座</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [/tabs] [/column]

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
September 23, 2014 @ 13:53:03 Richardson Kilis
September 23, 2014 @ 09:19:33 Angga
September 23, 2014 @ 09:19:27 [Autosave] Angga
May 8, 2014 @ 21:01:42 Angga