Fakhiryani Shafariyanti

Revision for “Fakhiryani Shafariyanti” created on July 24, 2013 @ 22:53:49 [Autosave]

Fakhiryani Shafariyanti
[column size="two-third"] <hr /> [toc heading_levels="1,3"] <h1>Official Guidebook Vol.02 2013 Entry</h1> <blockquote><strong>Strength</strong>: Never giving up, humble. <strong>Weakness</strong>: Shy, not confident with herself, forgetful. <strong>Hobbies</strong>: Listening to songs, playing basketball, dancing, watch movies, reading, photography. <strong>Self-made food she's proud of</strong>: Fried rice, doughnuts, omelets, instant noodles. <strong>Least favourite food</strong>: All spicy food. <strong>Favourite motto</strong>: Don't think about the result, the most important thing is to keep fighting! <strong>Goal</strong>: Becoming a successful woman; providing for her parents to go on a pilgrimage, becoming a photographer. <strong>Happiest moments</strong>: Being praised by her parents for the things she has done. <strong>Most memorable thing after joining JKT48</strong>: Always being picked up and supported by her mom. <strong>Closest member in JKT48</strong> : Annisa. </blockquote> [success]Let’s go everybody! ~teret teret teret~ My dance... will make you smile and feel energetic! I’m Shafa.[/success] <h3>I want to make my shyness disappear</h3> “<em>My performances are still not satisfying enough, I also can’t sing that well. So I want to improve myself through learning from my mistakes and the things that I can not do yet.</em>” said Shafa vigorously. Shafa have been dancing since elementary school, from traditional to modern dance and she likes the Black Eyed Peas. “<em>I want to reduce my shyness</em>” said Shafa when asked her about the reason why she joined JKT48. Shafa, who has trouble during her performances, claimed that she was inspired to go further and become better because of her senior, Rica Leyona. Her hobby is photography. She loves to take pictures of her family and the expressions coming from them. She also likes to read comics, especially Naruto. Since she declaring herself as an Otaku, Shafa feels closer to Annisa. <hr /> <h1>YouTube Profile</h1> [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PgJNJMh7dA&w=640] &nbsp; [tabs] [tab title="English"] <blockquote>Hello, my name is Shafa. People told me that I'm a chameleon in nature, and Ka Nisa told me that I'm a laid back person. I kinda reserved in person, rarely do some communication and shy. My hobby is listening to songs and reading comic book. I got a lot of friends here in JKT48, and I really happy to find a best friend here. She's funny and weird at the same time. I wanna be better than before and make my parents proud of me. I also want to learn much from my seniors, and I want JKT48 to go international more and more and more like AKB48.</blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] こんにちは、私の名前はシャファです。私の性格はカメレオンみたいだってよく言われます。姉のニサはわたしのことをのんびりしていると言います。自分では控えめだと思うし、人と話すのも苦手で恥ずかしがりやです。 趣味は音楽を聴くことと漫画を読むことです。JKT48に入って沢山友達が出来たし、親友も見つけました。その娘は面白くてちょっと変なのよ。私はもっと成長して、両親の誇りになりたいです。先輩からももっと学びたいし、JKT48がAKB48みたいにもっともっと世界中で有名になりたいと思います。 [/tab] [/tabs] [/column] [column size="one-third" last="true"] <a href="http://www.jkt48stuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Trainee-Shafa.jpg"><img src="http://www.jkt48stuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Trainee-Shafa.jpg" alt="Trainee-Shafa" width="417" height="417" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4597" /></a> [tabs] [tab title="English"] <h4>[DANCING OTAKU]</h4> <blockquote><strong>Shafa 14 JULY 1995 156CM/-KG/O CANCER @Shafa_JKT48</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] <blockquote><strong>ファヒルヤニ・シャファリヤンティ シャファ 156cm/--kg/O型 蟹座</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [/tabs] [/column] <br />

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July 24, 2013 @ 22:53:49 [Autosave] Angga
July 10, 2013 @ 00:17:38 Angga