Feni Fitriyanti

Revision for “Feni Fitriyanti” created on September 23, 2014 @ 13:38:42

Feni Fitriyanti
[column size="two-third"] <hr /> [toc heading_levels="1,3"] <h1>Jakarta Shimbun Entry</h1> <blockquote><strong>Special ability:</strong> Traditional dance "Jaipong" <strong>Hobby:</strong> Swimming, dancing, singing, cycling <strong>Favorite word:</strong> "Do the best"</blockquote> <h3>It's good to feel the breeze with cycling</h3> "One of the good things (about cycling) is I can feel the breeze." She says with a smile that she loves cycling. She always goes by bicycle to go around her neighborhood while talking with friends or to visit a friend's house. She was told by her mother that she is too young and that a mountain bicycle is still dangerous for her, but she mutters, "I want to try it when I become old enough." Her special ability is Jaipong, a traditional dance originating from Java. Her grandmother was a teacher in a dance school, so she had been taught dancing since she was five years old. She had once participated in a regional competition in Cianjur, West Java. Her dream for the future is to open a clothing store. "I want to make my shop like my own dresser and display clothes. I hope somebody will buy them if they are interested," she said. "For now, I will do my best in JKT," she also said with her shining eyes. <em>English Translation by Japarta QC by RHKilis</em> <hr /> <h1>Video Profile</h1> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROwniZ7gJMQ <br /> <blockquote>Hi all, my name is Feni Fitriyanti. You can call me Feni and I am 15 years old. People say I am talkative, hyperactive, prankster. But you know what, I really itch if I see someone who is lazy head. It feels like that kind of person deserves a tease from me. My motivation to be JKT48 member is to make my parent proud and I would like to be an inspiration for many people. Also I want to improve my talent here. I hope JKT48 can perform in many countries and JKT48 could advance more and better than now. One more thing, I expect a hydraulic stage for JKT48 because it will be very cool. If we have an outdoor performance with hydraulic stage, I can see those stars up in the sky, sun also. Thank you, bye!</blockquote> <em>English Translation by Tilly</em> <br /> [/column] [column size="one-third" last="true"] <a href="http://www.jkt48stuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Feni.jpg"><img src="http://www.jkt48stuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Feni.jpg" alt="Feni" width="417" height="417" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9408" /></a> <br /> [tabs] [tab title="English"] <h4></h4> <blockquote><strong>Feni 16 JANUARY 1999 156CM/-KG/O CAPRICORN @F_FeniJKT48</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [tab title="日本語"] <blockquote><strong>フェニ・フィトゥリヤンティ フェニ 1999年1月16日生 156cm/-kg/O型 山羊座</strong></blockquote> [/tab] [/tabs] [/column] <br />

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
September 23, 2014 @ 13:38:42 Richardson Kilis
September 23, 2014 @ 13:38:18 Richardson Kilis
September 23, 2014 @ 09:11:47 Angga
September 23, 2014 @ 09:11:32 [Autosave] Angga
July 14, 2014 @ 22:32:58 Angga
May 8, 2014 @ 20:28:17 Angga