Translation: JKT48 on South Korea’s SBS 8 News

Richardson Kilis

Richardson H. Kilis is a U.S.-educated Indonesianist who studies the relationship of technology and cultural exchange.

4 Responses

  1. Kaca Luthfi says:

    Hello, how are you, Wonderful Indonesia?

  2. Annie Tjia says:

    I watched few early episodes, and my favorite one is about Akihabara. I hope there’s also a segment when JKT48 members from Japan would travel around Indonesia to make a balance.

  3. wisnu says:

    No way korean can beat japanese charisma. Indonesian people loves japan since long time because we kow japanese are guts people like us. Only brave knows the brave.
    About music, Indonesian has great taste in music. Most of us say kpop sucks. Can any korean beat ahmad dhani great songs?