Shining Sonya!: Graduation Announcement Report

Richardson Kilis

Richardson H. Kilis is a U.S.-educated Indonesianist who studies the relationship of technology and cultural exchange.

3 Responses

  1. wmlx says:

    I must say I’m very surprised that Sonya decided to leave. My money was on her transferring to TPE48 due to her heritage and ability to speak Mandarin. That said, she already existed within the Indonesian entertainment circle before JKT48, so JKT48 was probably just another stepping stone for her.

    My personal take is that she had started to hit the middle ceiling: moderately popular, but unlikely to be at the same level as Melody or Nabilah. So one moves on.

    • gorgom says:

      I doubt that she will transferred to TPE48, it’s much more likely that she will transferred to OJS48.


      Joke aside but, I totally agree with you that she had hit the middle ceiling. I like Sonya even before she joined JKT48. She had more “presence” back then, and now I feel that she buried under Melody and Nabilah shadows. So yeah, I hope the best of luck for her, so I can still watch her on TV. :wink:

  2. musicliche says:

    really love the article about jkt48, especially about sonya .. and i agree with u, jkt48 probably just another stepping stone for her.