Interview Corner: Meeghan Henry of Girl Radical

Meeghan Henry Tirtasaputra

Richardson Kilis

Richardson H. Kilis is a U.S.-educated Indonesianist who studies the relationship of technology and cultural exchange.

5 Responses

  1. Annie Tjia says:

    The first one again :lol:

    So JC is kind of making 48corp like a role model for Girl Radical Project. But I think it won’t be the same as 48 at all, but more into K-pop. Meeghan herself already had been trained and already familiar of showbiz life, and I’m sure the other members had also done before joining GR. In 48 most girls didn’t have any carrier experience in entertainment and just start to when joining 48group. Well, still not sure how to react or comment. Let’s just support JKT48 instead of bothering ourself with other group :D

    I still appreaciated the article, though. :)

  2. AnakDekan says:

    and hoping that someday Meeghan (and Tania) will watch JKT48 Teather too and meet all the members,hehehe

  3. kyon-kun says:

    well, at least, she’s more proud of Indonesia than that Miss CL Kiehl :v