JKT48 Missions Episode 05 Subtitle


Just another lazy author for JKT48Stuff whom mainly working with translations and sometimes writing articles about JKT48 with an obvious grammar problem. Was living his life as a JKT48 DD until...

11 Responses

  1. Megaaleon says:

    Mr Angga, why you never updating about jkt48 mission or BSG video at S48 anymore? I think most people watching your video comin from there……

  2. Tomo says:

    Really? Is Melo called as “Obasan” by all the rest members? She is just 21(?) years old. She is young and needs to be a real “Obasan” for many years.
    We have better donnot call her “Obasan” till she will be 30 :wink:

    • JK21 says:

      is real… her style and her attitude, is more matured and more likely “obasan” than other member that same age with her… she like mother of JKT… :)

    • benimaru says:

      the oldest is actually Rica..

      but yes, Melody actions is like javanese conservative women AKA jadul, yet very graceful and beautiful..

      me seen few vids somewhere about her, the way she eats, speaks, even walks is very different among the other members..

      and most surprising is; she knows her pace.. she can seperate perfectly the way to behave as an idol when in public or as a usual college student..

      Nabilah really, really needs to learn from her alot :)

  3. KageTora says:

    Someone in Japan should show this Video to Ohno Gogo (Jinrikhisa-man) :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder what will he say … realizing that he had been flirted by an idol

  4. harunatu aki says:


    • Japarta says:

      私もまだ 慣れていないんですwww

