Ghaida Announced Her Graduation


Just another lazy author for JKT48Stuff whom mainly working with translations and sometimes writing articles about JKT48 with an obvious grammar problem. Was living his life as a JKT48 DD until...

9 Responses

  1. HERMAN says:

    HOLEE SHEEEEEET!! Another gradution (again)? Gimme a break, will ya? Goddammit man! What’s wrong with them. It looks like being such an idol ain’t as good as it’s seen. What a mess!

    • Angga says:

      Hmm, I don’t think this got anything to do with popularity or money. I don’t want to speculate much further, but this probably got something to do with her health issues and/or studies.

      Judging (and speculating) from her words that she will be leaving after the new set-list is done is probably meant that she will stay temporarily until her time to graduate comes. Hopefully next year.

      We still have to wait for the official words on this matter to prevent further speculations.

      One thing I hope and I trust is that Ghaida will never spouted any nonsense on local television show.

  2. Tokyo Pop says:

    当サイトの寄稿者の一人であるSergio Marioがショーの現場にいたが、メンバーは一様にガイダの突然の発表にショックを受けていたようで、ほとんどのメンバーは事前に知らなかったように思われる。

  3. djt says:

    Well i hope the best for her :)
    now i’m just sit and relax wait until official announce it …
    anyway I hope she still do her job to perform on theater, if yes, then i would not worry on what Angga said regarding interview with Local TV ^^

  4. Chris says:

    I’m sad, really ..
    I saw the first show of the anniversary event,
    and there’s no glimpse of sadness or whatever from ghaida .. so it’s really surprising.

  5. sastrawan digdaya says:

    Here’s hoping that she will do well on her future endeavour.
    Her departure is a loss, and she will forever be missed.

    I wish her no less than the best.


  6. xzerozero says:

    another graduation…??
    i’am a fan of her…
    at first when she sick for the second time, people start blabbing about another grad, but she said everything was okay so i feel relieve.
    but now…. :(

  7. sultan says:

    she got sick a lot. i hope she can take care of her own health.
    wish all the best for her. :)

  8. anakdekan says:

    Breaking News : Ghaida Announces that she will stays at JKT48 at the last MC in tonight for complete live report search hashtag #ganbatteghaida at twitter